You Know I Make You Wanna Scream

Let's Start the Killing

*Zacky’s POV*

Johnny and I were assigned to go find that Chris guy and kill him. It’s obvious that he doesn’t have anymore information on us, but still…he needs to learn who he’s dealing with and the price for getting involved in someone else’s issues.

“How do you even know where to start?” Johnny asked, once he saw that I was actually speeding in a certain direction, confidence written all over my face.

“Well, what better place to start a search for someone than at their house?”

Johnny nodded in agreement, and thanks to my lovely driving skills, we quickly arrived on that all too familiar street of condos back at the college. I glanced over across the street where Myra and Randi’s house used to be…now there was nothing there but blackness. I couldn’t help but laugh to myself, picturing Randi inside burning to death. I only wish I could’ve seen her face before she died, even though she probably didn’t even look human anymore, it still would have entertained me.

But enough about that, we came here for round two. Johnny and I quickly walked across the street to Chris’s house. For the most part, almost all of the lights were off except one in the back of the house. I easily kicked down the front door and Johnny and I walked inside, turning on the foyer light in the process so we could have a better view.

The bedrooms were right next to the foyer so we went in there shouting Chris’s name, and we got no response…so, we decided to start knocking things down and ripping shit up, maybe to get his attention – well that might be why Johnny was doing it, but I was doing it just for the fun.

“Chris? Is that you?” someone asked coming over from the backside of the house. Hmm, this must be his roommate?

“I’ll handle this one, Johnny. You go wait in the car,” I said smirking evilly and clutching the knife in my hand.

“Wait, why? We don’t have to kill this guy! You know that by the time he gets to this room we could be long gone and he never would have known,” he protested.

“Ok, you’ve known me for what 5 years now? You should know that I don’t give a shit about the circumstances, I kill regardless. Now go get in the damn car!” I shouted, aiming the knife right in his direction – and he knew that even though we’re friends, I would still stab him if he got in my way. He sighed, defeated, and slowly left the room and returned to the car.

“Let’s start the killing,” I said to myself as I walked into the living room, my sudden presence scaring the crap out of this guy.

“Y-you’re not Chris,” he said nervously.

I rolled my eyes, “Well of course I’m not Chris, you dumbass. Why would Chris come to his house, shout out his own name and destroy his own bedroom?!”

“Then who are you and what are you doing here?”

Should I even bother with introductions? Yeah, why not, I mean the guy deserves to know the name of the sexy beast that killed him. “I’m Zacky Vengeance. Originally I came here tokill see your roommate. Do you mind telling me where he is?”

Something was bothering this guy…maybe it was my knife…but no, it seemed like something else. Like he just heard something that he’d heard before but couldn’t quite remember what it was. “Uh, he’s at the police sta–,” he started to say as his eyes widened in realization and fear, “wait, I remember now…you’re part of that gang that they mentioned on TV, the one who raped and killed all those people!”

“Took you long enough. But hey, thanks for telling me where Chris is. I’ll give him your regards. And invite him to your funeral.”

The guy was either extremely confused, or extremely in denial that he was going to die. “W-what?”

“Nice meeting you, by the way.” After I said that, I quickly pulled my knife forward, it’s beautiful sharpness shining, even in the dim light.

Once it was out in the open, I quickly pushed it forward and, to make it twice as painful, I slit his throat nice and slow. A thin crimson line followed my blade, trying to keep up with it as if in a race. As soon as the slit was complete, I watched as the crimson line from before extended all the way across his neck. Slowly, the thinness expanded into a deep, gushing gouge. Blood began gurgling from the line at a satisfactory pace. It splashed in every direction, covering my white t-shirt entirely in red. I watched as even more blood came out, this time it was trailing out of his mouth. He was choking on his own life-sustaininging liquid and hell, it almost looked like he was crying or something.

Unfortunately, he was taking much to long to die, which meant that I wouldn’t be able to watch the whole show. I licked the blood off of my knife, kicked that sad excuse of a life down onto the ground, and left the house behind, half tempted to burn this one down too. But we don’t have time for that…we have to get to the police station!

*Normal POV*

Consciousness was slowly returning to me, and I really wished that it would just stay away. I didn’t want to wake up just yet because that essentially means that Synyster is either going to attempt to kill me…or he will actually kill me. And really, either one wouldn’t be good.

