Status: Active

Life Cycles

New Friendship

The show had ended an hour and we just finished doing meet and greets with fans that had purchased the VIP passes. Tony went to the bus and so did Luke, so he could talk to his girlfriend, Jessi. Daniel and Zack went to help Ian pack up the band merch and the items from my clothing line. I decided to go look for Carmen to talk to her. I walked over to see if she was still working at her merch table for Through Districts Divided, but it was empty. I guess she’s outside putting the stuff away, so I walked outside to where the busses were and I saw her near a trailer, loading heavy buckets by herself. She was struggling as she was loading the buckets into the trailer, so I jogged over to her and grabbed the bucket from her.

“Here, I got it.” I said and put the bucket in the trailer for her. Carmen bushed and said thank you to me. I smiled and went to grab the rest of the buckets to put away.

“Oh…you don’t have to do that for me.” She said and I gave her a smile and shook my head, “No I have too. You shouldn’t be doing this by yourself anyways.” I said and finished putting the buckets away. She closed the trailer door down and faced me once again.

“Thank you so much for helping me,” A smile was forming on her lip. I nodded and smiled, “My pleasure.” I leaned against the trailer, “So what did you think of our set, tonight?” I asked.

Carmen tucked a few strands of her hair behind her ear. Wow, I didn’t even know that she has stretched ears, but she’s still cute. “Yeah I did, you guys sound just as amazing as you do in the cd…you even performed my favorite song.” She said and played with her fingers. I chuckled and nodded, “Oh really? And what song was that?” I asked. She blushed and bit her bottom lip. “‘Dream Catcher’. That song is beautiful…and yeah…” I nodded and smiled, “That’s actually my favorite song that I’ve written on that album. It’s definitely more personal and inspirational.”

Carmen nodded and smiled, “I can definitely sense it. It is a beautiful song for sure.” She played with the strands of her hair. I smiled then took out my phone from my pocket to see what time it was and it read 11:15 PM. “So we have forty-five minutes before we have to be back on the bus. I’m going to go to the convenient store to get some snacks for the road, before bus call. Would you like to join me?” I asked and she contemplated for a few seconds and nodded with a “Sure.” I nodded with a smile and we both began making our way to nearest convenient store.

After spending a good fifteen minutes at the convenient store which five of those minutes were me trying to convince her to let me pay for her stuff, we were now walking back to the buses before the tour manager starts to have a bitch fit that I’m late for bus call. Carmen has opened up a little more to me. She’s definitely a quirky girl and told me some cute, but funny jokes that had me laughing the whole time. I can definitely see myself hanging out with her more often. We stopped in front of the door of Through Districts Divided’s tour bus and she looked down, biting her bottom lip, before looking back at me.

“It was really nice meeting you tonight, Telle. I really enjoyed your set and it was fun hanging out with you for the past thirty minutes,” She admitted with a smile. Though I was wondering why she saying this, like this would be the last time we would see each other.

“It was nice meeting you too, Carmen. It was definitely fun hanging out. You’re definitely a fun girl to be around,” I said smiled, causing her to blush. She smiled back softly then was about to head inside the bus until it hit me. Tonight was the last show of tour and we were all going our separate way. I quickly grabbed Carmen’s hand, making her turn around, blushing again.

“So I just realize that tonight was the last show of the tour and that means I won’t be able to hang out with you anymore…Can we trade numbers so we can keep in touch? I definitely want to hang out more.” I said and took out my phone from my pocket. She nodded and did the same. We traded phones and typed our phone numbers, before handing them back. I put my phone back in my pocket before looking back up at her again. I held out my arms for her, so I could give her a hug, which she allowed as she stepped closer to me and wrapped her arms around my waist as I wrapped my arms around her upper body. “Goodnight, Carmen. Sweet dreams.” I said and she nodded before heading into her bus.

Once she was inside her bus, I headed towards mine and climbed up the steps. The guys were in the living area of the bus, watching TV or talking to their girlfriends. I told them that I was going to be in my bunk and probably pass out. They nodded and I headed towards the back and climbed up on my bunk. I took off my shirt and pants off, leaving me just in my boxers as I laid across my bunk, eating some popcorn and listened to some music that was playing softly through my iPod, to help me get ready to fall asleep. My phone began to vibrate, indicating that I had received a text message. I grabbed my phone from my pants pocket and slid my finger across the screen to view the message.

I just want to say thank you for tonight, again. It made my night. Goodnight, Telle.
-Carmen xx

I smiled after I read the text message from Carmen and quickly wrote a reply, sending it. I smiled to myself, before drifting to sleep.

You’re welcome. I had fun hanging out too. Don’t worry though, we’ll be hanging out again. Goodnight Carmen.
-Telle Tubby
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Yay chapter 2 is out!!! I'm definitely digging this story. It's gonna get even more cute :) I'm going to start working on chapter 3 soon.

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