Status: for the Boy Band Contest.

That's What Makes You Beautiful.

Dont Know What For

Niall Horan stepped out of the car and into the fresh Mullingar air. He stopped and tried to press the memory into his head of the way his home town smelled. He smiled and walked up to his house when he heard shouting.

“SIENNA QUIT WITH THE ATTIUDE!” A male voice said. It was Irish so when did he move in. He looked over and saw a girl about his age storm into the house and slam the door in her parents face. He turned around and walked his way up the walkway to his house.

“MUM?!?” He yelled out. He could hear muffled voices coming from the kitchen and walked over there,
“NIALL!” His mum and brother screamed. He ran into their arms and hugged them.
“How are ya?” His brother Gregg asked. Niall nodded.

“Alright. Who are those people across the street mum?” Niall asked his mother.
“Our new neighbors the Michales. You should go over there later and introduce yourself.” His mother said.
He simply nodded and went to the pantry to get something to eat.
He pulled out a packet of crisps and started munching on them smiling.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry about the short chapter again. I promise next chapter will be longer. Comment, reccomend and subscribe. And read my other storiees.
Love Ya,
Hallie <3

Word count- 192