You Know I Make You Wanna Scream

The Police Are Onto Us

*3rd Person POV*

Business at the Orange County Police Station had been relatively slow lately, with the exception of a mysterious fire at a college condo nearby. Crime had been mostly under control, so all cops were left to do was hide behind bushes in their cars, in an attempt to catch people speeding.

Jason Berry’s twin brother, Matt, was at the office now and bored out of his mind. His laptop had broken a week ago, so he had nothing to pass the time with. “Hmm, I wonder if Jason would let me borrow his?” he asked himself out loud as he traveled down the hall to his brother’s office door, which happened to be locked. He knew right away that he was with the guys right now.

He took the key out of his pocket, unlocked the door, grabbed the laptop, and left quickly because he was so excited to get on a computer. And in his excitement, he absent-mindedly left the door slightly open, and definitely unlocked.

A couple of hours later, most of the cops had gone home considering it was already close to 8:30 and the chances of something exhilarating happening were very slim. One of the only officers left was a young officer named Austin Carlson. He had been looking for his ‘big break’ in the business, and little did he know, he’d get just that tonight.

“Hey Carlson, can you drop this off at Jason Berry’s office?” one of the sergeants asked.

He nodded his head and took the stack of paper work to the office. He turned the lights on and cautiously walked inside the room. As he set the stack down on the desk, an opened file marked URGENT was lying across the desk. “Why would he leave something so important like this unattended to?” Austin asked as he sat down in the chair and examined the file.

It was a 911 report from a girl named Randi Allis. She said that her and her friend were kidnapped, and that her friend was still stuck with the kidnappers. There were five unusual names listed that were clearly aliases, and the alleged leader of the group had his real name listed next to his alias. How could he leave something so urgent lying around?

Without hesitation, Austin collected the entire file and ran to the sergeant, his boss. “Sergeant Miller!” Austin shouted as he ran rapidly down the hall, almost knocking down two people in the process.

“Holy crap, what is it Carlson?!”

“I found this file completely unattended to in Sergeant Berry’s office! It’s urgent and there is a girl in danger!” Miller quickly took the file from his subordinate and read through it.

“Dear God, we need to get on this ASAP!” He called in an entire squad, and for the first time in a long time, the station had something important to handle, and they were well prepared.

*Chris’s POV*

I don’t know what I should do. I haven’t called the police again, because Randi told me that she took care of that already, and I’m guessing that those sick bastards must’ve known that she told on them because that’s why they killed her! It must’ve been a living hell for her to die that way, not only because it’s such a slow death…but because of her dad’s death too.

I wish I could’ve done something to save her, but I was much too late. If only I had gotten there ten minutes sooner, then she could’ve come over here and the house would have burned down without her in it. The only information that I had on them was their license plate number. It looked like a normal plate, which you might think could be hard to memorize, but it’s been pounding in my head nonstop ever since I saw it.

I have to go to the police station, even if my information doesn’t help…at least I’ll get to find out the status of how the search is coming. I already fucked up and let one of my best friends die, and I’m not going to make the same mistake twice.

Without any thought at all, I sped all the way to the police station…and the odd thing was, of all the places were there are usually cops trying to be sneaky, there were no cops. Since when? Well, obviously I sure wasn’t complaining, and in fact, I just pushed down harder on the accelerator. Once I arrived at the station, the entire parking lot was almost filled with cars and news reporters. What the hell?

I pushed my way past the massive bodies of people until I reached the center. “Excuse me, I have information on the kidnapping case regarding –,” I would start to say, but no one could or would listen to me. I noticed a megaphone nearby, grabbed it, and stood up on a chair.

“Hey, everyone, shut the hell up for a minute!” I shouted into it, gathering everyone’s attention.

“Who are you?!”

“What are you doing up there?”

“Listen to me, I’m Chris Parolee. I’m friends with Myra Thompson and Randi Allis. Myra is the girl who’s stuck with the kidnappers and Randi is the girl who called the report in and who…d-died in the fire.” That got everyone’s interested attention, so I continued. “Randi supplied you with the names of the criminals, but I have something that might help trace the location…their license plate!”

“Hey, come over here Mr. Parolee! We could use your information,” someone shouted from the other side of the room. I eagerly set down the megaphone and ran across the room to meet the man who called me over.

