You Know I Make You Wanna Scream

I Love You So Much That I'm Gonna Kill You

*Shadows’ POV*

There was a room that we recently added to our basement…a room that would have been used for countless occasions of torture if we didn’t have to fucking get up and run away from the cops.

Anyway, this room is all white with bright lights along the ceiling, kind of creating the illusion that you’re not even in a room, which then leads to questioning yourself and potential insanity, or at least that’s what Jimmy said could happen to a person in that room.

Then, although the person on the ground couldn’t see it, from a room near the ceiling, there was a wall of windows where we could all watch the action along with a machine that fires off spears, basically.

We got to watch the whole show when we tested all of this out on Myra. And I must say, it was one show I wish I could replay over and over again. I’m not quite sure how Syn plans on finishing her off, and I probably won’t get to see him do it, but seeing her reduced to crawling on the floor, leaving gapping puddles of blood behind her was worth it to me.

“Shads, Rev are you guys ready to go take down those cops?” Syn asked as we walked out of the observing room and down the hall.

“That’s a stupid question,” I said with a laugh, “but how do you plan on us taking them down without being seen?”

Syn smirked, “How about we use some bazookas?” Holy shit, since when do we have those?! It looks like Christmas just came early for me.

“Yes! Now I finally get to show off my 2% Native American blood in me!”

I looked at him like he was crazy, “Dude, what the hell?”

“The Indians had mad skill shooting their little bows and arrows, right? Well, I get to use those genes that I have to use this bazooka, which is pretty much a modern day Indian weapon…”

I shook my head and laughed, “Rev, you are one weird guy.”

“So I’ve been told,” he replied as we hid behind some bushes.

Red and blue lights flashed up against the trees as the cops got closer and closer. The high-pitched sirens reverberated off the trees as well and we got ready to fire. Those cops are pretty damn stupid if they think that they’ll just be able to come to our place and arrest us. We don’t go down that easily.

As soon as the cops were in range, I elbowed Rev to silently tell him to get ready. We held our bazookas in place, and since there was barely a moon or any stars out tonight, I know that the cops won’t see us. I fired mine off first, hitting the target perfectly and smirking as the car flew up into the air in a great explosion. That car landed on the one behind it. Ha, just killed to birds with one stone.

Those damn cops don’t stand a chance against us. Well, maybe they do…Rev fired off his bazooka, and his totally, completely missed the cop car by a hell of a lot. It was too high and hit a couple trees, which fell into the other police pyre I had created. The cop car that got away, thanks to Rev, realized the direction where the shots were coming from and ran out of their cars to come after us.

As Rev and I were running back to the house, I angrily said, “What the fuck dude?! I thought you said you had your special Native American blood in you!”

He laughed nervously, “Yes, but I only said 2%.”

If we had not been running, I would’ve kicked his ass right then and there. If we do somehow get caught, it’ll be all his god damn fault! By the time we reached the house, we both collapsed on the floor, which was weird because I’m totally in shape, so I shouldn’t be out of breath like that.

I hate to admit it, but I’m a little worried now, and I never worry. I heard noises getting closer and closer to the house. Both the Rev and my eyes got big. “They’re here,” he gasped.

I stood up quickly, “We have to go get Syn, kill the bitch, and get the hell out of here!”

*Normal POV*

I looked up at him in fear. There was just something about what he just said and how he was looking at me that made me really scared. I don’t want to admit it, but I really think that he might be able to beat the cops. Syn pulled me up off the floor and to his level by tugging roughly on my blood-covered arm. He glanced over my body, probably admiring his work so far that sick bastard.

He wrapped his fingers around one of the spears lodged in my shoulder. My breath immediately quickened as soon as he made contact with it because it sent tingles of pain through my entire right side. “What are you do–?” I couldn’t finish the sentence…I was too busy screaming my lungs out as he mercilessly ripped the fucking thing out of my shoulder causing a shower of blood and pieces of ripped skin to fly all over the place. I cringed as I felt the cool air touch my exposed bone.

I looked up at him with tears brimming my eyes. Why the hell did he just do that?! As if reading my facial expression perfectly, he said, “I love you too much to see all of those sticking out of you.” What the hell?! Is he insane or something? I stared at him with my jaw dropped.

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“What do you think it means, Myra? I still love you…why else would I go through all of this trouble to make your death so special?”

“You don’t fucking kill someone you love!” I shouted.

He smirked and all of the sudden he had his huge arm wrapped around my neck, both choking me and holding me in place. My hands instantly flew up to his arms, clawing at him, trying to get him off of me.

