You Know I Make You Wanna Scream

Attempted Gettaway, Painful Consequences

Tall Man was really, really stupid. He thought that dragging me back inside would be enough to keep me contained. He turned around, shouting the word “shadows” sounding like he was looking for someone. I didn’t really care what he was looking for.

I grinned to myself as I lifted my leg and sent my foot flying forward as fast as I possibly could, making contact with his ass and knocking the toothpick over onto his knees. Ah, so many choices from here…do I try the window again? I think it’s worth a shot.

Using my bare fist, I kicked the rest of the loose pieces of glass out of the frame so I could make a clean escape this time. Even though some shards were sticking out between my knuckles like glass fingers, I didn’t care. It’s not like I wasn’t already bleeding anyway.

Tall Man wasn’t able to do anything until I’d already landed on the dirt below the window. “The other one escaped!” he croaked. A sudden stampede followed his voice, which was my cue to get the fuck outta there.

I took off running, unsure of which direction to take. Everything looked the same – black trees towered over me every way I turned. I decided to just go forward, or at least what I assumed to be forward, and continued running until things became a little too quiet.

All the rabid movement behind me had since ceased. What, did they pass out from exhaustion already? I shrugged it off and moved onward against my better judgment. Within a matter of seconds, I found myself breathing dirt.

My body fell to the forest floor with a heavy thud as the footsteps resumed. I tried to get back up to my feet, but my body was numb and my head was throbbing. I couldn’t possibly admit defeat. That’s just not something I do.

“Nice throw, Shads,” one of them laughed.

They started closing in on me, one at a time. What did he throw at me? I strained my neck upward to glance around. The only thing in range that could’ve had even the slightest chance to do damage was a medium sized stone a couple feet from my body.

Tall Man approached me and glared. “That was a good try…I never would’ve suspected you’d try twice within one hour. But it looks like we’ve got the upper hand now, bitch.” He leaned down to pull me up onto my wobbly legs.

“Is that so?” I challenged, spitting in his face and elbowing his gut. I waited a couple seconds to savor his fall before I tried to take off again.

“Damn, she’s strong,” the short guy commented.

“Well duh, she shot me in the fucking shoulder. It was a good shot!” Parking Lot Creep
groaned, still cradling his now bandaged wound.

“I think it would be in your best interest to let me go now before someone really gets hurt,” I said, keeping my eyes locked on all four of them as they encircled me.

Sure, it may have been harder to escape, but that’s what six years of karate was about to fix. I shook my head a couple times, hoping that could ease the throbs, but it only made me dizzier.

Whoever was behind me lunged forward suddenly and kicked me causing my knees to buckle. I fell forward right into the waiting and ready arms of Mr. Muscles. He flashed a smile before turning me around so that my back was up against his rock solid chest and his arms were wrapped around me like a very uncomfortable seat belt.

He dragged me back to the house without much struggle. I’ll just save all that karate for later. I wasn’t too weak, honest. And I wasn’t scared…

“Why don’t we try and take this from the top,” Mr. Muscles, I mean Shads, suggested. He took a couple minutes to introduce the gang.

As I said, Mr. Muscles became M. Shadows. Parking Lot Creep was Zacky Vengeance. Tall Man was the Rev. The short guy was Johnny Christ. And last but not least Fedora Hat Man, who was currently absent, was Synyster Gates.

Personally, I liked my names for them better.

“Where’s the other one?” I asked, referring to Gates.

“Do you and Myra not share secrets at all?” the Rev asked.

“We know almost everything about each other,” I said offended, “now answer the question!”

Shadows sighed as he sat down next to me. “He’s her ex-boyfriend.”

My eyes widened as all the puzzle pieces were suddenly falling into place. That was why she was kidnapped. They were coming for Myra but found out she had friends. I felt my body temperature drastically increase as a look of hatred saturated my eyes. “That guy better leave Myra alone,” I threatened.

“Don’t you think you should be worried about yourself instead?” Johnny asked.

I rolled my eyes and mimicked what he said in a squeaky voice. “She’s my best friend,” I said quietly, “and I’m not going to let her get hurt.”

Shadows leaned forward and wrapped his arms around me in what honestly felt like a hug.
“That was…so precious,” he said in a fake sensitive voice.

“Fuck off,” I mumbled, shimmying my way out from under his arms and walking to the other side of the room. Sure, it felt better to sit down…but the pain was worth being in my own personal space.

“Why are you all the way over there? Not feeling like Mrs. Tough Guy anymore?” he teased.

“Ever hear of a thing called privacy?” I retorted.

He huffed, annoyed that I wasn’t playing along. “Guess there’s nothing wrong with beating some sense in you. Don’t worry, I’m sure with all that strength of yours, you won’t even feel a thing,” he smirked.

“Look, can’t you just give me a five minute break. Can you not just sit still for five minutes?”

My words seemed to go in one ear and out the other as his eyes scanned the room for God knows what. He grinned when he finally found what he was looking for – a twisted metal pipe resting in the corner.

My throat tightened slightly as my eyes locked on the weapon. I need to stay away from him. He could easily kill me with that thing, and that was simply not an option. “Stay away from me, you bastard!” I warned.

“The name calling is really getting old, Randi. You’re breaking my heart,” he said before swinging the pipe toward me.

I ducked down, just barely avoiding the strike. The jagged edge of the pipe got caught in the thick drywall, giving me just enough time to bolt down the hall. I wasn’t stupid; I knew I couldn’t completely escape. But seeking safety, now that was a totally different story.

There was an opened door on my left, so I took that as my best bet and slid inside, locking the door behind me. My eyes scanned the room only to find that there were no windows in here.

Just my luck!

“Why are you hiding, princess? Do I scare you?” he called out.

