You Know I Make You Wanna Scream


You know that feeling that you get when you know that something bad is going to happen? Well, I was experiencing that right now. I didn’t know what they were planning, but as soon as I saw Randi disappear into that dark hallway, I felt as if my stomach was on fire – burning with fear of what will happen next.

Synyster said that as long as I do whatever he wants me to, he will let Randi go…and if I don’t, well then Randi dies. But how the hell would I ever know that she made it back alright? “Where are you taking Randi?” I asked him once he and I were the only ones in the room.

He shrugged as he sat down way too close next to me. “Why does it matter? I mean, there’s nothing that you can do about it, so it’s best if you just don’t know.”

He can’t honestly expect me to just sit back and spend the rest of my days wondering if my best friend made it out alive. Rage was slowly building up inside of me, and usually when that happens, I tend to act without doing to much thinking beforehand.

I wanted to just yell at him so badly, but that would just end up being a big mistake, right? All I could do for now is think…even though like I said, in times like these that’s not my specialty.

I didn’t even realize it, but I had spent ten minutes staring out into space, looking at absolutely nothing. And somehow that nothingness was exactly what I needed to come up with a brilliant plan. I just needed to wait till the perfect time to strike.

By now, I could tell that this was really starting to bore Synyster, so he just turned the TV on watching some repeat episode of That ‘70’s Show. I hope that those guys get Randi out of here as soon as possible, because I don’t know how much longer I can wait before carrying out my plan.

*Randi’s POV*

“Where the hell are you taking me?” I demanded, knowing that I was being dragged by Zacky down a dark hallway, even though I couldn’t see.

“We’re taking you back to your house, dumbass,” the Rev said, opening the sliding door to what I’m guessing is a van.

“Are you being serious?” I asked, not really believing it…I mean how could I possibly trust these assholes? None of them decided to answer me, and all I felt were my wrists being locked in chains or something that must be attached to the van’s side or something.

Yeah, all my other senses have become like ten times better since my vision was taken away. I kind of felt like that one superhero dude who was blind…was that Daredevil, maybe? Anyway, I’m willing to bet that they think I’m totally defenseless, and I’m going to use that to my advantage.

Someone started up the engine and I felt the weight of the back area of the van go down as someone stepped inside with me and then shut the trunk door behind them. Judging by the dramatic adjustment in the weight, I’m guessing that it’s Shadows, my favorite! Please tell me you noticed the sarcasm?

After about 15 minutes in nothing but silence, Shadows decided to break the tension. “I’d say this has gotta be the perfect payback scenario,” he said with excitement in his voice as he taped something up and down onto his hand…probably something like a baseball bat or maybe a metal pipe.

“For me or for you? Because for me, I’d prefer to have my eyesight when I kick your ass, but I guess this will just have to do,” I said, sounding like a complete smartass, as I always do.

He laughed a little, then said, “Oh, I am going to enjoy this, you bitch.”

I could hear the swatting sound of him bringing his weapon down toward me…it was aimed at my face. I quickly dodged to the left just in time to hear whatever it was slam violently into the metal wall of the van and a disappointed grunt from Shadows.

“Lucky move. I know you won’t be able to do that again,” he said with a cocky tone. I beg to differ.

He brought down the weapon again and it was headed for my leg. I lifted my leg up, allowing what I’m pretty sure is the baseball bat to hit the floor and then I used my leg that was in the air to attempt to kick him in the face, but he totally saw me coming.

He tightly grasped onto my ankle, but he’s crazy if he thought I was done there. I used my free leg to then attack him from the other side, and hit his skull head-on. 1 for me, Zippo for Shadows! This is unusually, and ironically, entertaining to me…

I guess that Shadows just doesn’t know when to quit…I mean, I should probably thank him for giving me such a good work out. I’d start laughing at him, but then he might try to kill me and if they really are taking me back home, I’d rather not die before I get there.

And after what felt like forever, the van finally came to a stop and I’m pretty sure we’re back by the condos near the college I was supposed to be attending by now. Someone took of the chains and then grabbed me by my hair and pulled me close enough to them so they could whisper in my ear.

“Listen bitch, we’re letting you go. And if you tell one single fucking cop or anyone about our names or what our house looks like we are going to know, and we will make sure you suffer the most slow and painful death, understand?”

