‹ Prequel: Nightmare City
Sequel: Paris Redux

Hunter's Strike

Chapter 15 - Deep Breath

Red’s good luck carried him all the way down to the cargo hold without incident. It made him careless to the danger inside.

Donovan always had one person inside the hold at all times. He could have installed other, more modern security measures, but he said no camera could beat a good pair of eyes. And God help any crew member that even thinks of getting a little shut eye while in the hold.

Tonight Princess was on duty.

As soon as Red opened the door he spotted a dark looming shape. The hulking mass towered over him, crimson eyes glaring. "Hoo boy." Red breathed.

He jumped backward as a massive fist swung down at him. The immense vampire had to duck his head in order to get through the door and into the hallway.

Red had never seen anyone so big. This vampire dwarfed Black, and had skin the color of coal. Hopefully all that body mass slowed him down some.

It must be hard to find clothes in this vampire's size. He wore shredded jeans and a gray t-shirt that had the arms cut off. In faded pink letters across the front was the word ‘Princess’.

“Princess? Really?” Both of Red’s eyebrows shot up.

“Is there something wrong with my name?” The vampire’s voice rumbled from deep in his chest. It was like an earthquake that spoke words.

Red shook his head, reaching for his holster. “No, it suits you.”

“Discharging your weapon in this small space is a bad idea.” Princess spoke like muted thunder. “Even with a silencer, the noise will still be quite loud. You’ll draw the whole ship down on you.”

Red paused. “Why tell me that? Wouldn’t you want that?”

Princess bared two rows of bright fangs at him. “Oh no. I’d much rather kill you myself. I don’t like to share.”

“Hate to rain on your parade, but you’re not going to kill me.” Red drew a silver knife in each hand. His movements were quick and his stance confident. “So come on, Princess. Let’s dance.”
Princess lunged forward, one fist swinging. Red had guessed right about his heavy bulk slowing him down. He stepped aside, burying one knife into the vampire’s wrist. He stepped forward, putting his momentum behind his other hand as he slashed at the vampire’s face.

His blade scored a deep, sizzling cut across the cheek, making Princess roar in pain. He tried to grab him with his other hand, but Red dodged again. “Wait till I catch you, little pixie.” Princess warned.

“No thank you.” Red jumped backwards. “You could crush me like a bug.”

Princess grinned, blood running down his face. “That’s exactly what I’m gonna do.”

From a relatively safe distance Red threw his knife. His aim was off slightly, but the blade still buried itself into Princess’ shoulder. Red reached over his shoulder, pulling out a thick black cylinder about a foot long. He gave it a sharp flick and a long silver stake slid out the end.

He had to time this just right. Even the smallest error and his head could be squashed like a rotten pumpkin. He waited as the beast charged him again, standing his ground till the last possible second.

Just before those monstrous hands could grab him he jumped up. He grabbed the vampire’s head with both hands, using his weight to bear him down slightly. He pushed one foot against the wall to give himself an extra boost, bearing his body over the vampire’s shoulder and onto his back.

The hallways on this ship were cramped to conserve precious space, so Princess could not maneuver around to shake him off. With both hands Red drove the stake right through his back, praying he hit the heart.

Princess fell with a loud crash, and did not move. Red sat on top of him for a few seconds, breathing hard, still gripping the stake. Sweat beaded on his forehead and his shoulders trembled from exertion and fear.

He stood up shakily, watching the vampire for a long moment, making sure he wasn’t playing dead. Then he pulled his cellphone out of his pocket. The package was close now. He turned and walked into the cargo hold.


They split the passengers between the two cars as follows: Nigel, Florence, and Nymph with Chris in his car and Angie, Gabriel and Donovan in Gabriel's new car.

Gabriel stood by the Studebaker's rear bumper, grinding black and orange bits of plastic under his shoe. "There's nothing wrong with it." Angie assured him. "The Mercedes didn't even leave a scratch."

He ran his fingers over the bumper, then bent down and inspected it. "I can clearly see a scratch."

Angie's eyes threatened to roll into the back of her skull. "Should I leave you two alone and help Donovan into the backseat by myself?"

"Fear not, Angie." Donovan said behind her. "I think I can manage that far."

Angie opened the door to the back seat for him. "Glad to see you up and running around."

"Running? Oh good lord no." Donovan shook his head. He patted her on the shoulder and leaned on the top of the car as he pulled himself onto the seat. "But fear not, I'll be right as rain after a little shut eye."

She made sure he pulled his feet in, then shut the door. She opened the door to the passenger side and got in. Gabriel slid into the Driver's seat. "Safety belts." Angie reminded everyone as she buckled her own.

Gabriel complied, but Donovan was lying down in the backseat. "If it's all the same to you, I'll just lay here a bit..." He shaded his eyes with one hand.

"Regretting all that booze now?" Angie teased him as Gabriel pulled out of the parking space.

"Not even a little."

Gabriel followed Chris' yellow jeep. Nymph was giving Chris directions while Nigel and Florence relaxed in the back. "I gave him the money to get that window fixed weeks ago." Angie said, scowling at the cardboard duct-taped to the passenger window. "Can't he get down to the shop?"

"Turns out that your step-brother is as delightfully obstinate as you are." Gabriel commented. "Who knew?"

She arched a brow. "My obstinance is delightful now?"

He smiled. "Sometimes." He threw her a quick glance. "Rarely."

Angie looked out the window, covering her mouth with the back of her hand to cover her own smile. Gabriel had been an insufferable prick when she'd first met him, but now she had to admit that he'd grown on her. "It's been almost a year..."

