You Know I Make You Wanna Scream

It Was Worse Than I Thought

After searching for approximately forever and a half, I finally scored a job at the local grocery store...I know, exciting right? But hey, it'll pay the bills and allow extra spending money, so I think it will be worth it. I’ve had my fair share of shitty jobs, and this doesn’t even compare.

As I was walking out to the parking lot, I noticed that there weren't too many other cars parked around here. Normally, I love being out a night at times when people don't even think of going out, but something seemed different this time.
Since I’ve removed the feeling of fear from my emotional dictionary, I quickly shook the feeling and continued walking along the asphalt to my baby, the only black Dodge Ram in the lot.

As I rummaged through my messenger bag in search of my keys, I heard heavy footsteps behind me – like someone was running. “Hey, miss, I think you dropped this.”

I turned around to face a fairly hot guy with black hair and snakebites running towards me with a $20 bill in hand. I looked through my bag again and shrugged, assuming I must have dropped it earlier without noticing. I smiled once he got close enough and accepted the bill. “Oh wow, thanks a lot…I…I didn’t even notice.”

He returned the smile, trying to keep the topic seeming innocent. “Don’t mention it. Hey, do you wanna go get a drink or something?”

I absolutely love going drinking and sneaking into bars even though I'm only 18. But just like that strange feeling I received earlier, I’m thinking that I’m gonna have to pass this one up, even if he looked like the usual harmless, random hot strangers I party with. I smiled nervously and pretended to be embarrassed. “Ah, sorry, but I’m not 21 so I can’t go to a bar...”

He laughed loudly, “Please, you can pull it off. I find it hard to believe that a girl like you has never had a drink before!”

Who the hell does he think he is, telling me what I look like I have and haven't done?! I smirked, trying my best to conceal my anger. “That may very well be true, but still I don't get drunk with people I don't know. So thanks again for giving me my money, but I have to go!”

I quickly spun around and got into my truck before he could protest any further. I kept my eyes locked on him through the rearview mirror as I backed out of the parking spot and headed for the main road. He stood in the same place with a look of anger and rejection mixed into one ugly ass expression. I rolled my eyes as sped up, cranking the volume on the radio. What a loser.

As I was driving down the empty highway, I found myself staring out at the deserted beach along the side of the road. From here, the waves that crashed along the shore looked black…like death.

A shiver briefly crawled along my spine like a worm slithering across the pavement. I quickly dismissed the strangely dismal thought and grinned to myself as I watched the speedometer break 100 mph – another reason why I loved the nightlife.

Unfortunately, once I got a little closer to campus, more cars began to litter the roads. Stubbornly, I rolled down to a slower speed, completely peeved. Things seemed to get worse as an incredibly annoying bright light shone into my eyes from behind me.

“Turn your brights off asshole!” I growled as I shielded my eyes with a free hand.

Eventually, I began to swerve to the right a little due to the distraction and when I looked up again, he was driving right on the edge of my car. I honked my horn telling him to back up and when that didn't work, I sped forward…but it was as if I hadn't moved at all because he was still right behind me! Persistent bastard.

I continued speeding forward trying my best to ignore him. Apparently he didn’t care for that. He zoomed forward and began ramming the back end of my baby. I growled as I gripped the steering wheel tightly with one hand and shoved my other hand out the window to flip him off – which probably wouldn’t make him stop, but would at the very least channel my anger.

No one hurts my baby and gets away with it. Damn…now would be the perfect time to have a big ole shotgun like in all those predictable action movies.

Suddenly, the douche bag decided to lower the intensity of his lights, giving me a good look at the face I was about ready to beat in. It…it was that guy from the parking lot! What a psychopath…clearly, he doesn’t handle rejection so well.

I angrily pushed down hard on the gas pedal, which in turn caused me to miss my exit. “Damn it!” I yelled, slamming my fist into the wheel. And to make matters worse, the loser wasn’t letting up.

There was a rest stop up ahead, which looks to be the only turn around point for miles. So, I sharply turned the wheel to the right, sending the truck flying down the bank of grass and skidding onto the pavement nestled below. I bet he didn’t see that one coming.

But before I could start celebrating, I heard screeching tires. I turned around to see that he had pulled over last minute as well and was speeding down the hill. Ok…well this was rather unexpected. What the fuck am I supposed to do now?

Well, I didn't have much time to decide because as soon as he approached, he rammed the front end of his piece of shit car right through the back of my baby, totally peeling off the bed of my truck! The car swooshed and span uncontrollably until it finally flipped over into an intertwined metal heap at the edge of the lot.

I coughed as some smoke leaked out of my engine. It pained me to do so, but I knew I had to evacuate. I rolled out of the front seat and slid on my knees across the concrete. A loud explosion filled the still night air and flames ate away at my baby.

It hardly waited a whole minute before exploding, no joke. And for the first time in a very long time, I felt tears sting my eyes as I watched the beautiful paint job melt into shit.

Rest in Peace, June 2007-August 2009.

The tears soon dissolved, like the paint on my truck, into something much more venomous. Anger boiled up inside of me as I watched the freak crawl out of his tangled car and walk stealthily over toward me. I was going to run over to the truck’s remains to grab something sharp and deadly, but ended up tripping over some debris.

He finally stopped walking once he reached my body. He stared down at me with a sick smile on his face. He was glad, no proud of what he did. “I bet you wish you would have taken that drink now, don’t you?” he laughed, staring into the fire.

