Status: sequel coming soon! (:

I'll Be Your Secret

Chapter 27.

*Leahs POV*

I woke up, but refused to open my eyes.
My first thought was Tony. Why did I do this to him? He broke up with Stephanie for me and I repay him by having sex with one of his best friends... I dont deserve him, or Vic. Sure Tony put me threw hell when it came down to Stephanie, but thats all over with. He loves me. Tony Perry really loves me. He makes me feel.. Special. When im around him I cant help but smile. And the best part is that he feels the same way... Well at least he used too.

I felt the tears building up.
But then theres Vic. Hes so sweet, so caring, what is there to not like about him? Hes there for me when im down, and most of all hes there for me when Tony isnt...

My thoughts got interrupted by a quiet snoring. My eyes shot opened and I saw a back full of tattoos laying right next to me. A smiled appeared across my face.

"Tony...?" I whispered. He turned around but his eyes were still closed.

"Hmm?" He pulled the blankets closer to him.

I sat up, "Im sorry..." Tears started rolling down my face. His eyes opened just a little and he looked at me.

He sat up and hugged me. "You dont have to forgive me," I continued talking. "Just please dont leave me Tony.. Youre my everything and I love you with all my heart. What happened with Vic was a mistake, and if I could take it back I would. Just please, dont leave me.."

He pulled away from the hug and looked at me, "Thats all I wanted to hear." He kissed my cheek, and pushed my hair back.

I didnt know what else to say. I wasnt expecting on him to forgive me this easily.

"But there is one thing..." He looked down.


"I dont want you talking to Vic again..."

My smiled disappeared. I knew this was going to happen.


He cut me off, "I didnt think it would be too much to ask for, it would make me feel better though..."

Tony is my everything, and if this is the only way I could keep him, then it has to be done.

I nodded, and he smiled. "I love you Leah."

Those words made my heart melt. "I love you too Tony."

He smiled once again and gave me a quick kiss then jumped out of bed.

"You know Jaimes home, right?" Tony said putting a shirt on.

"Yeah, I should probably get put of your room then." I said making my way towards the door.

"Wait!" Tony grabbed my waist and turned me around. He smashed his lips on mine, and my stomach got that undescribable feeling that I loved.

He pulled away and smiled. "Okay, you can go now."

I smiled and walked out of his room. The smell of food filled my lungs and I made my way to the kitchen.

"Hey there Lee!" Jaime said as I walked in. He was making pancakes and eggs. My favorite.

"Good Morning chef Hi-me!" I said and gave my brother a kiss on the cheek.

Tony walked into the kitchen, "Mmmm food!" He sat at the kitchen table across from me.

Jaime finished cooking and served us our food. "Thanks!" I said stuffing my face with pancakes.

"No problem!" Jaime took the seat next to me and started digging into his food.

"Hey Tone, Vic called he said you and I have to go record our parts for the new album today." Jaime informed Tony.

"What about Vic?"

"Hes going to come over and chill here while were gone."

Tony's face expression got serious, "Why?"

"He said hes tired of being at home, anyways its a good way for him and Leah to get to know each other." Jaime said smiling.

"Cant Vic go with us? Doesnt he need to record too?" Tonys voice sounded desperate. I knew the last thing he wanted was Vic and I alone.

"He doesnt record until our parts are finished Tone, you should know that by now. Anyways Leah probably doesnt want to be here alone."

Tony turned towards me. His eyes angry.

"Im just going to be... cleaning all day anyways." I said coming up with an excuse.

"Cleaning?" Jaime asked.

"Yeah, I have to wash my clothes and my rooms a mess."

"Oh, well its whatever. He wont be a bother." Jaime said.

Tony looked pissed. He just asked me to stop talking to him, now im going to be alone with him. Great. Tony shouldnt worry so much, im not stupid enough to hurt him again.

We finished our food and Vic showed up. Jaime and Tony were getting ready to leave but Tony was looking for all sorts of ways out of it.

"Why dont you record today, and ill record tomorrow?" Tony asked Jaime.

"For the last time Tone, we have to get this done."

Tony's face expression dropped once again. "Okay..."

"Alright, well im almost ready to go, I just need to go get my keys." Jaime walked to his room and Tony pulled me into the kitchen.

"Leah, please tell me I have nothing to worry about and that I could trust you and that I should stop thinking of the worst things that could possibly happen." Tony grabbed my face and looked me straight in the eyes.

"I promise I wont make the same mistakes, I love you too much."

He smiled. "I love you too Babe." He gave me a kiss and we walked into the living room.

Vic was sitting on the couch watching tv. I sat on the other couch to make Tony feel better.

Jaime came out of his room and into the living room, "You ready Tone?"

"I guess." He said. I knew it was hard for him to leave me there alone with Vic, but he has to trust me.

"Alright, love ya Lee! See ya later Vic!" Jaime said walking out the door.

I blew Tony a kiss and he smiled.

"See you later Tony." Vic said as Tony walked towards the door. Vic was smiling pretty big and I could tell that pissed Tony off.

"Bye." Tony walked out the front door without looking back.

Then it was just me and Vic.
♠ ♠ ♠
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Im working on my next story and I swear you guys are gonna love it! :)