He whispered in my ear, “I have every right to kill you. Do you wanna know a secret? When we all made our first kills in high school, we were going to let you be the one to live, because we thought we could trust you…you could’ve been a member of our group. But then you had to go run away to Utah before we could get you. If you want to blame someone, then blame yourself.”

I stopped struggling for a moment and thought about what he said before feeling totally disgusted. Even though my windpipe was being crushed, I still managed to talk. “What the hell makes you think that I would ever be able to kill someone?! And even I didn’t move away you know you still would have killed me.”

He didn’t answer with words because he was too busy ripping a spear out of my back, repeating the process of what happened with my shoulder. He did that to every other single spear in my body. And every time I screamed out in pain.

Once he was done, I was covered in deep, circular pits of bloodiness. I had dropped out of his grip from exhaustion and pain. There was so much blood flowing down my back, arms, and legs that it felt like I was in a shower or something. My entire body was numb with pain and I was lying on the floor crying my eyes out like a little baby.

“Aw I didn’t mean to make you cry,” Syn cooed as he knelt down to my low level. “How about I make it all better for you?”

He grabbed me, although at first he lost his grip because my arm was so wet, but he gripped harder and succeeded the second time around. He pushed me up against the wall hard and I cried out in pain as the wall seemed to dig into my multiple wounds somehow. He grabbed a knife out of nowhere and held it up against my neck, once again causing my breathing to intensify with fear. What was he planning?

Suddenly, his lips came crashing down on mine and he began kissing me roughly. I did not want this. I didn’t kiss back, so he pushed the knife closer to my flesh. I could feel the cold knife dig a little into my skin causing a small amount of blood to trickle down my neck. I whimpered a little, causing him to laugh into the kiss. I had no choice but to kiss him back.

And then the sickest feeling washed over me. Memories from when we first started dating flooded my mind and reminded me just how much I really did love him. I got caught up in the memory and kissed back just as roughly as he was. I could feel him smirk as I did so, and I realized that this is exactly what he wants and I’m tired of giving him what he wants.

Somehow, I managed to break away from him before he could react with his knife. I expected him to be pissed, but he was still smirking. “See I knew you still loved me Myra. And you always will.” I didn’t notice him removed the knife from my neck.

“Now, just admit it…you know I make you wanna scream,” he said with a sick smile on his face. Before I even had time to think about what he just said, I screamed louder than I ever had before. My throat was on fire and it felt like razorblades were being dragged up and down my throat. He had dug the knife deep into my chest and began to carve something there. He finished quickly and I glanced down in horror to see that he had written SYN on my chest.

Tears returned as blood flowed endlessly out of the three letters. My chest moved up and down rapidly in sad attempts to keep me alive. “Oh don’t cry Myra, now everyone will know that no matter what I do to you, you will always love me. But all good things must come to an end…”

“SYN THE COPS ARE AT THE DOOR!” Shadows shouted from the door to the basement.

“Fuck,” Syn said under his breath. “I’m sorry Myra, but it looks like I’m gonna have to do this quick…”

And without further words, he dug the knife deep into my stomach. So deep that he managed to pin me to the damn wall behind me. As if on command, I began coughing up blood and I used my hand to cover my mouth. When I pulled my hands back, I cringed to see that they were completely doused in crimson.

“Have fun dying Myra, considering you won’t be able to move from there and that we’ve got a time bomb on the house set to explode in 3 minutes! Try not to miss me too much,” Syn said with the sickest grin I’ve ever seen. He joined Shads at the top of the stairs and waved to me one last time before running away.

I can’t believe that he’s going to make it out alive and I’m going to slowly die. Well, consciousness was slowly leaving me as the blood spilled by the gallons. Actually, I’m surprise I’m still alive. I’ve lost a shit load of blood already. But I don’t want to die. I can’t fucking die!

This rage suddenly built up inside of me, and without really thinking, I ripped the knife out of my stomach and bit back a scream. I’ve got less than three minutes to get out of here. I began to stumble down the hall toward the stairs, my heart racing a million beats a second. I crawled up the stairs as fast as I could. But all the sudden I got caught in a coughing fit just as I was about 2 stairs away from the exit. Fuck, I don’t think I’m gonna get out in time.

A loud crash distracted me from my thoughts of my impending death. What the hell was that?! Could it be something that can save me...or kill me?
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OMG only one more chapter left!!!! What will happen?! Will the guys get away? Will Myra survive? What was the loud crash? Find out in the finale of You Know I Make You Wanna Scream due out in about 7-10 days =]

COMMENTS PLEASE!! I really want this story to finish with the big 10/10 stars please?