You Know I Make You Wanna Scream

All At Once

Shortly after Synyster had left me behind, I didn’t hold anything back. I let so many tears fall that it felt like an entire river had just fallen from my eyes. I glanced down at my beaten, bruised, and broken body. To be perfectly honest, I’m surprised that I’m even still alive, well I mean with all these wounds and all. They’ve hardly ever given me any kind of care. And Johnny has tried his best to help me out. But nevertheless, there wasn’t a single part of my flesh that looked halfway normal anymore. There were far too many scratches, scrapes, bruises, lacerations, and exposed bones to count. I

t kinda made me feel sick all of the sudden. But I felt so weak and broken that I had absolutely no energy to get up and throw up. I didn’t have enough energy to throw up, so I cringed as I felt it burn back down my throat. Maybe now that he has gotten what he’s wanted for so long from me, then he’ll leave me alone. That could explain why he left the room so quickly and why the house sounds so quiet. But sometimes even silence could be a bad thing.

The door creaked open, startling me from my thoughts. I wanted to close my eyes and turn around, completely wishing to be in a different place far away from who I thought was at the door. But I didn’t do that…because it was only Johnny at the door.

“Hey there, Myra,” he said kind of quietly. I didn’t think it was even possible, but I smiled a little.

“Hey Johnny,” I mumbled.

He awkwardly stood in the doorway, not sure if he should come closer. I really hadn’t bothered to cover much up…and I’m not a whore, if that’s what you’re thinking, I just feel so cold and broken that I don’t feel like doing anything anymore…what’s the point?

“Um, I was supposed to come in here to bring you out into the o-other room.” The way he said that sentence made me feel hesitant to leave the room. It’s like he knows what awaits me in the other room and he doesn’t want to have to be the one who caused me to go out there. Or I’m just completely over-thinking things, as usual.

“Why? I don’t see what the point of me doing anything would be anymore…” I said with a sigh.

If it wouldn’t have been for my confidence that Randi and Chris are out there working to save me, then I probably would just plan a suicide mission and have them kill me now. But I can’t do that, not with how far I’ve come now.

“T-they just told me to get you…” Johnny said, trailing off a little.

I guess I better do what he says, and get it over with. I sat up a little on the bed, so I could get a better view of the room to see where Synyster threw all my damn clothes. I jumped a little when I heard the already opened door slam against the wall. I slowly looked up to see that I had more company: Shadows. He shoved Johnny down onto the ground with little effort.

“I can’t believe you. I asked you to do one simple thing and you couldn’t do it, could you?” he sneered. I really did feel bad for Johnny at this point, and I wasn’t about to let him get hurt.

“Get the hell away from him, you asshole!” I shouted, surprising myself that I even had that much of a voice in me.

His head quickly turned in my direction and he slowly began to walk toward me. The look on his face made me feel extremely uncomfortable. I had expected him to look pissed off at least, but the calmness of his features made me even more tense and rigid.

“Myra, don’t you know that it’s not nice to talk back?” he asked, standing right next to me and practically towering over me. I wasn’t going to let him intimidate me.

“I don’t give a shit. Johnny didn’t do anything wrong and you’re still trying to hurt him.”

Shadows had a fake sympathetic look on his face as crawled onto the bed, closer and closer to me until our faces were almost touching. He leaned forward and whispered in my ear, “Well, in that case maybe I should hurt you instead.”

And without a single second in between, he wrapped his fingers tightly around my neck and pushed my body backwards, shoving me with extreme force up against the headboard. I noticed that the sheet I was using to slightly cover my body had fallen off, and I had tried to reach it; Matt noticed. “Oh I wouldn’t bother with that,” he smirked, staring down at my now exposed boobs. “We’re all gonna get to see you naked soon anyway.”

I openly cringed at his words and felt like I was going to throw up. There’s no way in hell I’m going through what I went through today again. “As happy as I am that we had this conversation,” he said, slowly getting off of me and releasing his grip, “you still have to come out to our little party in the other room.” Like I told myself, I might as well get this over with.

I quickly pulled the rest of my sheet up to my body, not allowing him to see anymore of me. “Can you at least turn around so I can get dressed?” I asked desperately. He paused to ‘think’ about it for a minute, giving me a sliver of hope that he might actually do it.

“Nope,” he grinned, leaning up against the wall as if he was about to watch a show. Fucking pervert. Needless to say, with my sheet in hand I managed to get dressed without him seeing much more than he already saw.

