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Halloween Mystery

Afternoon Horrors

As we drove along the road, rows upon rows of crops along side of it and flying past in a blur as Thomas drove. He always seemed the one to drive my car when we were together, he had one hand on the steering wheel and the other gently caressing mine; after quite a bit of joyful chatter about our reunion he began to notice the curiousity in my eyes which had developed due the earlier events of the day. This was something he had always been capable of noticing when others couldn't.

"So, whats on your mind hun?" he asked me, his voice soft and warm yet curious like me.

"Well, something strange happend this morning. When I came into my room after getting ready for school I found this." pulling out the slip of paper I held it out and didn't fully show it to him until we pulled into the drive-way of my house. Once he read it I saw the same curious glint in his eyes that had came into mine.

"Where did you find this?"

"Between the floorboards in my room." I replied to him.

"So you never saw it before?," I shook my head in responce and explained how I just found it this morning and then the incident in the parking lot.

"Well, that is strange!" he exclaimed, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. We decided to just go inside the house and relax, after all Thomas had already been through a flight and I had an odd morning along with school. Once we retreated into the warmth of my house, exiting the biter air that was nipping at our bare skin, we both settled down on the couch and Thomas wrapped his arms around me like he used to before college. I pulled out my books and quickly finish my homework for my AP and Honors classes, gaining tips and advice from my boyfriend who was majoring for education. He wanted to become a high school teacher and I wanted to be a detective mainly due to my curious personalility. His desire was something of which I supported, but I often supported most of what he wished to do simply because I loved him and always would. Some thought it was odd a nineteen year old would go out with a sevteen year old, but we didn't.

He helped me with the rest of my homework and we had quite awhile before my parents we're going to be home, the couch wasn't very comfortable and we went to my room. I entered first, shocked and revolted by the sight I walked into; blood, fresh blood, had been wiped along the walls in red hand prints. I had always been rather disgusted by the sight of blood and I saw even more flowing out of the closet and streaming down the floor like water, causing me to become weak ad my knees buckle as I feel onto the floor and felt the color rush out of my face, the closet door swung open and the body of the a girl was hanging on a hook placed in the door, a rope tethered around her neck. I screamed out for Thomas numerous times and then felt sometone shaking my shoulder some what roughly to wake me up. My eyes flew open and I realized I was having a nightmare, tears ran down my cheeks in streams and I could hear the loud pounding of my heart in my ears. I looked up to see Thomas looking down at me with worry, "A-are you alright?" he asked and the worry was oblivious through his voice.

I shook my head, "Where is she?!" I knew I sounded rather hysterical and crazy.

" What, who?"

"Th-the girl!" I stood up and dashed twards the closet, confused and worried about what may emerge, I swung the door wide open and as not greeted by the hanged body I had found, but instead a photo of the girl I had saw in my dream. She was once again tethered by the tight rope, color drained out of her deathly face, eyes closed, body limp, blonde curls falling around her jead the was tilted downaward and blood coming out of numerous stab wounds. Thomas noticed how pale my face had came and rushed toward me as I began to collapse to the floor, my eyes fell shut and it was obvious I had fainted. The photgraph fell out of the hand I had held it in and landed on the floor.

When I awoke I saw the blurry images of thomas and my parents hovering above me and heard THomas calling me as my eyes slowly opend, "Wh-what happend?" I asked, a bright white light shining down from a ceiling.

"You fainted and I took you to the hospital." Thomas replied to me and my parents nodded in agrrement. It wasn't long before he began asking me questions on what I dreamt about and he became somewhat worried about the events, he himself had seen the photograph of the girl, she was only about eleven, and we all found it odd how I had dreamt about her and her death, but overall how the photo had been found in my closet on the hook. I explained to my parents the events that had occured this morning and then showed them the peice of paper I had stuffed into my jeans after I had found it. My parents became befuddled by this also and it definetely confused us all.

The nurse checked me for any bruises along my head and then sent me home wit my parents and Thomas. We arrived to our house at 6:30 PM and I was still too horrified of my dream to walk into my bedroom so I was allowed to sleep with Thomas in the guest room for the night. After dinner, which had remained silent due to the afternoon events, I took a quick shower and got dressed, crawling under the comforter that had been placed on the bed in the guest bedroom. Thomas was already lying down and asked me for the millionith time if I was okay and I said I was, he held me close to him and was obviously trying to comfort my fear that had came with the nightmare.

We watched the TV for awhile and I eventually fell asleep, Thomas not being far behind, our slumber peaceful for numerous hours until 2:00 AM when a loud collision of bangs erupted from downstairs. Both of our bodies bolted up and we listened closely, silence now taking over and lasting for a mere five minutes when the npise came again along with loud screams for help. I could hear my parents' door open from down the hall and my father came in to tell us to stay in the room, not to make a sound and he placed my mother in there with us, trying to keep us together while he investigated the noise. We could hear more screams from the downstairs level, becoming more and more panicked and afraid by the second, Dad shouted out something we could not understand and then we heard the lights flicker on and his feet clunking upstairs.

Blood was pouring from a cut on his head, "Get what you can and quick! We need to get out of here!" more screams erupted from the lower level and Thomas helped me grab some of my clothes, my school books and some other things including my phone and iPod, along with my drawing books and art supplies and everything we could grab that was important to me. We all had continued hearing the screams from below and we packed quickly, since thomas was already packed he helped the rest of us. Once we wen downstairs to walk out we saw knives being thrown around the kitchen and a loud husky voice telling us to leave, which was exactly what we did.

We all rushed outside to the vehicles, Thomas and I in my car and my parents in our Mustang. As I pulled out of the driveway after my parents I could see blood smear across the kitchen window and felt as if I was going to gag. Both the cars sped down the road, headlights on bright and all hearts pumping, THomas was driving as usual and wet tears of fright ran down my face.