‹ Prequel: Nightmare City
Sequel: Paris Redux

Hunter's Strike

Chapter 9 - Going With the Flow

Donovan’s cabin was smaller than Angie had expected, but it exuded a cozy warmth that made her instantly feel at ease. She breathed deeply, inhaling the scent of jasmine and incense.

The walls were covered in both cloth banners and more modern posters. His bunk was against the back wall and littered in a disarray of pillows and blankets. The space above the small dresser was covered in photographs. Some crisp and new while others were yellowed with age. Still more were in black and white. Angie turned to them right away.

Of course there wouldn’t be a picture of a younger Gabriel here. He had left the crew before the invention of the camera. Still it was interesting to see how Donovan’s crew had changed over the last hundred years.

Gabriel stood next to her, peering at the pictures as well. Angie was reminded of when Gabriel had met her mother. The pictures in the kitchen had been the first thing he’d paid attention to there as well.

She spotted Nigel in several pictures, standing next to another vampire that was most likely Florence. They looked completely unlike each other. Nigel had chocolate skin and bold features, while Florence was paperwhite and elegant in feature. Were they really brothers?

“Where did you pick these two up?” Gabriel asked Donovan. He pointed to Nigel and Florence’s pictures.

Donovan leaned back on his heels as he thought. “It was… 1869 I believe. A little port in Australia. Poor things were half-starved and fully insane.”

“Still picking up wayward souls in need, I see.”

Donovan beamed. “Would you look at that, you started a tradition!”

Gabriel shoved his hands back into his pockets and looked irritated. Angie decided to be the one to ask questions for a bit. There was a lot she was curious about. “Where did you meet Gabriel, anyway?”

Donovan’s eyes turned wistful. “Wow, that sets me back. Let me recall…” He closed his eyes and thought hard. “It was a cold, barren place. Dead of winter. I found him collapsed in a snow drift, covered in blood. He was a thin scrap of a thing back then, and nearly dead. I kept thinking at the time that he must have dragged himself out of one hell of a fight.”

Gabriel’s spine stiffened as a dim memory surfaced. It flickered in his mind and he grasped at it. ‘Hey, Gabriel. Let’s kill Lilith.’ It wasn’t Donovan that said that to him. It was from before. Who was it?

“Lilith…” Gabriel’s whisper was like a caress.

Angie looked at him sharply. “Are you okay?” A tremble ran through him and he shut his eyes.

Donovan opened his eyes. “It was near what you now call Alaska.” he finished answering Angie’s question.

Angie looked back at Donovan, but her eyes kept glancing at Gabriel. “So you rescued him, basically.”

The pirate laughed heartily. “You could put it that way. Though that’s not the way he sees it.”

“Kidnapped and forced into slavery more like.” Gabriel was back to glaring at Donovan.

“Bah! You’d never had a life so good.”

“Except I wasn’t allowed to leave!”

“Who else was going to pay for your room and board?”

“And you really wonder why I escaped the first chance I got?”

Sparks were flying, and not in a good way. There had to be a way to settle these two down so they could set aside their differences and have a peaceful conversation.

Florence burst into the room suddenly. His shirt was open and he had bandages wrapped all the way around his torso, from his chest down to his belly button. He stumbled dramatically, one arm outstretched. “Human girl…” he gasped like a starving man.

“Uh, yes?” Angie raised her hand a little.

His eyes widened as he saw her. “Nigel, you didn’t say she was beautiful…”

Nigel was leaning against the doorframe, looking annoyed with his brother. “Well you didn’t give me the chance, now did you?”

Florence straightened up and bowed before Angie. The pressure on his chest made him groan in pain. “You must be Florence. Are you alright?” she asked in concern.

He lifted his face to her, which was strained. “This agony is bearable... so that I could meet you... gorgeous one.”

Angie held her hand out to him, her expression wry. “I’m Angie. It’s a pleasure.”

He took her hand gratefully, kissing the back of it gingerly. He turned his head back to the doorway. “She smells like sunshine, brother.”

“Aye. Flowers too.” Nigel closed his eyes and sighed happily.

Angie pulled her hand back slowly. “You two don’t get much shore leave, do you?”

Florence’s expression when he looked back at her was positively tormented. “It’s been ages… Literally ages...”

“Donovan hasn’t let his two best men go ashore for personal enjoyment in nigh three decades.” Nigel tsked, shaking his head.

“Yeah, and you remember what happened last time I let you two out of my sight.” Donovan shook his fist at the pair.

“It was one, small, teensy fire that may have destroyed six, seven city blocks. At the most.” Nigel assured Angie.

“Every whore in the city slept well that night though, brother.”

Nigel’s eyes grew misty. “Like sweet little lambs…”

Florence spasmed then, grabbing his chest. He coughed violently. “Ohhh, that’s my heart stopping, it is.” His voice went faint and he collapsed on the floor.

