You Know I Make You Wanna Scream

Your Throat Will Bleed, Your Skin Will Burn

*Normal POV*

I heard the tires screech off in the distance. I knew that Randi was being taken back home and that it would probably take around an hour, give or take, for them to get her there. Now all I have to think about is when would the best time to attack be? That’s right I’m gonna attack Synyster Gates.

Ok, and if you’re thinking I’m gonna try to escape, that might be a good idea. The only problem is that I kinda have this problem walking, you know because that bastard broke my leg or knee or whatever…my whole leg is still in searing pain and I’m just sitting still right now. So, there’s no way in hell that I would be able to escape and get out alive.

No, I’ve got something else planned. I’m gonna find out if Randi is alright and check in on the status of my rescue mission. It might not be worth it, but I can’t live with the piercing feeling of wondering if she’s alive or not.

On the floor, right next to the edge of the couch, was a small, but effective knife that had jagged edges. I’d like to say that I have pretty good reflexes and that I can move pretty fast, so I should be able to reach that knife before he has time to react.

“Why do things have to be this way?” I asked, randomly starting up a conversation and tearing his attention away from the TV.

“What are you talking about?” he asked, slightly annoyed that I was bothering him during his TV time.

“I’m talking about us. Why do things have to be so hostile between us when we used to be so…in love?” I nearly cringed as the words left my mouth, but I kept that to myself.

“You were the one that had to run away from all your problems. Plus, killing is just way too much fun. And we both know that you wouldn’t have loved me the same when I told you about the killings.”

“First of all,” I said leaning my body closer to him and extending my non-broken leg toward the knife, “I didn’t ‘run away,’ you know damn well that my family moved away as a transfer. Second of all, why the hell would you think killing is fun?!”

He shrugged, like it was no big deal, “You should know that I love being in control. What better way to be in control than to control people’s lives…determine when they die, how they die.”

“That’s just messed up,” I said loudly, apparently grabbing his full attention because he looked intently at me, knowing that I was going to say something else. By now his eyes were glued to my eyes, and he didn’t even notice me reach down to grab the knife.

“You want to know what I think is fun?” I asked, concealing the knife behind my thigh, getting ready to attack.

“What?” I smiled, slightly seductively, and moved so I was practically on top of him and pushing him down so he was sitting straight on the couch.

“Revenge,” I said with a satisfactory smile as I shoved the knife down deep in his shoulder, probably through some muscle or bone (hopefully), and definitely pinning him down to the couch, staining it in his blood. He looked shocked at first, but easily recovered, trying to reach for me once I jumped off his lap, ignoring the searing pain shooting through my broken leg.

I smirked a little at my minor accomplishment, thenran limped as fast as I could to the kitchen where there was a phone. “You’re gonna pay, you fucking bitch!” he growled from the other room. Ha, not anytime soon asshole. You’re gonna be pinned down for a while.

By the time I had the phone in my grasp, my fingers were shaking with excitement and from the adrenaline rush I was experiencing. I dialed the number to the condo, and Randi answered in three short rings. “RANDI!” I shouted happily into the phone, relieved that she really did make it home safe.

“Oh my God, Myra I’m so glad to hear from you. I’ve already called Chris and told him about the situation. He should be coming over any minute now. And I even called the police! They said that since I know the names and stuff they should be able to figure out where you are! I bet once I go down to the station and yell at them then they’ll work extra hard and we’ll get you out of there by tomorrow night!”

“Wow, I sure hope so Randi. Have I ever told you how much of an awesome best friend you are?!”

“Hmm, you might have mentioned it once or twice,” she laughed. “Hey how are you able to be on the phone?”

“Oh good story – I managed to stick a knife through Synyster’s shoulder so now he’s pinned down to the couch and I could totally escape you know if I had both of my legs in working condition.”

“Aw, just hold strong Myra. You’re gonna make it out of there and then we’re gonna go out and party! Ugh, but then we’ll have to go to school.”

“For once I’m willing to say that I really do miss school. Oh and before we party, we’ll have to get you to the nearest eye doctor and get your eyes fixed up.”

“You think they can?”

“I know they can. And if they can’t, then I’m gonna do a shit load of research until they can,” I laughed.

“Alright well I just have one more thing to say. Myra, no matter what they say or do just know that Chris and I are out here working our asses off to save you. Be strong, Myra. Be strong. Oh and I–.” Her voice was cut off and replaced with the horrible sound of a dial tone.

What happened? Maybe the connection got cut off, or maybe I accidentally hung up on her…wouldn’t be the first time. That must be it! I called back right away, only to hear a mechanical female voice say, “We’re sorry but the number you are trying to reach has been disconnected.”

