‹ Prequel: 17) Look.

18) Summer.

18) Summer.

So, Harry’s got this habit.

It’s really not a big deal, Liam convinces himself, but he also can’t help but wonder if he’s the only one who’s bothered by it. The other lads merely give Harry a shake of the head or a, “Lookin’ fit, Haz!”, and it’s not long before they actually join him in the nude (because apparently it’s contagious), but Liam tends to give Harry the privacy he thinks he deserves for his lack of decency.

It’s especially bad when it’s summertime. Liam usually likes summertime— likes the heat rather than the cold, even— unless he spends the day pleading with Harry to ‘at least, put some pants on’, which happens like a regularly aired sitcom.

But Liam’s also got a habit. And Harry is merciless to point it out all summer long.

“I’ll stop when you stop, Stubbie,” Harry will say, and Liam will move his fingers away from his mouth and merely glare at the pants-less boy in shielded embarrassment.

But unlike Harry, Liam can stop. He can stop whenever he wants to.

Maybe it’s the summer heat getting to his head, or the fact that Harry is, once again, naked, but one fateful day Liam is on his last nerve, takes Harry’s words as an ultimatum, and retorts, “You’re on.”

But old habits die hard, and there’s still a whole lot of summer left to go.
♠ ♠ ♠
[Original author's note:]

Supposedly 6/29/12]

Wouldn't this be epic if Harry and Liam had a bet like Drake and Josh did between breaking habits which ended with them sabotaging each other publicly because neither of them can take it any more? Harry would start biting his nails or shove Liam's in his face or just make him worry a lot to tempt him. Liam might possibly start walking around naked to crack Harry. (DO NOT PRETEND THAT IS NOT THE BEST IDEA YOU’VE EVER HEARD.)

Long story short: hilarity would ensue, and the paps would have a field day. And we (the fans) would love it.

But wow I updated. The end.