Nigel rolled his eyes and grabbed his brother’s foot. “Let’s get Nymph to feed you. You’ll be right as rain then.” He gave Angie a wink and a smirk, then dragged his fallen brother back up the stairs.

“Quite a pair you have there.” Angie said to Donovan.

He had his hand on the bridge of his nose. “Aye, and they’re denser than a bag of bricks.” He pulled his phone out of his pocket. It was vibrating. He answered it. “They’re on their way to you now, Nymph. I’ll take our guests to the galley.” He hung up and looked at the two of them. “Who else needs a drink?”

Gabriel raised his hand up. Angie shook her head. “I don’t drink alcohol, which is what I’m assuming you’re offering.”

“I’m sure we can rustle up some refreshment for you.”

“Much obliged.”

They exited the cabin and went back up to the deck. They passed other crew members engaged in various activities. Conversing, playing cards or dice. Angie spotted a pair off to the side playing Pokemon.

“Looks like you have a full ship here tonight.” She commented.

“Aye. Shore leave was cancelled due to the hunter spies I mentioned earlier.”

“I guess a setup like this draws all kinds,” she sympathized. “We had a run in with a couple of hunters recently as well. One of them tried to recruit me.”

Donovan’s eyes widened. “Thank the stars you declined. There’s nothing worse than a hunter.”

“The one I met is not on my list of favorite people.” Angie frowned. The hunter in question was Arthur Statton; her father. She hadn’t discovered this till Gabriel told her in order to prevent her from shooting him. She’d grown up her whole life never knowing the man, and she still wished she didn’t.

“Have you ever seen this symbol?” Gabriel asked. He handed Donovan a business card. It was the same card Arthur had given Angie. She was to call it when she became ‘disillusioned’.

The only things on the card were a phone number and a symbol of a sword wrapped up in a chain. “They wear this symbol on their forearms.” Donovan confirmed. “Nigel told me that the spies were an old man and a young woman.”

Angie felt a cold pit form inside her stomach. “Did the old man smell like whiskey and a lack of self-respect?”

Donovan nodded. “Nigel said there was a strong smell of alcohol in the air.”

“That would be the hunter that gave me the card.”

“Don’t let them get your hooks into you, young Angie. Hunters carry a darkness in their hearts like no other. They will not tolerate anything different occupying their world. They think nothing of shooting first when you’re not human enough for their liking.”

Angie knew that all too well. That old hunter had nearly killed Gabriel for no reason. It was true that Gabriel had done some heinous things in his long lifetime, but Arthur hadn’t known that. He’d just attacked right away, even hitting Angie with a ricochet. Since Great Aunt Katrina had chosen to lock Gabriel up for his crimes rather that killing him, Angie had pretty much given him a clean slate. Fifty years of solitary confinement and losing his entire family had been enough, in her mind.

"Oh lovely Angie, we have returned to your side!"

Florence and Nigel were back and Florence was looking much better. The bandages were gone but he still hadn't buttoned up his shirt. His pale skin was smooth and unblemished.

Angie gave the two vampires a short wave. "Hello again, glad to see you're all healed up."

Florence took her hand in both of his. Nigel spoke up. "Florence and I would like to humbly request to be in your company this evening, fair Miss."

"Sure, I don't mind hanging out with you guys." Angie smiled at the pair. Usually such attention would make her uncomfortable, but Nigel and Florence were so over the top it just amused her.

Nigel took her other hand in his and they started leading her away. "I'd better not catch you doing anything shifty to our very important guest!" Donovan shouted at them as he and Gabriel followed.

Nigel gave Donovan a scandalized look. "We would never be uncouth to a lady."

"I am shocked at your accusations, Donovan. Shocked." Florence looked hurt.

"We would never do anything without obtaining consent first."

"'Enthusiastic' consent."

"That's the only kind of consent in my book."

"Truly it is, brother. Anything less would wound my masculinity."

They reached a large room containing four long tables. Dozens of different sized chairs were scattered haphazardly. The end of the first table was set up neatly. Nymph stood next to the head of the table, smiling at the group sweetly.

Florence and Nigel led Angie to one side of the table. Nigel pulled her chair out for her and Florence held her hand until she was seated. They then took chairs on either side of hers. Gabriel sat across from her while Donovan took the chair at the head of the table.

While Angie was preoccupied with the brothers, Donovan had engaged Gabriel in civil conversation. They seemed to be talking about the ship and various renovations it had undergone over the centuries. Angie was a bit too distracted to really listen in.

She couldn't help but laugh as Nigel and Florence fawned over her. "You guys are really silly. I would think thirty years without shore leave would be a cakewalk for vampires. You guys are pretty much immortal, aren’t you?"