Although I am perfectly capable ofwalking limping on my own, Shadows still felt the need to grab onto my arm tightly and practically drag me down the hall. Now, I say ‘drag’ because he was walking way to fast for me and my damn broken leg to keep up with, so hence I was being dragged.

“Look who finally decided to show up!” Zacky sneered as he took a sip of beer. Him, Jimmy, and Syn all turned to look at me with the exact same smirks on their faces. It was creeping me out.

“Here, let’s play catch!” Shadows suddenly shouted, lifting me up bridal style and then quite literally chucking me across the room toward Synyster’s open arms. I screamed my freaking lungs out as I flew across the room, nearly hitting the ceiling fan on the way. Synyster’s arms were still open, but to my horror, just as I was about to land in them, he pulled them back causing me to fall down to the ground with a hard thud.

An immense stinging feeling crawled up and down my left leg and I glanced down to see that I had landed on my fucking left leg. I didn’t even realize it at first, but an ear-shattering scream came from my lips as I collapsed completely onto the ground in total pain.

“Oops, I think my aim was a little off,” Shadows laughed.

I felt myself take in sharp inhales of air, breathing extremely hard. I felt Syn's arms wrap around my torso and pulled me toward him so that I was now sitting in his lap. I could feel his hot breath up against my ear as he whispered, “How many times do I have to tell you…I love it when you scream.”

Shivers went up and down my spine at his words. That’s it. I’m not screaming anymore, not matter what they do to me. Ha, well that’s easier said than done, as I would soon find out.

"How about we get down to the order of business,” Jimmy said, bringing everyone’s (well except mine) attention back to whatever the hell they had planned here.

“Alright, here we go,” Zacky said, placing a small electronic device on the table in front of everyone. What the hell are they planning?

He pressed play and then all of the sudden, weird noises were coming out of it. So it must be a recorder or something? The noises, I think, sounded like some things falling, and I might have even heard the cackling sound of flames. I’m so confused. But then, only a second later, things started to make a bit more sense, and not in a good way. I heard screaming and running and it was a girl’s scream…Randi’s scream. Or it could be someone else’s…well that’s what I kept telling myself anyway. The screaming continued a while longer, but then it turned into crying.

“Dad, is that you?” I heard her say. The breathing got caught in my throat because I now knew that it was Randi. Is she hallucinating? I mean how could she be seeing her dad, when he’s dead? “Dad. I’ve missed you so much too. Why did you have to leave me and Mom like that?” Her voice cracked occasionally from the tears she was crying.

Suddenly, it sounded like something heavy fell down. She screamed once more and then everything went silent, except for the haunting sound of the fire. No, it’s not a fire, it can’t be a fire! Dying in a fire would be…the worst possible way for Randi to die, considering that’s how her dad dyed and everything. No. No. NO! She’s not dead! That bastard said he wouldn’t kill her, we made a god damn deal!

The tape clicked as it stopped playing. I was in denial, I’ll admit. Therefore, that couldn’t possibly be Randi that was on that tape. At first, the room was unusually quiet, and I couldn’t look at any of them in the eye. But Shadows gladly broke the silence. “Ha, that bitch got what she had coming. I just wish we could’ve put cameras inside the place and watch her burn.”

“I would’ve liked to have fucked her though, she probably was good in bed. The fighters always are,” Zacky laughed. They’re talking about Randi, aren’t they?

Tears slowly slid down my cheeks as the realization finally started to settle in. My best friend is dead. She was burned to death…which was slow and painful, I’d imagine. All of this happened to her because of me, because of my mistakes. I could feel myself slipping into some kind of depressive state where I’d begin blaming myself for everything that has happened. But not this time.

This isn’t my fault. It’s their fault. They killed her and they’re gonna pay. They’ve ripped too many people out of my life and I’m not gonna let them keep doing it. I quickly wiped the tears from my eyes and looked up for the first time to see all of them staring back at me, waiting for some kind of reaction. I think they might even be enjoying this, those sick assholes. I pushed Syn’s hands off of me so I could turn around and face him.

“You fucking asshole, how could you kill her?!” I shouted. He looked at me like I was stupid.

“Hmm, maybe because you broke your end of the deal?”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“You agreed to do whatever we say without fighting back or attacking us or running away. You fought back, so poor little Randi had to die for you.”