"Since when?" he asked.

"Since we first met. I let you out last November, ten months ago. So much has happened since then. Feels like forever."

"It's been exactly forever." He agreed.

Angie stretched her arms out in front of her. She had to admit that the new car had plenty of room. "Maybe I should get us a cake."

"You mean get yourself a cake? I don't eat cake, if you recall."

Angie smiled at the thought of having a whole cake to herself. "What would you write on a cake like that though? Happy release from your stone prison?"

"You can write whatever you like. It's your cake." He was having a hard time keeping a straight face while driving. She'd been this way since they'd first met. When had it gone from merely irritating to endearing? His heart used to feel so heavy. "When we get back to the apartment, we can talk a bit more. If you'd like."

Angie pulled herself out of her cake reverie. "What?" Her cheeks felt hot again. "Oh... sure."

"Don't listen to him, lass." Donovan warned. "He's a wily bastard. Don't let him seduce you."

Gabriel looked at him in the rearview mirror. "Aren't you supposed to be sleeping?"

"I would be if you two would stop your yammering, now wouldn't I?" He turned his attention back to Angie. "Learn from my mistakes, love." Angie's shoulders were shaking from suppressed laughter, so she couldn't answer.


Arthur and Book continued to eye each other. Arthur’s eyes were narrowed, Book’s were benevolent. Fiona decided enough was enough. “You hunters have been spying on us for days. You have one chance to explain why.”

Arthur pulled his attention away from Book. “You really need to ask why, monster?”

Fiona stuck her chin out in quiet exasperation. “I mean why spy, when your kind lusts for our blood so?”

Arthur chuckled softly. “WE have the bloodlust? That’s rich.”

“Yes, you! Hunters. We only came to port for a little trade.” She spread her arms out. “We’ve not made an attempt on a single life. So why don’t you tell us why you’re really here.”

“Just because you’re not killing while I’m watching you, it doesn’t mean you’re not bloodthirsty murderers.” Arthur said casually. “You’ve all got long histories, don’t you?” His eyes shifted back to Book.

Book gave Arthur a stilted smirk. “Ah yes, you mean Trent Statton, your father. A lost soul that I delivered unto the tender grace of God. But, you are forgetting ‘Ye shall not judge, unless ye be judged’. Your own hands are far from clean.”

“Oh trust me, I know which way I’m going when all’s said and done.” Arthur said confidently. “But I’ll comfort myself knowing that I dragged as many of you bastards down with me as I could.”

"We're wasting our time." Mint said, disgust twisting her cute features. "I don't know why, but they're stalling." She turned to go.

Arthur pulled his Beretta Storm from his coat and pointed it at her. She paused, eying it warily. He didn’t even blink as he fired. Two bullets hit her, one in the chest and the other in her side. She fell snarling in pain and anger. The other two vampires advanced at the same time, both with claws out.

Blue sat in the front seat, her foot tapping impatiently. Her hands gripped the wheel and her nails dug into it. Arthur was back there fighting and she was just sitting there! She turned and looked at Black who was still sitting on the floor of the van, head bowed.

“Aren’t you going to help him?” she asked in frustration. He did not answer. She couldn’t tell if he’d even heard her.

She knew the reason. Black only took orders from Harris, and Harris had told him to target Blackswell and the Angel of Death. It was the other hunter’s job to clear out the riff raff.

Arthur pressed the nose of his gun into Fiona’s midsection before firing. She went down quickly but Book was right behind him. Blood splattered and Book stepped back, his shoulder damp with dark red.

“Blue! I told you to stay inside the damned van!” Arthur shouted.

“I am!” she shouted back. She was leaning out the window, her MP4 Viking aimed at Book. She aimed and fired again, hitting his thigh. He hissed horribly as the silver buried deep into his flesh.

Arthur took one step forward, pulling a silver machete from his long coat. With one fluid motion he separated Book’s head from his shoulders.

Pain lanced up Arthur’s leg. He turned and looked down. Fiona gripped his calf, her claws leaving deep gashes in the skin and muscle. Arthur swung the machete down, cutting off her hand. She screamed and curled up around her injured arm.

He limped backwards, till he was leaning heavily on the back bumper. He heard the driver’s door open. “Do not get out of the Driver’s seat!” he shouted at Blue. She shut the door again. “I need you at the wheel.” He said, his eyes focused on the ramp leading down to the docking area. A yellow jeep followed by a black Studebaker drove down it. “They’re here.”

His phone buzzed in his pocket. He answered it quickly. “Tell me you have good news, Red.”

“I’ve got the package, I’m making my way topside now.”

Arthur shut his eyes in relief. “Good, blow the boat.”

“Roger.” Red hung up.

“Blue, duck!” Arthur shouted, covering his ears with his hands. Blue crouched down away from the windows, covering her head with her arms.

A few seconds later an explosion rocked the area, a massive fireball billowing up the backside of the ship.
♠ ♠ ♠
I love you guys so much. You're patient, polite, and helpful. #^_^#
To thank you guys, and my fans over at fictionpress, I was thinking of posting up one of my insane writing exercises purely for your amusement. I write them as a way to flesh out my characters by putting them in bizarre settings. They're not really fit for consumption right now, but I can spruce one up and post it once the book is done.
Exercises I've done so far:
-Genderbend everyone
-Zombie outbreak
-The plot of the movie Clue (well, the premise)
If this kind of non-canon crack story is something you'd like to read, let me know! If you have ideas for future writing exercises, let me know those too!
I love you all, see you next chapter!