"A few years isn't so bad." Nigel told her.

"I could do a few years standing on my head." Florence confirmed.

"After the first decade one starts getting restless."

"Antsy even."

"Thirty years is maddening.”

“Much too long.”

Angie started giggling. She covered her mouth with her hand, but her shoulders shook and there were tears at the corners of her eyes.

“Brother, I do believe she thinks we’re funning her.” Florence said seriously.

“The mind boggles.”

“I’m sorry, I’m really not laughing at you two, as humorous as you are.” Angie assured them. “You’re just reminding me of someone I know who was isolated for a lot longer than you two and he’s never shown the slightest inclination towards anyone.”

“He must be dead inside.” Nigel said grimly.

“Dried up like an autumn leaf.” Florence agreed.

“If I had to go another decade, I’d probably look like your friend there.” Nigel whispered in Angie’s ear.

Florence leaned close as well, dropping his voice down to a murmur. “There’s a soul who knows true hunger.”

“You can see it in his eyes. Like a wolf’s.”

“The struggle is real.”

Nigel held out one fist towards his brother. Florence bumped it with his own. “You think that’s why Donovan was so eager to invite him aboard?”

“Must be. There’s gossip going around that he used to be a part of the crew.”

“He used to be First Mate.” Angie told them quietly. She was starting to feel strangely unsettled. The brother’s eyes widened at the same time. “What?”

“That’s kind of like saying he was Donovan’s wife.” Nigel answered softly.

Florence rested his chin on his hands. “No wonder Nymph was looking so down recently.”

“Poor thing… we should try and cheer them up later.”

As if on cue, Nymph arrived at the table, a tray in their hands. They placed two glass bottles in front of Donovan and Gabriel. The bottles were clear and the liquid inside was red.

Nigel and Florence both got bottles as well. Nymph placed a tall glass in front of Angie. “Springwater and mint leaves, since you don’t like alcohol.”

“Thank you.” Angie said. “How did you know?”

Nymph smiled. “I just do.”

“Nymph, do sit with us please.” Nigel said, great sympathy in his voice. “Relax and have some fun.”

Nymph gave him a shake of the head. “Regrettably I have duties elsewhere. There’s much to do if we want to leave on Sunday morning.”

“We’re having a party Friday night. Apparently.” Angie spoke up. “I’d like the chance to return your hospitality.”

Nymph’s smile was bright. “I’m sure Donovan would love that.”

"You two can come as well, if Donovan lets you. Let me give you the address."

Nigel held a pen out to her. Florence patted his pockets, looking for paper. He held a fist out. "Write it on my hand."

She scribbled her new address on the back of his hand. The ink was wet so she blew on it lightly. He collapsed on the table dramatically. She laughed at his antics. "We're dying to show you our cabin." Nigel told her. "Why don't we leave those two to catch up?"

Angie arched a brow. "No funny business?"

Nigel placed a hand over his heart. "You have my word."

"Our word."

"OUR word."

"I will personally stake my brother right through the heart if he so much as lays a single unwanted finger on you." Florence assured her solemnly.

"I will personally stake my brother right through the heart if his stare becomes too intense for you." Nigel vowed.

Angie looked over at Gabriel. He seemed to be getting along much better with Donovan now. He didn't need her to be a mediator any more. "Okay, but only for a few minutes."

She got up from her chair and followed the brothers out. Gabriel looked up immediately. "I'll be right back." She assured him with a wave of the hand.

"So it's true that even vampires get lonely." She remarked once they were in the hall. "I never realized."

"Everyone gets lonely, no matter who or what you are." Nigel told her. "If you have a beating heart, then you must also have heartache."

"Gabriel always seems fine at home. At ease. I guess I don't really know him at all."

Florence patted her shoulder sympathetically. "Even vampires, with our far superior senses, can miss what's right in front of us. Don't burn yourself up over it. We all want the best for those we care about."

Angie looked up at the low ceiling while she walked. "I do care about him, don't I?"

"Love is always complicated."

Angie smiled at him ruefully. "Now that's something I know first hand. I used to love someone, very much."

"Tell us about him." Florence said excitedly. "What was he like?"

"He was a human, of course. This was before I knew vampires existed. I knew him in college. He was smart, and good looking. I think I loved him more than anything. I honestly think I was obsessed."

"What happened?" Nigel asked. They stopped outside a door and he opened it for her.

"He cheated on me with another girl..." Angie bowed her head, letting her long hair hide her face.

"The slimy bastard!" Florence exclaimed.

"He is indeed a worthless curr." Nigel agreed.

"After he raped me."

The silence in the air was like lead. Nigel and Florence looked at each other over Angie's head, their expressions grim.

