Status: Okie dokie sorry for the crappy, quickly written summary! This is a work in progress, just so you know.

The World Will Burn

In a barren wasteland where all manners of races perish under the tyranny of the gods, a war has started that will consume the land, where no creature will be safe from the destruction. A building group of rebels from all races begin to band together in hopes of creating an army to unite under the scornful goddess of wisdom, Archaia. Even as they grow in numbers and unite their skills they'll need every shred of luck they can get to compete with the despots they now call gods.
  1. Chapter One: Comfort
    Lenore the goddess of Nightmares on Comfort (WARNING SCENES OF NON-CONSENSUAL SEX YOU'VE BEEN WARNED!)
  2. Chapter Two: Archaiac Love
    Archaia on her thoughts