You Know I Make You Wanna Scream

Close, Yet Far

I held the gun right up against his chest, and still he acted like everything was fine – liked I wasn’t about to blow a hole into his skin. What was his deal? Maybe it’s all just a façade. He’s just messing with my mind. That’s gotta be it. He didn’t strike as the completely stupid type.

“I hope you guys had fun with this brief little stint, but now Myra and I are leaving,” I said sternly, finger readily on the trigger.

All of them, minus the Parking Lot Creep, erupted into a series of laughter, like they just heard a joke. “What the hell is so funny?” I asked angrily, shoving the barrel even further into the man’s chest cavity. He remained unconcerned.

Mr. Muscles shrugged, "Oh, nothing. I just think you have such a wild imagination. I think I’ll take my time with you…bleed you out for days before finishing you off.” He finished with a sick smile on his face.

Does he not realize who he’s dealing with here? I smirked, feeling an overflow of confidence heightening inside me. “I think that you’re mentally insane. The only person’s blood that will be shed is gonna be yours!”

I couldn’t stop myself anymore – all I saw was red. My finger squeezed tightly around the trigger, sending a bullet zooming out of the barrel and burying itself in his chest, ripping a hole into his t-shirt on contact. “Don’t feel so hot now, do ya?” I asked, with a look of satisfaction on my face.
He glanced down curiously at the hole in his shirt.

Suddenly, his eyes flickered up at me, complete with an evil grin, reflecting light off his metal grills. “I’ve never felt better.”

My eyes widened in confusion and shock. “You…you shouldn’t be still standing, let alone speaking! How…what…what the hell? I shot you at point blank!” He shrugged, ripping his jacket off, revealing a bulletproof vest beneath his white t-shirt and jacket. He looked down at the small hole in the vest and effortlessly plucked the lodged bullet out, dropping it on the floor with a clink!

“Too bad,” he sighed, “you might have actually been able to make it out of here.”

I blinked for a moment, feeling completely stupefied after witnessing what just occurred. Suddenly, like a gazelle perking its head up at the sound of rustling grass, the reality and danger of this whole situation settled in. Myra and I were really in trouble. We needed to get out of here now! This wasn’t a game anymore.

For a split second, I caught a brief glimpse of Myra from over Mr. Muscles’ shoulder. She looked completely frozen in place, pale and wide-eyed. As of right now, thanks to all the commotion I’d caused, it looked like she was completely unguarded. She was in the perfect position to get out of here. “Quick…run, Myra!” I yelled as I kicked Mr. Muscles unexpectedly in the stomach sending him stumbling backwards into the Fedora Hat Man.

Myra didn’t hesitate. She nodded before making a mad dash for the door. Obviously, it would be more than challenging to get past the brick wall of men separating me from the door, so I took off running in the opposite direction down the hallway.

Luckily, there was a large window directly ahead of me. As I got closer to the glass exit, I noted that it was nailed shut. I quickly pulled off my jacket and wrapped part of the sleeve around my fist before slamming it through the glass. I brushed the shards away so that I’d be able to crawl through with minimal scratching.

“They’re getting away!” Parking Lot Creep yelled frantically.

My breath hastened in the back of my throat as I hurried my pace. I had gotten both my legs out easily, then my torso. I had everything by my shoulder and head out. My toes were able to touch the ground, but something stopped me from reaching completely. My sleeve got caught on one of the larger shards near the bottom of the window.

“Shit,” I breathed out, “not now!”

I tugged at it desperately, causing the shard to dig past the material and into my skin. I bit down on my lower lip to somehow ease the pain. A feeling of relief rushed over me as I heard the sound of tearing fabric. My hands were the only thing that needed to come out, and just when I was so close to success, I felt something jerk my arm upward, leaving me dangling out the window by one arm.

I glanced up fearfully to see Tall Man staring down at me with dark eyes.

“Where do you think you’re going?” he asked.

I flailed in his grip, despite the burning pain that resulted in my arm. “Let me go!” I pleaded, hating myself for sounding so weak.

He snorted as he tugged a little harder, pulling me further from the ground as my elbow skidded across that damned shard. “Yeah, right.”

Eventually, he managed to get me back inside the house. I collapsed on the soiled floor, feeling the oxygen attack the newly inflicted scratches all over my body. Tall Man dragged me down the hall, tossing me like a doll into the living room.

