Status: Active

Life Cycles

The First Meeting

I sighed and watched my boys in the band Through Districts Divided play their set with Daniel and Luke, while waiting for our set. They were amazing, and I’m glad that we’re label mates and are touring together. They just finished playing their song “Better Safe Than Never,” and I faced Daniel, telling him that I was head out to the table set for my clothing line Resist & Rebel to give our merch guy a break. He nodded and continued watching Through Districts Divided play their set as I walked towards the merch tables.

I found the Rebel & Resist and the Word Alive tables and told our merch guy, Ian, that he could take a break and that I would take over for a while. Ian smiled and walked away from the tables and out to watch the show. I took a seat in Ian’s chair, behind the table, and smiled as fans were stopping by the tables to buy merch. I loved meeting the fans and listen to their stories on how they found about the band and how much our music saved their lives. They were definitely the best fans I could ever ask for.

“Hey, Telle. I just wanted to say that I love you man, and that The Word Alive saved my life.” A guy, who didn’t look anything older than 17 or 18, said as he approached the table. “I made you a bracelet, it’s the least I can do since your music saved my life.” he said and handed me the home made bracelet. I couldn’t help but smile and I put it on my wrist. “I am honored that our music has saved your life. It’s the fans like you that keep us working hard and producing music for you guys.” I said honestly, because it was true. He smiled and took out his camera. “You’re awesome, Telle…do you mind if we can snap a shot together?” I nodded and smiled. The fan smiled and looked around for a few seconds walked over to the next table and asked someone to take a picture of us with his camera. He walked back over with an unfamiliar girl that was following behind him. He stopped in front of the table and handed the girl his camera. I got up from my seat and stood beside the guy and draped an arm across his shoulder, using my other hand to give the “rock on” hand sign, and he did the same.

“Tell me when you guys are ready,” the unfamiliar girl softly spoke with a small smile. The guy nodded and I winked at her, causing her blush slightly. She nodded and took a couple of quick shots of the fan and I, before handing him back his camera. We both look at the photos in his camera and they came out great. The guy looked up at the girl and smiled, telling her thank you and that the photos were perfect. She smiled and blushed again, before she started heading back over to the merch table that she was at before. I have never noticed her until now and we’ve been on this tour for almost two months. The fan shook my hand and said goodbye to me before he left to go back to the crowd, leaving me to sit there by myself. I decided to take this opportunity to go up and talk to the girl.

I got up from my seat and walked passed a few tables until I stopped in front of hers. It was then I realized that she was the merch girl for Through District Divided. The girl looked up from a book that she was reading and smiled softly as her cheeks were a hint of red from her blushing. “Hi, there. How can I help you?” She said with an accent. I didn’t notice it until now. “Oh I just stopped by to introduce myself. I’ve never seen you before until now,” I said with a smiled then introduced myself, “I’m Tyler, but most people call me Telle. I’m the vocalist of The Word Alive.” I put out my right hand for her to shake. She bit her lip softly and I placed her hand in mine for me to shake. “I’m Carmen. I’m the merch girl for my older brother’s band Through Districts Divided.” She introduced with a shy smile. I couldn’t help but smile more, she was cute.

“It’s nice to meet you, Carmen. How come I haven’t seen you before on this tour? I’ve met all of the other merch guys and girl.” I asked, looking at all of the items they were selling for TDD. She shrugged softly, “I’m always here at the table working, but when my brother’s band performs, I go out and watch them play. And I usually pack up the merch and go in the bus, when you guys do meet and greets. I sometimes see the other bands if I have the chance too.” She said and bit her bottom lip nervously. She was being cute and she was definitely a cute girl. I nodded and gave her one of my friendly smiles, “If you have time tonight, do you want to watch my band’s set? ...Unless you’re not a fan of the band.” I proposed, hoping that she would say yes. She looked down as she began to blush again, trying to hide it from me, but I saw it.

“Actually, I am a fan…I have been since the beginning…and…yeah,” she said shyly and hid her face again. I couldn’t help but smile, she was adorable. “Well that’s great then. So you want to watch our set?” I offered and she nodded with a smile. “Great, I’ll see you in the crowd.” She nodded and told me that she couldn’t wait to watch.

I smiled and waved, before heading back to my merch table to sell some more items from my clothing line and meet a few more fans. Half an hour later, Ian came back from his break and went back to working at the tables. I headed to the side of the stage to meet up with the guys, while the techies were setting up the stage for us. I can see half of the crowd from where I was standing, and I saw that Carmen was standing near the front of the stage, biting her bottom lip. Now that I saw her, I couldn’t wait to get on stage and sing in front of her.

A few minutes later, the stage lights dimmed which meant that it was our cue to get on the stage. Everyone went out before I did and as each of the guys ran onto the stage, the crowd was cheering. Daniel took his place onto the stage and now it was my turn to get on the stage. I jumped up and down in place, shaking my hands before jogging across the stage. The crowd cheered even louder and I saw Carmen smiling at me. I smiled and grabbed my mic and cued the guys to start the riff for “2012”

“You get what you deserve for fucking with me!

You get what you deserve for fucking with me!”

The crowd started screaming the lyrics with me. I even saw Carmen mouthed the lyrics and I couldn’t help but smiled and continued.

“You’re not the first, you won’t be the last. Your days are numbered so make them last.”

Halfway through the set, we decided to play one of our less heavier songs, “Dream Catcher”. I looked at the crowd and saw that Carmen was smiling, bigger than the small smiles that she was giving me earlier. I think that we were playing her favorite song, because she sang the lyrics and swayed from side to side to the music. It was cute seeing her feel the music that we created as a band, in her.

“All right you guys, we’re about to perform our last song for tonight. You guys have been super amazing to us and our boys in Through Districts Divided tonight. This last song goes out to our fans that have been taken for granted by their two-faced ex. This song is called ‘We Know Who You Are’!!!!!” I said and the guys started playing the song. I held up three fingers to cue the fans to scream the lyrics with me.


“You’re fucking fake!
♠ ♠ ♠
This is my first Telle/The Word Alive fan fiction. I know that Luke Holland wasn't in the picture at this time, but this is my story. Anywho, I hope you like the introduction well enough to stick with this story.

I'll have chapter two posted in a couple of days :)

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