Psh, like I would really be scared from that threat? They must be retarded if they think that I’m not going to tell anyone about this! I nodded my head and they finally let me go, pushing me inside me and Myra’s condo.

This feels like a dream or something…I never thought I’d get a chance to be back here again. I heard the door slam shut behind me and then the wheels of their van squealing as they speeded away – out of my life for good. Now all I have to do is save Myra…oh shit I need to call Chris!

It took a little while, but I finally made my way to the kitchen and clutched the phone in my hands. I was kind of surprised at how fast I was able to dial his number, but I am so not complaining. I had no idea what time it was, obviously…but apparently it was like 2 AM.

Chris groggily answered, “Hello?” Wow, it seems like so long since I’ve heard his voice.

“CHRIS!” I screamed. He immediately woke up.

“Randi, is that you?! Where the hell have you and Myra been? School has been in session for like a month almost!” We’ve been there that long?!

“Well if we were gone so long, why didn’t you go to the cops?”

“I did, and they searched through your condo, but all they found out was that your place was pretty messy. There weren’t any fingerprints, and no one saw any sketchy people in the area, so there were no leads. I didn’t know what to do. So, where have you been…where did you go that you couldn’t at least tell me before you guys left?” I took a breath.

“Chris, we were kidnapped. For whatever reason, they let me go…but Myra’s still with them.”

“WHAT?! Oh my God, are you alright?”

“Not exactly…I’m sure I have a few bruises or something, but I don’t think anything’s broken or bleeding.”

“How could you not know for sure?”

“…I’m blind, Chris. I can’t see shit. Those mother fuckers sliced up my eyes until I couldn’t see anymore.”

“Holy shit, Randi. That’s sick, we have to get you to a hospital! Hell, we have to go to the police so you can tell them what they look like, where they live. We have to get Myra out of there too.”

“I know, I know. I can describe them, and give out their names and even describe what their house looks like, but I have no idea how to get there.”

“Don’t worry, that’ll be a huge break in the case! It’s perfectly fine. I’m coming over there. I’ll be there in about 15 minutes ok?”

“Thanks Chris, I appreciate it. I’ll give the po-po a call and then we’ll go from there.” I didn’t really consider it, but a hell of a lot can go wrong in 15 minutes.

Even though I felt like crap, I decided that my main priority would definitely have to be getting the police’s attention with this situation. They’ll be able to find those creeps fast, once I give them my information. I dialed 911.

“911, what is your emergency?”

“My friend and I were kidnapped about a month ago, and for some reason I was brought back to my house, but my friend is still with the kidnappers. I need to talk to the police immediately!”

“Ok, here I have connected you with the police,” she said. Then a man’s voice came to the phone.

“This is Sergeant Berry, and I hear you have a kidnapping case?”

“Yes, my name is Randi Allis. My friend – Myra Thompson – and I have been kidnapped and I just got back home. She’s still with those creeps and I have some descriptions that should be able to help you out…”

“Ok, Miss Allis, do you have names?”

“They’re fake names, but they’re M.Shadows, Synyster Gates, Zacky Vengeance, and the Rev. I know that one of their real names is Brian Haner Jr. He was Myra’s boyfriend in high school, and I think he’s the leader of the group. They live up in some crappy house in the middle of nowhere, and I have no idea how to get there because I couldn’t see…but it’s about 45 minutes from my house so I’d say it’s around the highway towards the woods somewhere.”

“Thank you very much, Miss Allis. Make sure you lock your doors and remain as safe as possible. I will file the report right away and we’ll get on the case tomorrow.”

I breathed a sigh of relief once I hung up the phone and went to the kitchen sink to splash some cool water on my face. It felt so refreshing.

Suddenly, the phone started ringing, and since I couldn’t see the caller ID, I had no idea who it was. But once I heard the voice, I was completely happy and relieved.
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have any ideas who might be calling Randi?? I'm sooo loving this story right now that I'm gonna keep writing the next chapter, so I just might have the next part up in a day or two IF i get at least 2 comments, please?

oh and one thing to keep in mind, not everything is what it seems...i love plot twists so anything could happen in the next chapter! lol

thanx for reading =]