Status: Active

Life Cycles

Small World

It’s been about two months since I’ve met Carmen and we have been texting and calling each other almost everyday. I found out that Michael DeNoto, the vocalist of Through Districts Divided was her older step brother and that she’s a college student. I also found out that she lives in Troy, Ohio which is great since I live about thirty minutes away from her. However, we haven’t actually hung out since the day we met because I have been busy with the band, working on our new album and she was busy with college and helping her brother’s band.

Anywho, I was back at home after spending a couple of weeks in California, recording new material for our new album. It was a nice day today and I decided that it would be a great time to take a stroll in town and hang out with some old buddies of mines. I got in my car and drove to the downtown mall. Once I parked my car in the parking garage, I found, “Tommy’s Music”, the one shop that I have been wanting to go for a while now. I opened the door, causing the doorbell to chime, getting the employee’s attention.

“Well isn’t it Mr. Famous. How are you Telle?” Tommy, the owner of the store greeted me.

I smiled. I haven’t seen Tommy in forever since I have been busy with the band and touring. He was the one who taught me how to play the guitar and brought out my vocals talent. “Hey, Tommy. I’ve been good and yourself?”

He nodded, “That’s great to hear. I’ve been pretty great if I do say so myself. So did you just get back from touring?”

“I got back about two months ago. I’ve been traveling back and for to California since the band and I are working on new material for the new album.” I said and leaned against the counter, looking around the shop. The shop had upgraded a lot since the last time I’ve been here. I smiled, remembering how often I used to come here for lessons, open mics, and when I bought my first few guitars and basses. I noticed a picture frame near the cash register. It had a photo of a little boy that looked like Tommy.

“Is this a photo of your son?” I curiously asked and Tommy chuckled.

“No, he’s my grandson. He’s such a good kid. My daughter is doing a great job raising him as a single mom.” Tommy said, and kept telling me great things about his grandson and daughter.

Soon after, Tommy’s office phone had rung, making him leave to go to his office to pick it up. I smiled to myself and looked around the store. I walked over to the microphone section, since I needed a new mic anyways. I picked a couple of mics out and compare them with each other, while I waited for Tommy to come back. He could help me choose the best mic to get. I heard the bell chime when the front door opened. I didn’t look up since I was still looking at the microphones. However, a few minutes later, I heard someone walking towards me, not thinking much about it until they spoke.

“Do you need any help…” They stopped, “…Telle?”

I turned to my right and saw that Carmen was right beside me, shocked to see me here. I was shocked as well, but I smiled nonetheless. I’ve wanted to see her for the last two months now.

“Hey Carmen,” I greeted her and pulled her into a hug. She blushed, but returned as she wrapped her arms around my torso.
“What are you doing here?” She asked me as she rubbed her right arm, still blushing. Aww she’s still cute.

“Well I got back from Cali two days ago and I decided that I would visit the owner of this shop,” I smiled, “How about you?”

She nodded and was about to speak, but a little boy, that look no older than three years old, had clung to her leg. She blushed and looked down at the little boy. The little boy was asking Carmen a few questions. He was a cute kid definitely, but I wasn’t sure if he was her son.

“Is he your son?” I asked curiously and she nodded. The boy faced me and smiled.

“I’m Tyler but my mommy calls me Tye. W-what’s your name?” He asked.

“I’m Tyler as well, but I go by Telle,” I said and held out my hand for him to shake. Tye got excited when he found out my name was the same as his. He shook my hand and looked at Carmen with a big smile.

“He’s a cute kid and looks just like you,” I complimented and she blushed as she handed Tye a candy bar.

“Thank you. I’m glad because his dad doesn’t even care about us.” She said as she crouched down wipe Tye’s chocolate covered face. When she said that, I immediately felt bad for her. She has to raise her son all by herself and she’s barely twenty years old.

“Well he’s a dick for leaving an awesome mother to raise a cool kid.” I said and she blushed, but smiled nonetheless.

Tommy walked out from his office and Tye ran up to him. “Grandpa!!!” He called excitedly and hugged him. Tommy hugged him back, lifting him up and stopped in front of Carmen and I. “Ah, I see that you have met my daughter, Telle.” He said and smiled.

I chuckled and rubbed the back of my neck, “Actually we’ve met before. We met at the last tour I’ve went on. She was the merch girl for Through Districts Divided.” I said. Tommy nodded, “Oh really, I didn’t know you guys had toured with my son’s band. Well I’m glad that my daughter and my best student have met.” He said before helping a customer that had just arrived.

I looked at Carmen and she was blushing. I smiled and draped my arm around her shoulder. She looked at me and smiled softly. “So, do you have any plans for the day?” I asked.

Carmen shook her head slightly, “No I just came to the store to get a cord for Mike. I was thinking about taking Tye to the park…would you like to come with us?” She asked and bit her bottom lip.

“Sure I would love to. Let me go pay for this mic and then we can head up to the park.” I said and grabbed the microphone that I was going to buy. Carmen nodded and told me that she and Tye were going to wait for us outside. I smiled and headed up to the counter to pay for it. Tommy faced me and smiled.

“She’s a great girl,” Tommy said and I knew that he was talking about Carmen. I smiled and nodded.

“I know, I haven’t stopped talking to her since we’ve met. She’s definitely unique.” I said and grabbed my wallet as he rung up the item.

He nodded and smiled, “And you’re a great guy. I know that you will make her happy,” He said and told me the final price. I paid for the mic and grabbed the bag that Tommy handed. I waved him good bye and left the store.

Carmen and Tye were sitting on a bench waiting for me. They looked up and smiled at me. Tye got up from his sitting position and smiled, “He’s here Mommy, now we can go to the park.” Tye shouted excitedly and I couldn’t help but laugh. “Yup we can go now kiddo,” I said and held out my hand for Carmen and she grabbed it, letting me pull her up. She thanked me and then we headed for the park.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is Tye

Anyways how was chapter 3 for you guys? I think it came out pretty well :D Tell me what you think.
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You guys are the BOMB! :D

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