“Why should I believe you? You could’ve just edited that tape,” I said, but my voice cracked a little because even I saw the doubt in that theory.

“I can guarantee that she’s dead. It’ll be on the news in an hour probably. You can see for yourself, how does that sound?”

“H-how could you kill her?” I asked quietly.

“It really wasn’t that hard.”

I suddenly found myself thinking of all my memories with Randi, from the time we first met up until now and I didn’t hold any tears back. I really needed some kind of moral support. I highly doubt that I’d get it from anyone in this room…but I still glanced around until my eyes locked with Jimmy’s. If he meant any of what he told me before, then he’d be the one I could go to.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” he asked, making a weird face.

“I think you know why,” I replied, not saying much because I wouldn’t want to get him in trouble. His eyes widened a little, like he understood what he meant, and then a smile slowly crawled across his face. It wasn’t a happy smile. It was a sick smile. He started laughing, practically falling onto the floor. I really didn’t see what was so funny.

“Oh, I get what you’re saying, Myra! You…you actually believed all that shit I said to you?! Holy shit that’s hilarious! Why the hell would I help you out, when killing people is oh so much fun?” My heart skipped a beat as I just sat there with my eyes wide open, and dripping wet with tears. How could he do that?! How could I have been so stupid to believe that?

“Oh my God, you should see your face!” he cackled.

The other guys had no idea what was going on, so he filled them in. “Ok, so Syn you know when you told me to go into the room and mess with her mind a little? Well, I got her to think that we’re just doing all this because we heard that she was going to be breaking up with you and we wanted revenge. Then I convinced her that I’m really a good guy in disguise and that I would try to save her from her death. I also gave her the suicide idea, but I never thought she’d actually go through with it.”

The rest of them erupted into laughter as well after hearing the Rev’s story. They were all laughing at me, while I was crying more than I’d ever cried before. The emotional pull I was feeling right now felt like it could be enough to kill me. I just listened to my best friend die, and now I found out that my last chance of hope was all a lie. What else could possibly go wrong?

Their laughter was cut short as soon as the door suddenly was kicked open. “Guess who’s back?” the guy shouted as he walked inside and shut the door behind him. Who the hell is he, and why does he look so familiar? All the guys turned and said hi to him as he sat down on the open spot of the couch.

“So, what’s the deal? Any activity at the station?” Shadows asked.

“Yeah, some chick, Randi something, called in. She knew all of your fake names, and Syn she knew your real name. She said that she could give a physical description of all of you and the house. Oh, and she also claimed that if she tried hard enough she could figure out where the place was, or something like that.”

“Good thing she’s dead now!” Zacky laughed, along with the rest of the guys.

“So did you write out the report?” Syn asked.

“Yeah, do you wanna see it?” Syn nodded.

This guy felt around inside his messenger bag, looking for the document, but he came out empty handed. “Aw what the hell? I know I put in here. Damn it, I must have left it out at the office.”

“Wait, did you just leave it there out in the open?” the Rev asked.

The guy was hesitant to answer, but he eventually came back with a quiet, “Yes.” Shadows slammed his fist on the table.

“Wow great move Jason. What if someone walks in and sees that?!”

“They’re not gonna see it, ok? I locked my office and the only other person with the key is Matt, and he’s not gonna be in there, so it’s fine.”

Wait, Jason and Matt? As in Jason and Matt Berry? I remember them now. But wait…if what he’s saying is true, then that means that the cop that Randi talked to was actually working for these guys. Shit that’s not good.

“Wow Myra you look like shit,” Jason laughed.

“Same to you, you asshole,” I said with a glare.

“I haven’t seen you in like 3 years and that’s how you greet me?”

“Shut the hell up.”

“Well, now that that’s been taken care of, Jason you can spend the night here, but you’re gonna have to go get that damn report first thing tomorrow,” Syn said.

“And you,” he said looking at me, “are running out of days to live. So I’d enjoy the few remaining ones that you have left.”
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OMG 8 stars and 200+ readers?! You guys are amazing!!!!! Thanx so much for reading, commenting and subscribing! Please keep the comments coming =]

alright, so i'm thinking there will be about 8-10 chapters

but i have a surprise: THERE'S GONNA BE A SEQUEL!! im kinda not coming up w/ very many good titles, so if anyone has a suggestion, please tell me! i'd really appreciate it! :)