I was so fucking close. So close. At least Myra got away. She can get some help and come back for me. I can handle these creeps for now.

-Myra Thompson-

I watched as best as I could from behind Matt’s back. He stood still, in confidence, not fear, as Randi shoved the gun into his chest. Something wasn’t right…she nailed Zacky pretty hard in the shoulder. Wouldn’t that make him a tiny bit concerned?

I saw the anger flicker in Randi’s eyes as Matt continued to encourage her to blast his heart out of his body. She finally gave in and sent the bullet flying forward. He hardly even stumbled. Soon after, he pulled his jacket and shirt off to reveal the bulletproof vest. Sneaky bastard!

Randi was confused momentarily, but suddenly glanced over in my direction. “Quick…run, Myra!” she shouted, giving me a look of urgency. I knew she had a plan…she wasn’t fucking around. The door was only a couple feet away from me, and took the opportunity.

I’ve known Randi for almost three years now. She was strong, much stronger than I was. She’d be able to handle herself in there. She probably was already on her way out through a different exit. Or so I could hope.

Night had made its full arrival here in the middle of nowhere, and still there were no stars in the sky. I paused shortly on the wobbly wooden stairs as I stared out into the abyss. It was hard to believe that there were actually trees in front of me…everything was so dark.

If I took off now without Randi, then we’d never be able to find each other in these woods. I decided it would be best to just wait for her, so I scrambled over to a nearby bush and pulled my legs close to my body, keeping a hand clasped over my mouth to silence my heavy breathing. The cool night air seemed to wrap around me like a suffocating blanket.

Being alone like this it…frightened me.

Ten minutes or so had passed, and still I found myself alone. Randi hadn’t gotten out of the house yet. A scream sounded off in the distance, which made my heart practically jump out of my chest. I knew it was Randi. But how could it be? She was able to shoot Zacky and confront Matt without ever backing down. How could she lose?

Suddenly, I felt a heavy weight on my shoulders…it was guilt. How could I sit out here like this while she’s in there taking the blame for everything? Maybe I should go back…

“This is terrible,” I whispered to myself as I let my legs drop to the ground, slightly stretching out beneath the hedges. “What kind of friend am I?”

Suddenly, something sharply tugged at my foot, pulling me forward through the bush. I cried out as several hundred thorns hungrily embedded themselves into my flesh, leaking thin trails of blood all over the place.

“You really shouldn’t talk to yourself. It kinda gave away your shitty hiding spot,” Brian sneered as he gripped the collar of my shirt and held me above the ground. “Oh no, did you get hurt?” he asked, reaching forward and smearing some blood across my cheek.

He spun around and began walking back toward the house. I can’t let him get away with this. Randi put herself in harm’s way, giving me a chance to get away and save the two of us. I drew in a deep breath for reassurance before lifting my arm and elbowing Brian in the face, instantly causing red, sticky liquid to pour out.

I cringed slightly as I felt his slimy blood crawl along my arm, but it was well worth it. He dropped me to the ground and cradled his nose, sending several obscenities in my direction. I regained my balance and took off into the black woods, having absolutely no idea where I was heading.

After some time passed, I slowed my pace slightly, knowing that he didn’t come after me. My lungs felt like they were going to explode, and my legs felt like they were going to detach from my body, but I didn’t care.

Randi was my best friend…and I’ll do anything to get her out of this mess. Besides, it was me they were after in the first place. I’m not even sure why they brought her into this, but I’m not going to let them accomplish their goals.

There was some sort of trail that I managed to stumble upon, gratefully. It wasn’t completely smooth, like a road or anything, but it was much better than wondering through the jungle abyss. For some reason, I felt a burst of renewed energy grow inside me, encouraging me to speed up again. My legs seemed to develop a mind of their own as I maintained my speed heading down a downward-sloped hill.

No, I couldn’t stop even if I wanted to. I was far too determined, and stupid. My ankle got caught in an uprooted root, causing me to fall forward, sliding down the sharp hill on my ass again for the second time in one horrible day. I screamed out a little as branches lashed at me and I continued slipping into the unknown.

The joy ride finally reached a conclusion as my battered body rolled onto what felt like something solid…could it be…? A road! I weakly lifted my head at the sight of bright lights. A car was approaching…and it wasn't just any car.

It was an ambulance!