My senses were coming back to me now and little by little, every ounce of pain I had been feeling before I was knocked out was returning. It was like a ripple effect or something like that – the first pain I felt was my left leg. It felt like I had been forced to stand on that for days, and standing on an untended broken leg is not a good-feeling or healthy idea. Then, the pain traveled up my leg and to my ribs where Synyster had kicked me just before I passed out. And finally, the most intense of all the pain I was beginning to feel again, was coming from my head. It felt like an explosion had occurred inside my head.

Breathing was supposed to be rhythmic and subtle…but mine definitely wasn’t either of those – it was more like I was taking irregular, deep gasps for air. Actually, I had to think before I breathed just to be sure that I didn’t hurt my already injured ribs. I slowly opened my eyes to be met with the brightest damn light I’d ever seen. Wait, does this mean that I died and went to heaven?! No…if that happened, I wouldn’t be breathing weird and I wouldn’t be in so much pain. Damn it, I was so close.

But if I’m not there, then where am I? Everything around me just looks like bright white light. I don’t even think I’m in a room or a place, even though I’m leaning against a wall. This was starting to mess with my senses very badly. I was starting to get dizzy. Am I even in that house anymore?

I brought one of my hands up to my face to see if I could feel how bad I looked and see if I was still bleeding. I cringed as one of my fingers met the sharp edge of a glass shard. Those bastards kept all those glass shards lodged in my face still?! I have to get those out…like now! Ok, even though I don’t have a mirror or anything to see into, at least I can feel where they are and just pull them out. At the count of three each time, I pulled out every single shard that I could feel, causing my face to bleed relentlessly again. The blood trickled out of the tiny wounds in small streams that dropped down onto my neck in small droplets, like rain.

I had been looking down at the ground and suddenly I realized that I had been standing up that whole time. What the hell? No wonder my leg hurt so much! But, I was distracted from my thoughts about my leg when I heard what sounded like a machine turning on.

What looked like a small dot in space seemed to be coming closer and closer to me. I squinted to get a better look and realized that that wasn’t a dot – it was some kind of spear and it was coming at me from a far distance. At first I thought it was moving slowly, but then all the sudden, the damn thing almost stabbed me in the shoulder. And with my broken leg, and various other injuries, I barely made it out of the way in time. The spear lodged itself into the wall I had been leaning up against. Wow, it must’ve been hellas sharp to go through that wall! Good thing I dodged it.

But my celebration was cut short when I heard a buzzing sound. That cannot be good. Out of nowhere, thousands of arrows were heading in my direction. And since they looked so small at first, it basically looked like a humongous swarm of bugs were coming my way. There’s no way I’m gonna be able to dodge of these. As they got closer, I began to run to my right. Now, when I say ‘run’ I mean, how a normal person walks because normally I would limp, but now I have to force myself to run. My efforts were in vain because arrows began showering from what I presumed was the ceiling as well. I couldn’t escape them.

I glanced forward quickly to see if there was any point in me running further, and to my surprise – I saw an exit door! That was just enough to keep me going. The closer I got to the door, the more spears got trapped between my flesh. Since these spears were sharp, but not exactly huge, hundreds of them began to strike me. It kind of felt like I had millions of needles being jammed into my back, only this time the needles were spears and spears cause much more pain and bloodshed.

I had been reduced to crawling now toward the exit, which didn’t really give me a secure feeling that I would live. I decided to see how bad the damage was so far, considering my breathing had grown incredibly shallow and I could barely move anymore. The spears were sticking through my skin and through my bones all over the place. Some of them had been ripped out because I’ve been trying to crawl away and now instead of a spear in that spot, there’s just dangling pieces of flesh and endless floods of blood. By now my sad excuses of clothes were drenched and so was my skin, making it even harder to move. Every time I would hit the ground on my left knee, electrifying and numbing sensations would crawl up and down my entire left leg making me cringe. That feeling was almost worse than each time I would get stabbed by a spear.

Finally, I had collapsed in front of the door. I was lying on the ground, freely letting my blood create a puddle around my body, creating it’s own pool. Too bad I’m not in the mood to go swimming. I watched as it poured out faster than I’ve ever seen…like a hose in your backyard on the highest amount of water pressure. I was wheezing now…desperately trying to breathe.

Then, the door above me opened up to reveal Synyster Gates. Is this how he wanted me to die? I find that hard to believe…unless he had to change his plans so that he could get away from the cops.

“Good to see that you’re still alive, Myra, because there’s something I’ve been dying to tell you,” he smirked.
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oh nooo only 2 more chapters left =[ But wow they are going to be so are going to be on the edge of your seat! haha

comments would be fantastic and fyi I have 1/2 of the next chapter written so I'm hoping to update sooner...only if i get comments though!! lol thanx for reading =D