What the hell is going on?! I glanced back in the living room and to my horror, Synyster was not sitting on the couch anymore…just a slightly large blood stain sat in his place. What have I done? I think I just made matters worse...

*Synyster’s POV*

I knew that as soon as Myra started up some random-ass conversation with me that she was plotting something, I just couldn’t think of what. There weren’t any useful weapons on the floor, that I could see, and she can’t escape because of her leg, so what else could she do?

She suddenly stabbed a knife through my shoulder pinning me down to the couch. Somehow I didn’t see that one coming, but she looked like she was so proud of her little ‘accomplishment.’ Well, that move just cost her more than she could imagine.

At the count of three, I quickly pulled out the knife, barely feeling the sting. I glanced down to see that I bled a lot on the couch, yet I wasn’t really bleeding so much anymore, not like it would stop me. I quickly pulled out my cell phone and texted Matt. KILL HER.

Technically, she would’ve died anyway because I know that she’s told someone about us by now. But just for fun, I think we’ll blame Myra’s little burst of courage for her death. She broke the deal, and that’s worse than Randi telling the police or any of her friends about what has happened. And I think I’m gonna start Myra’s punishment off by making her listen to her best friend dying.

*M. Shadows’ POV*

The van was parked just a couple of blocks away from Randi’s condo, just to avoid suspicion, and to make Randi really think that she’s gonna remain alive. My phone vibrated in my pocket, I got a new text message. I flipped open my phone and saw Synyster’s text. A smirk made its way across my face as I told Zacky to drive back because it’s time for some fun. We all shared a laugh and then ended up back at Randi’s place.

We still had the keys to the condo, which would definitely come in handy here. The Rev clipped the phone wire, unaware that Randi had actually been using the phone at that time. Zacky sneaked inside to put the special device Syn gave us inside. That way Myra will get a chance to hear her friend slowly die. It was around 2 AM, so obviously people were asleep and wouldn’t be around to see us. Not like it really mattered, because no one can stop us.

I grabbed a huge gallon of gasoline and began to pour it all around the outside of her house. Then I threw a few large rocks through the windows, breaking the glass and dumping the rest of the gasoline inside the condo, a little bit in each room.

Once Zacky came out of the house, we each lit a bunch of matches and threw them inside and around the house, jumping out of the way before the flames burst out into mid air. It was such a beautiful sight, and soon her screams filled the silent night air like music to my ears.

The lights turned on at the house across the street, and I’m pretty sure that’s where their other friend, the dude, lived. His front door flew open and he was running across the street. Time for us to go. We started running back toward the van, and somehow he noticed us. “Hey you bastards get back here!” he shouted, coming toward us.

It looked like he was going to try and stop us, but then he just stopped in the middle of the street and watched as we drove off. What a weird guy. Like he’d be able to stop us.

*Chris’s POV*

I had finally gotten ready to head over to Randi’s condo and as I opened the front door, I saw her condo erupting into flames. I saw three guys running across her lawn to a van parked nearby. Those must be the assholes that kidnapped Randi and Myra! I ran after them, even though I knew that I wouldn’t be able to catch them, or stand a chance in a fight against them.

But I happened to notice the license plate on the van. I bet they don’t know how good of a memory I have. I bet they’ll probably underestimate me. And I’ll make sure that all of that comes back to bite them in the ass.

After they sped away I instantly remembered Randi and the fire. I tried to run up to the door, but as soon as I was on the porch the house began caving in already. There’s no way I can get in there – but how can I save Randi?! I can’t just stand here and watch her die and by the time the fire department gets here, it’ll be too late anyways. Fuck.

*Randi’s POV*

For some reason, hearing Myra’s voice on the phone really cheered me up and gave me the utmost confidence that we’re all gonna make it out of here just fine. As I was talking to her, I remembered there was something I wanted to tell her and just as I was about to say it, the line went dead and her voice was replaced with a dial tone.

Oh crap, did Synyster get a hold of her? Or is there something wrong with my line? I tried to dial her back, but the phone wouldn’t even work. Those assholes must still be lurking around outside, messing with me. Wait, do they know that I’ve told Chris and the cops about them? Is that why my phone doesn’t work? I guess that could make sense.

It was pretty quiet in the house, but all of the sudden it sounded like someone just walked inside. I thought it could have been Chris, but this sounded more like the back door opened, and I know he wouldn’t come through that door. I stayed perfectly still and it just sounded like the person was walking around, set down something, and then walked back out. Weird.

Then it gets even weirder…someone threw something through the window and the glass shattered all over the place. It sounded like some liquid was poured inside after the glass broke. I need to get out of the house, and without them noticing. Judging by the sound of it, it seems as if they’re all in the front of the house, so I should try to go out the back.