I quickly told him the license plate number and together we sat down at a computer and utilized the police’s license database. “Should we look it up under this ‘Brian Haner Jr. name?” he asked. I thought about it for a minute, and then decided to give my opinion.

“No, knowing them that would be the obvious choice, and they would do anything but the obvious. Just check the plate itself and see who or where it’s attached to.”

He nodded, seeing logic in my reasoning and typed the numbers in. The search came up under the name of Bob Hunter, who was about 45 years old and was murdered about 3 years ago. The van was registered in his name, and his house was out in the middle of nowhere…off of some highway, where, supposedly, no one would ever dream of living.

“That’s the perfect place for them to hide, huh?” the guy said. “Good work, son. You’re a smart guy,” he told me after he printed off the address and other info.

“Thanks. But could you please save my friend.”

“It’s my job, of course I will.”

I waited around at the station, not really wanting to leave until there was a break through of some sort. “Sergeant Miller,” some cop said, approaching me and the sergeant guy. “We have some disturbing information. We ran some of these aliases by police stations nearby, and some of them recall the names, claiming that they were supposedly responsible for the murders of nearly 20-30 females in the past 3 years. We called the corresponding hospitals and morgues, and all the records checked out – the girls were all raped and then killed.” The sergeant stared wide-eyed at the cop, who apparently still had more to say.

“Also, on each of the victims, there was what looked like a skull with wings tattooed onto their lower backs…well it wasn’t a tattoo. It was carved into their skin. The police only thought it was a tattoo because the blood was black like ink.”

“Is there some kind of name for this ‘skull with wings’ symbol?”

“Um, they call it some kind of death bat or something.”

Something then clicked in my head as I wrote out the letters and numbers of the plate number: D3TH BAT1. “Look!” I shouted, pointing at the plate number I just wrote, “It spells out ‘death bat,’ in a way.”

“Holy shit,” the sergeant gasped. “It really is the same guys then. Wow, I’ve never seen a case progress so quickly in the right direction.” Those words really did give me a sense of relief. I knew that these guys will find Myra. I just know it!

*Normal POV*

For once in a long time, the assholes decided to leave me alone, because they were too busy getting drunk in the other room. I haven’t had anything to eat at all since that one day that Synyster poisoned my food. And it’s beginning to show – I know I probably weigh less than a hundred pounds by now, and probably look anorexic. I haven’t had anything to drink in a couple of days, and my throat was so sore that I could barely swallow.

They told me to stay seated until they get back, but they can’t possibly get mad at me for getting a fucking glass of water. Slowly, I clutched the armrest trying my best to stand up in the least painful way. Once I was standing, I quickly limped over to the kitchen, reached up into the cabinet for a glass, and leaned up against the counter for support as I filled the cup and guzzled it down. In fact, it almost all went in one entire sip, so I filled it up again. It tasted so great and refreshing, and I never would have thought that I would have loved the taste of water so much like this.

“Where the hell did she go?!” I heard Zacky yell from the other room. Before I could yell back to tell them to calm down, someone already stormed into the kitchen. It was Matt. Shit.

“And what do you think you’re doing?” he asked, glaring at me with his arms crossed across his chest.

I held my half full glass up, but in case that wasn’t a good enough explanation for him, I said, “I just came in here for a glass of water…”

“And who said you could do that?”

“Uh I did, because if I didn’t I would probably die before you guys even got the chance to kill me, and I don’t think that would make you very happy,” I replied, trying to sound innocent…but it probably sounded drenched with sarcasm.

“Oh really?” he asked, walking toward me and snatching the glass out of my hand. “I don’t appreciate your assertiveness.”

Without a real reason or warning, he threw the damn glass right at my face with such force that it shattered, yes, shattered onto my face, sending water and glass all over my face. My face felt like it was on fire, despite being drenched in cool water. The shards of glass were so tiny, that they hurt that much more. I fell to the ground without much thought, I couldn’t stand up anymore. I screamed out so loud that I’m surprised the damn glass on the window didn’t break.

“What did we miss?” the Rev shouted excitedly as he and Syn ran into the room, practically laughing at me and all the glass pieces digging into my face.

“Well, it looks like we can’t leave you alone anymore,” Syn sighed, pulling me up roughly by the arm, and dragging me into the living room.

