Life, When You've Got Nothing Left to Lose

Chapter 5

The door opened slowly.

I stood up, thinking quickly about an excuse. Why I was here, when did I come, was Alec involved, you know.

Alec's bright blue eyes shone into mine. I was more than happy to see them.

"Shit, I thought you were your parents."
I said, picking up my iPod and turning it off.

"Ah, sorry. They were talking about school and going on and on and on..."
He said, closing his eyes and leaning onto the side of the sink.

"Yeah... did you-"

"Yes. Wow, you must be hungry."
He pulled out a banana and gave it to me. I peeled the banana slowly, eating it as the white part appeared.

"Okay, I'm going to the mall."
Alec said, walking out of the bathroom.

I screamed, my voice ringing in my ears.
Alec covered his ears and glared at me.

"FINE, come along. We can take my car."
We walked to his car, of course, me with my iPod, money, and phone in my The Used bag. And yes, everything has to be labeled with The Used.

We finally got there.

"Fuck yeah, a parking spot!"
Alec said... screamed.

"Damn. This place is so... well, exactly like it usually is."
I said, turning to Alec as we got out of the car.

"Fuck yeah! Mac and Jenna! HEY!"
Alec waved wildly to them and pulled me along with his warm hand. Daamn, it was warm.

"What... HEY!"
Jenna turned around and tackled me, pinning me down.

"Hey... get off."
I said to her. She was killing me.

"Agh, whoops."

We walked around the mall, pointing at odd people and yelling at the store managers who were kicking us out for making out. In the end, we all sat down on a bench and shuffled through our bags of money, counting.

"Eh... a whole fucking bunch, but it's mostly for food."
I said, suddenly realizing my mistake.

"WHAT?! Food, what the fuck?!"
Mac stood up and held my shoulders.

"Um... Alec?"
I turned to Alec. He had sad eyes. We knew that Mac couldn't take news like this. He just couldn't. He would track my mother down...

So, Alec explained, trying to get Mac to calm down. It worked.

"Shit. Ellen, I'm go-"
He said, getting cut off my Jenna.

"Mac, calm the fuck down. Ellen seems pretty happy. But... where are you living?"
Jenna turned to me.

"Um, yeah. I'm kinda... well... I'm... living... secretly... at Alec's house."
I stammered.

"So... you guys are hiding her."
Mac said.

Alec spoke up.

"Damn. If you ever need anything, call me."
Jenna hugged me, letting go so Mac could hug me tightly.

"Never feel like you can't turn to us."
He said, letting go.

I said,
"Where to now?"

We all stood up in unison.
Jenna shouted, and we dashed off in that direction.