I felt my lips curl into a smirk that very much so resembled his own. “For what you did to my truck, I have a feeling you’re the one who’s gonna wish he took the drink,” I replied, lifting my leg upward and slamming the heel of my sandal as hard as I possibly could into his dick.

He doubled over in pain, cradling himself in the puddles of leaking oil and gasoline. It’s a shame he couldn’t just spontaneously combust right about now. His groans of pain faded in the distance as I found myself walking toward the highway, for what reason…I was unsure.

It’s not like I had a car to drive on it anymore. I clenched my fists tightly at my sides as I attempted to channel my anger.

Knowing there was nothing else to do but call for help, I turned around intending to head for the bathroom. I gasped in surprise when I turned around to face a short man with a Mohawk and nose ring.

“Hey, I’m sorry about what happened to your truck,” he murmured, speaking in possible sincerity. I gave him a suspicious look, not having much else to offer him.

“Why was your buddy over there riding my ass like that?”

“Isn’t it obvious? He just wanted to have a drink with you.”

“Ha, right. I’ve seen this all before, short stuff, but I don’t have time for whatever it is you truly have planned. My roommate is probably freaking right about now.”

“Would that roommate of yours happen to be named Myra?”

My eyes narrowed into tiny slits as I glared at him. “Spill the beans. How do you know Myra?”
“The details don’t really matter, Randi. Just know that if we don’t get you into that car, then she’s gonna be in a lot of pain.”

I had had enough of his pompous vagueness by now. The anger couldn’t be controlled any longer – both for what they did to the truck and for what they apparently plan on doing to Myra. I lunged forward with my fists balled so tightly that my nails began digging into my palms, but it didn’t bother me.

“You’re the only one that’s gonna be in pain!” I shouted, slamming my fist hard across his face, knocking him off balance. Before I could finish him off completely, I felt an arm wrap tightly around my neck, tugging me backwards.

“Bout time we got ourselves a fighter!” Parking Lot Creep cheered in my ear.

“Glad I didn’t disappoint. I should warn you now…I’m not like all the other innocent girls you’ve probably pulled this trick on,” I grinned, trying to pry his arm off me.

“No worries, we’ll have twice as much fun with you now. But it’s really time we get moving…and hope that the little guy over there will regain his consciousness soon.

I laughed, “I completely agree. You get moving and take your unconscious friend with you and leave me alone.”

“That’s cute, sweetheart, but you’ll be coming with us.” I’m not really sure whether it was the stupidly high amount of confidence in his voice or something else, but I didn’t notice the other man get up off the ground. He was silent…like a ghost.

The Parking Lot Creep let me go suddenly as my forehead fell into contact with the backside of a small shovel.


As consciousness eventually returned to me, I found that seeing was kind of difficult. I blinked my eyes countless times, but it was so pitch black wherever I was…I couldn’t see a thing. I tried to move around a little since my limbs were numb, but just like my vision…it was pointless.

I assumed they used ropes to keep my arms and legs tied together because I could feel something annoyingly scratching moving along my skin with each attempt. Ropes may be annoying as hell…but they were more than easy for me to break free from.

I wiggled around for a couple of minutes, staying in one place to focus on breaking the loosely tied knots. And then just like that, viola, my arms were free. I reached down and quickly untied my legs, anxious to stretch and walk around.

After making a few simple observations, I came to realize that I was locked up in the basement of some house. There were no windows down here, and I’m assuming if I tried hard enough I could crawl around until I reached the stairs. I ignored the slightly burning pain I felt in my kneecaps as I got down on all fours and crawled across the rough floor.

As I was crawling in what I assume would be forward, my fingers brushed against something cold and metallic. Could it be…a gun? Why the hell would there be a gun resting in the middle of the floor out in the open like that? I rolled my eyes as I lifted it up, feeling for the safety, and slid it behind the waistline of my jeans.

Questions were pointless now. All that mattered was getting out alive.

-Myra Thompson-

My fingertips had to be below zero by now…I knew for a fact that no blood was able to reach them thanks to these stupid cuffs. I couldn’t move even if I wanted to, and Matt was well of that. He crept over until he was almost completely toppling over me – way too close for comfort.

“Do you have any idea how hard it was to be nice to you earlier today?” he asked through gritted teeth.

Earlier today? When did I see him earlier today? I’m pretty sure that if I’d seen him I probably would’ve started screaming and running. Shit, all I have done today was go to the convention and sit around at home. But as soon as his lips curled into a creepy ass smile, a horribly uncomfortable sinking feeling erupted in my stomach.

Earlier today…he was the plumber. I let him into my house without even noticing the terrible mistake I was making.

A large lump had developed in the back of my throat, causing me to cough when I tried to breathe. My skin turned cold just staring at him…and thinking that I had called him hot earlier today. “Y-you were the plumber?!” I asked in a shaky voice, wanting to know whether or not my nightmares were growing worse.

He grinned evilly and mocked, “Y-yes that was me. Took you long enough!”

He scooted closer, killing almost all space between us. I tried to back away, but cringed when my back dug into the metal wall of the van. Obviously, I wouldn’t be able to push through that no matter how hard I tried.

He whispered, “Do you know how hard it was to resist doing this...?” Matt slowly wrapped one of his bulky hands around my neck and began to squeeze, cutting off any chance that I had left of sucking in some oxygen. There was no way for me to struggle - no way to make him stop.

“Aw, c’mon, Shads, we can’t have any fun with her if she isn’t breathing.”