As I reached the door, the fumes of natural gas flew through my nose. Oh shit, I think I know what they’re up to. I quickly twisted the door knob, hoping to get out, but for some reason it wouldn’t budge. I tried to feel around for the lock, but I didn’t feel it anywhere. Oh no.

The smoke detectors starting buzzing like crazy, frantically ringing out trying to warn anyone inside the house that a fire was erupting. And I was trapped inside, so no amount of buzzing could save me. The closer I walked in the direction of my bedroom, the hotter the air got, so it seems that the fire was mostly at that end of the house. I ran back in the direction of the kitchen, trying to hide from the flames, but I’m sure everyone can tell that that is basically impossible.

Although I couldn’t open my eyes, I felt tears falling down my cheeks. This would have to be the worst possible way to die. My dad was a fireman, and he absolutely loved his job because he was able to make such a difference and be a hero. I always thought he was cooler than the superheroes that I would see in the comic books. He was one of the best that the Salt Lake City division ever saw. He always put people’s lives before his, and I looked up to him so much. Well, even heroes have to fall.

Seven years ago, my dad was called down to a fire that had nearly consumed an entire apartment building. He ran inside the building, even though it looked like it could collapse any minute. Fear was a word that was not in his vocabulary.

There were 6 floors to the building, and within a record time of 3 ½ minutes, he had gotten all people off of the first 5 floors. Only one floor left. Not a problem at all. I could just picture him running up the stairs with the utmost confidence in himself, and the thrill of saving lives burning through his soul. There was a baby that was crying up on that floor, and that baby was the only other person left. Her mother had been forced outside, despite her pleads that she couldn’t leave her baby behind.

My dad carefully picked the baby up before huge pieces of plaster fell from the ceiling, squishing the crib and blowing up in flames. He ran with the baby in hand down the stairs just as each floor slowly fell apart behind him. He never left anyone behind, and this time would be no different. He made it out the door, handing the baby to her mother right outside the door, but he couldn’t come all the way out.

His strap on his suit had gotten caught on a jagged piece of wood at the door. The mother, nearly a couple of feet away from him, watched in horror as the rest of the building came falling down on top of the best fireman in the area, and the man that had saved her baby. He was so close to safety, but it wasn’t enough.

People said that if the fall of the building didn’t kill him, then the flames burned him alive until he couldn’t take it anymore and gave up on his own life. He never left anyone behind. And sacrificed himself to keep that promise to the people of Salt Lake City.

When the rest of the firefighters arrived, they pushed aside the rubble and found my dad’s body covered in black, most of his skin was burned away. He didn’t look like my dad anymore. His body was distorted and disfigured. Needless to say his funeral was a closed-casket kind. Randall ‘Randy’ Allis died saving people. He was the greatest hero I ever knew. And I wish he was here now to save me.

People say that burning alive might just be the worst way to go. It takes much longer to die, and in the process of dying you can smell your own flesh burning. You think burning your finger because you touched the hot stove hurt? Try experiencing that feeling ten times hotter and instead of it being on your finger, picture it crawling across your body, feeding on your flesh like a vicious carnivore.

No amount of screams could save me, yet I still screamed my heart out. I don’t know how or why, but I put all of my scarce, remaining energy into making my eyes open. They wouldn’t open all the way, but I was still able to see through the severed pieces of my eyelids just in time to see the flames consume what was left of our condo. To see them coming my way.

More tears came as I thought of the first night Myra and I moved in here and decorated the place, having so much fun and staying up all night. Then, I thought I saw my dad in the flames. His ghost reaching for me, telling me everything will be alright. “Dad, is that you?” I thought I heard myself say.

He nodded, “Hey Randi. I’ve missed you, honey.”

“Dad. I’ve missed you so much too. Why did you have to leave me and Mom like that?”

“Randi, I had to save as many lives as I could. But there’s still one more life that I have to save.”

I finally got to see my dad after 7 years. Does this mean I’m dead? He said there was one person he needed to save…was he talking about me? I didn’t get a chance to find out. The lighting fixture fell from the ceiling and knocked me out cold onto the floor. I didn’t feel any pain anymore, I couldn’t feel the heat. I didn’t feel anything. I must be dead.
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Ok, this story is officially my new favorite story to write!! I've got the rest of the plot figured out and let me tell you, it's gonna kick ass and you're never gonna see it coming!

Wow this chapter was pretty long, but I really liked it for some reason.

Thanx so much to everyone who's been reading and commenting lately. Please keep it up because it really motivates me!! And hey I got 2 chapters up for this story in the same week lol