I wanted so badly to combat with some verbal acidity, but I couldn’t give away my location until I had some sort of weapon. His maniacal laughter echoed down the hall just as he rammed the tip of the pipe into the cheaply constructed wooden door. Woodchips began collecting on the floor as he hacked away, letting rays of light inside. The only thing I could see through the slits were his dark hazel eyes.

My fingers desperately searched for something, anything to use against him. But it would seem that all that was in here was a dusty bed and empty dresser drawers. I let out a small shriek of shock as I felt the cool metal of the pipe make contact with my neck.

“Got you now,” he whispered into my ear, sending waves of his heated breath cascading across my skin.

He suddenly took the pipe out from under me and shoved me onto my knees. I extended my arms to break the fall, but that only left me completely wide open for a direct assault. He struck me as hard as he could, slicing the metal across skin covering my arm.

Blood splashed onto the floor after the initial contact. He didn’t stop there, oh no. For some inexplicable reason, he kept beating me down with the pipe, hitting any portion of my skin that was reachable until I couldn’t get back up.

I stared vacantly at the bloodstained floor and watched him walk out with a disgusting amount of satisfaction on his face. Oh, I can’t wait until I can feel my legs again. I was gonna kill that son of a bitch!

Myra Thompson

The minute I regained consciousness, I wished it would disappear. It didn’t take long for me to register that I was in a truck, handcuffed to the driver’s armrest, and in ten times more pain than I recall being in previously.

“What…what happened?” I mumbled. I blinked a couple times to clear my vision and groaned when I saw Brian sitting next to me. Right, now I remember…he caught me.

“Nice of you to finally join me. How’s all that pain working out for you?”

I glared at him realizing that he had given me anything but a painkiller. Any of the choice phrases I had lined up in my mind seemed too difficult to speak, so I just let my head roll back onto the headrest, hoping it would help even in the slightest way. I felt his eyes burning into my back, and it was almost becoming worse than the pain.

“C’mon, Myra, it can’t be that bad.”

“Believe me, I’d love for you to feel what I’m going through right now.”

“I don’t think you have any reason to be so pissed at me.”

I scoffed, “Are you fucking kidding me, Brian? You kidnapped my best friend and me and probably plan on doing horrible things to us. Pretty sure that gets you the Dick of the Year Award.”

“You didn’t used to think that way of me,” he said, running his fingers along my cuffed hands.

“You didn’t used to be a psycho,” I muttered bitterly, tugging at the cuffs until they untangled themselves from the armrest. Brian took the hint and shut up.

I continued staring into the lit portion of the road under the headlights. As I noted earlier, the entire road was dirt…and there hasn’t been another car on the road either. I guess I can see why the doctor wouldn’t believe me. This place really is abandoned.

Maybe I could get away with jumping out. Dirt had to be softer than concrete. And adding a little more pain to the inventory really couldn’t hurt me at this point. I’d have a good minute or so before he’d realized what had happened.

If I pushed myself hard enough, I bet I could run and hide in the woods. Taking the risk and giving in to the temptation, I allowed my fingers to slowly and subtly reach forward until my fingers latched down on the handle.

“If you even think about pulling that handle any further, your friend is as good as dead,” he said distantly, keeping his eyes locked on the road.

I groaned angrily as I retreated back into the seat. “I swear, if you lay one hand on her, I’ll –.”

His laughter cut me off abruptly. “You’ll do what?” Do you really think that you can take on all five of us, Myra? I hate to break it to you, but we’re ten times stronger than we were in high school. Look, as long as you do as you’re told, she won’t get hurt.”

Unfortunately, I’m guessing that’s as good as it can get. Of course I’d be willing to do what they wanted if it meant Randi’s safety. It’s my fault she got involved in the first place.

A few more drawn out minutes passed before he finally pulled into the same secluded driveway I’d seen hours ago. I slipped out of the seat on my own to avoid any confrontation. “Can I at least get my hands back? I won’t run,” I said, jingling the cuffs.

He rolled his eyes as he walked around the front end of the truck and undid the cuffs without a word. It was better that way. I followed him almost obediently back to the house and had to swallow a bitter laugh.

So, Dr. Manor, still think that no one lives up here? If he hadn’t been so ridiculously stupid, I wouldn’t be back here! Lazy asshole.

All of the guys were gathered around the kitchen table playing a round of poker. I choked a little on the thick cigar smoke that was polluting the entire room. “Aw, look who decided to come back,” Matt smirked.

I rolled my eyes and cut to the chase. “Where’s Randi?”

He nodded toward the first door on the left. I walked over to the room, disliking the initial sight of the chopped door. Clearly, a struggle had ensued. Of course I wouldn’t expect anything less from Randi.

I pushed the door open a little further causing it to squeak almost painfully on its hinges. The room was just as dark as the forest outside was. My fingers ran along the bumpy wallpaper, but couldn’t locate any light switch.

Looks like I’d just have to walk into the dark. It was totally silent in the room…there was no breathing…nothing. I took small steps forward, not exactly sure what to expect, and ended up falling face first onto the floor.

Whatever it was that I tripped over had to be massive. I pulled my leg over the summit of the mountain lying on the floor and that was when I felt the urge to become suddenly very, very sick. It wasn’t a thing I tripped over…it was Randi.

Matt walked down the hall, casually pausing in the doorway, pushing the door open a little more to let more light in. Randi was lying motionless on the floor, her body caked in blood and bruises had already formed.

My fingers prodded for a pulse, but I couldn’t seem to find one. One fear led to another, and next thing I knew I was bolting for Matt, murder in my eyes. I knew he was the one that did this to her.

She couldn’t have been killed…not by the likes of this asshole.