Angie lifted her head, laughing weakly. "Geez, why did I tell you that? I’ve never told anyone that." Tears slid down her cheeks. She rubbed the corners of her eyes with the heels of her hands. "Sorry I ruined the moment. I'm always doing that. But you two keep giving me all this attention and I'm really not worthy of it." She forced out another laugh. "I'm dirty, you see?"

The brothers' eyes filled with pity. Florence slowly wrapped one arm around her shoulders. "No, dear gentle Angie. You're not the unclean one. It's only that rotten bastard who is impure."

Nigel put his arm under his brother's, wrapping it around her upper arms. "He's poisoned your mind with his filth, but you can't let it keep you down. If you keep believing that you're broken, then he still has influence over you. Never let any man rule over you like that."

"Thanks for saying that, but I can still feel it." She put a hand over her heart. "It's covered up with scar tissue, but underneath it's gone cold and dark. Sometimes I get so scared... that I don't know how to love anymore."

Florence kissed the top of her head gently. "If it worries you so much, then surely your heart still works. And if it does, then love will find it's way there again."

"I can't see why anyone would want me, or my love." Her voice was dull.

"Well we still desire you, even after hearing your terrible secret. And after you leave, we will pine for days."

"Years." Nigel corrected him.


Angie laughed again, and this time it sounded genuine. "You two don't let anything keep you down, do you?"

"Not even death itself." Florence assured her.

"Believe me, she's tried." Nigel winked. He gestured into the empty room. "Now let's see if we can't find some way of cheering you up."


"So, what was married life like?" Donovan asked with keen interest.

"I very much enjoyed the first century." Gabriel admitted. "After that it became stifling. I became more servant than husband. I've changed a lot since then." He finished his bottle of blood. "And here I thought you were going to try to ply me with booze, Donovan."

"There's still time for that." he replied cheerfully, reaching into a box under the table and procuring several bottles filled with a clear liquid. He slid one over to Gabriel. "I was just waiting till we were alone." Gabriel's eyes went to the door for what seemed like the hundredth time. "Relax! I told you those two were harmless. She'll come back in one piece."

"Evangeline can take care of herself." Gabriel opened his bottle and took a slow sip. The alcohol burned, but in a pleasant way. "I'd be more worried for your men if they decided to try something without her permission."

"Oh? And what if they had her permission?"

Gabriel shrugged as he took another sip. "Then it's really none of my business."

Donovan gave him a shrewd look as he started on his own bottle. "I see. So that's how it is."

"And just what is that supposed to mean?"

"Oh, I'm just expressing a bit of relief."

"Oh really?"

"Indeed. If she hasn't laid claim to your heart, then it means that I've still got a chance."

Gabriel finished his bottle and set it down on the table. "All I said was that what she chooses to do is none of my business. And you have no interest in my heart."

"No, not your heart." Donovan admitted.

Gabriel let out a short laugh. "I'll sit and drink with you, Blackswell, I'll even be civil. But that is all you're getting out of me."

"You don't sound like someone who was trapped all alone in a box for fifty years."


"I'll be honest, I am a tiny bit disappointed."

"Good." Donovan slid another bottle towards him, but he shook his head. "Give me a minute. I've got a new liver and I haven't put it through it's paces yet."

"If what you were telling me before is true, you've got a new everything. How did you manage that?"

Gabriel shook his head. "I have no idea. The two who rescued me said I was out in the sunlight for more than a day. I think the only reason I recovered is because they fed me so well."

"I've suspected this for a long time, Gabriel, that you might be older than I am." Donovan started on his third bottle.

Gabriel shook his head. "No, you're the oldest vampire still living."

"That's just a myth I never bother correcting. I'm old, but not that old." He looked Gabriel up and down. "You on the other hand, you have to be at least eight hundred years old."

"If I am, I don't recall it." Gabriel shrugged.

"That's because you keep dying. Messes with your brain."

"I don't want to think about how old I am. Or might be." Gabriel started on his second bottle slowly.

Donovan laughed. "I'm pretty sure eight hundred is the same as one hundred to Angie, as in too damn old."

Gabriel scowled. "What do you know?"

"Ah ha, I knew it. You do have some small feeling for the girl."

Gabriel set his bottle down and leaned back in his chair. "What I have... is a great deal of respect for her."

"Bah, respect. You're just being thick."

"No, I'm being practical. Humans live how long? Eighty years on average? And for the second half their bodies just break down. If her stubbornness doesn't get her killed early, then I have maybe twenty more good years with her." He picked up his bottle again. "Twenty years to me is like watching a movie to a human. I'd rather just sit back and watch her live her life."

"Do you really believe that, or is that what you keep telling yourself hoping you'll believe it."

"It doesn't matter. It's the truth." Gabriel took a long draught from his bottle. "And there's nothing I can do to change it. That's why I don't even bother dwelling on it."
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