“Hurry up, the news is almost on!” Zacky said once we all filed into the room. Since when do they watch the news?

“We have two rather important stories tonight, ladies and gentlemen. And, oddly enough, they are related to each other. First off, the mysterious fire at the college condo that happened about two days ago. Randi Allis, a freshman at the college, had been kidnapped along with her friend Myra Thompson, by a gang of five men. She was released, while her friend was still stuck there. Upon the night of her arrival home, her house burst into flames, with her trapped inside. But here’s where it gets interesting, folks – there was no body found inside the house after the firemen and paramedics searched the place. This doesn’t make sense – considering objects such as the wooden cabinets and paper shades, which burn quite easily, were still recognizable. Therefore, a body would not burn away completely, it should still be recognizable. Could this possibly mean that Miss Allis is still alive somehow? Police are currently conducting a search to see if they can find her, and we will have an update on this story as it progresses. Now over to Mike with our second story of the night.”

“Thanks Jill. Our second story tonight focuses more on the five men involved in the fire. Thanks to a source, who chooses to remain anonymous, we have been able to trace the location of these men’s hideout. Furthermore, in other nearby counties of California, police have put together pieces of a puzzle that officially link these men to the deaths of about 20 females in the past 3 years, all of which had a ‘death bat’ carved into their lower backs. The names of these men or only aliases, but they are: Synyster Gates, M. Shadows, Zacky Vengeance, the Reverend, and Johnny Christ. If you have any further information, please contact your local station.”

The room was deathly silent after the report and during the commercials. I was stuck between Shadows and Syn, and was very uncomfortable, but at the same time relieved because it sounds like there is a chance for Randi’s survival and I know that Chris went to the police, and now they really are coming to save me.

Suddenly, I hand quickly tangled itself within my greasy hair and pulled me up to my feet in the blink of an eye. “Who the fuck did you tell?!” Synyster screamed at me.

I really was shaking, I was that scared. “I-I didn’t tell a-anyone, I swear. How would I ever have the time?!”

“LIAR!” he shouted, pushing my face hard into the wall nearby, which of course dug the glass shards even deeper. The whole right side of my face grew numb in seconds, and yet again, I screamed out in pain.

“Who would have possibly known anything about us besides that other bitch, who is long gone and dead now?!”

“How should I know?!” I replied, with my breathing growing very shallow. They don’t know about Chris, I don’t think, and no matter what they do to me, I won’t let them know about him.

“Wait a minute,” Zacky said, “what about that dude that was chasing us out in the street, who just stopped all the sudden…the one who lived right across the street from Randi’s place. He was also the guy who was with Randi the day we broke into their house.”

Shadows thought about it for a minute and said, “Hey, you’re right! He could’ve talked to the bitch before she died and she could have told him information!”

“Oh really?” Synyster asked, smirking evilly as he unleashed my hair and let me fall to the ground. “Well, I have a plan in that case. It looks like since the cops are gonna be on to us, we’re gonna have to make this faster than planned, but that’s alright. Zacky and Johnny, you two go take care of this new guy. Shadows, Rev, and I will stay here and deal with this little bitch. Once the two of them are dead, we’ll get the hell out of this house and start over somewhere new.”

Zacky smirked as he stood up grabbing a knife on his way to the door while Johnny followed solemnly behind.

“No, please don’t kill Chris,” I whispered, through my tears. I didn’t think they would’ve heard me.

“Oh, so you really did know who told the cops about us, huh? Hmm, Myra I really don’t appreciate you lying to me,” Synyster snickered as he kicked me as hard as he could in my ribs.

The last things I heard before passing out were all of their demented laughs the sickening crack of a broken rib. I wish I could just die right here…I don’t even want to know what they’re going to have waiting for me when I wake up.
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OMG!! its gonna start to get really exciting now, I can guarantee it! =] About 3 more chapters left, which is a little sad.

but i might have a title idea for the sequel..."You're Cute When You Scream," but I'm not sure if its the final one yet. but i do want 'scream' to somehow be in the title lol

oooh and new layout! i kinda like it haha

plz comment!! im really psyched to finish the story cuz its gonna be so dramatic, but i really need comments to motivate me. ;) thanx for reading