Status: The first series has been completed. Thank you to those who stood by and watched this story grow! The fact that you guys stayed gave me the will to complete this. Thank you again!

Pet Me Please?

Chapter 15: I want you to hold me, and never let me go.

Through the smoke, a black silhouette stood up. "What do you want from us?!" Bianca cried.

"Taichi!" Riku called, "We have to run! Come on!" I panted. My mind wouldn't process. RUN!

I moved my legs, running away from the scene. I heard a gust of wind come towards me. "NO! Nicola!" Bianca yelled, "Stop it! He's not involved in this!" Suddenly, I was tackled to the ground by someone. I landed chest first on the cement, with my hair being pulled by this, Nicola. I couldn't scream. The wind was knocked out of my lungs from the impact. I was in pain. My chest tensed up, and my hair felt like it was on fire. "Nicola! Let him go!"

I took a deep breath, and finally, "GEEAAAAHHH!!!" I screamed as loud as I could.

"Let go of him! You-" Riku said, before I heard, "Oof!" He was thrown back in a pile of trash, from what I heard. I couldn't see him since my head was being pulled.

Suddenly, I heard a maniacal laugh. It sounded like a boy's voice. "Let...let go of me!" I demanded. My chest was still in brutal pain.

I heard a whisper in my ear, "I've been watching you." That same maniacal voice...

"Nicola! Leave him alone! Please! Why are you doing this?!" I heard Bianca sob.

Nicola laughed again, "I KNEW this would make you squeal! HAHAHA!" His voice was deranged.

"LET HIM GO!" Bianca said. I heard a sound like a jet passing by right behind my head. Nicola jumped off of me. I was able to finally get up and tend to my chest pain. The boy laughed again. I looked up to see his face.

Him? That's Nicola? That...that badass looking guy? Right there? He was just taller than me. He had medium cut white hair and...and purple eyes! Purple....eyes! He had a skinny build, and swayed as he moved, like a puppet. He wore a white dress shirt with a black tie, but it wasn't tucked in his baggy and worn blue jeans. His black shoes were strangely big, but flat looking, with thick white laces. Actually, I couldn't see a knot on those shoes, so how did he tighten them? He looked pretty cool in my book, but he still looked dangerous. Nicola was still laughing. His eyes looked hysterical. It was scary. He took out a strange looking cigarette, lit it, and breathed in a very thick smoke, thicker than steam. "Man, that's some quality shit," he said to himself.

"Nicola!" Bianca said, "You told me you'd never do that again! You..." she really started crying, "You lied! After all that we...after we..."

"Heahahaha! YES! I remember that!" He looked way to unstable, "You, Mikka, and Elfrida gave me a good time!" He laughed again, and smoked his cigarette.

"Why are you here?!" she demanded, "Tell me!" she raised her wand, "Tell me...before...before I have to hurt you!"

He breathed in his cigarette again, and exhaled the thick smoke, relaxing himself. He smiled, "Baby, baby, baby, you need to just chill. I just want to take you home! Can't we have the good times again?"

Bianca was silent, then she said quietly, "All you want to do is hurt me! I thought we were friends!"

"Pfft! Please! Now you pull the friendship card? You're a selfish bitch."

"Nicola! I've always cared about your well being! You need to get help! This has to stop! You can't go on like this! It's killing you!"

"You mean the blunt?" He smoked again.

"Not just that! You need to control yourself before you make your body disintegrate! Can't you see what your doing to yourself?!"

"Bianca, do you know what I'm capable of? See this?" he put out his hand like grabbing something. Suddenly, a large sword materialized, with a giant metal ball on on the tip. He held it with the tip down, then swinged it onto his shoulder like holding a baseball bat before going on the plate. "I made this, by only wishing for it. That's the kind of power I found out how to use. Cool, right?! RIGHT?!" He was getting frighteningly excited.

"You're going to kill yourself! Please! Stop this!" Bianca yelled. Nicola quickly phased out from where he stood. I looked around to see where he went, but only saw everyone else looking for him.

"Bianca!" Manami pointed.

I turned around. Bianca was being held at knife point by Nicola. He whispered in her ear, "'s okay...we should have one more night together..." he licked her ear.

"Let...go of me!" she pleaded.

"Nicola!" Aki yelled, "Let her go! Can't we talk about this like men?" What? What did he just say?

"Screw off kid, this don't concern you," Nicola spewed.

"Someone taught me that talking things over is better than doing things you'l regret," Aki stated, "If you hurt her now, you may just kill her, and you won't have anyone else to understand you. Please, reconsider!"

Nicola tightened his grip around the knife, making Bianca's neck bleed, "I've still got Mikka and Elfrida! Haha! When I find them they'll suffer the same!" He grinned.

Bianca pleaded again, "Please...let me go...I don't want to die..."

"Shh...shh...just give in to the'll get all the power in the world..."

I didn't know what to do. I never had to deal with anything like this. I was scared. Nicola was scary. He just seemed to have completely lost morality. I wanted to do something, but...but what?

Another loud jet-like sound fired at Nicola, with red sparks. Nicola phased again, freeing Bianca with only a partly cut neck. "What was that?!" Kora exclaimed.

"Well, well, well," I heard Nicola in a distance. I looked up, and he was on the roof of a building, "Mikka and Elfrida! Nice of you to stop by!"

I keep hearing those names, but..."Nicola! I knew you were insane, but this is a new low even for you!" screamed a girly voice. I looked down at Bianca. There were two other girls with her. One of them about my height with medium cut green hair and caramel eyes, with a simple yellow dress. She didn't look too happy at all. The other girl was very tall, with long salon styled pink hair and sapphire eyes. She was in a long black dress, looking like she was ready for an evening. She looked rather laid back, but unpleased. "Your aunt is worried sick!" said the same voice. It belonged to the green haired girl.

"Oh, Elfrida, come now!" Nicola yelled from his rooftop. He smoked his cigarette, "I'm here! I'm alive! What's the big deal? All I wanted was to have a good time, like we did before!" He giggled at the thought.

"You tried to take advantage of me after I told you to get help! Why can't you just see you have a problem?!" Elfrida yelled. Bianca was scratching around her throat.

"You just look so cute! I couldn't help myself!" He grinned, "You're like a doll! Compared to that drama queen Bianca I just had to try it again! Haha! You really need to chill, girl!"

"Nicola," the other girl spoke.

Nicola sighed, "What is it, Mikka?"

"Come down. Now."

He smoked, "And what if I don't?"

"I'll force you too," with a quick flick of her wrist, another loud spell was casted from her wand. Nicola summoned his weapon again, and deflected it away.

"Please, that kiddie magic?"

"Nicola," Mikka spoke, "You're deranged. You need help. All that power is clouding your sanity. You knew it was forbidden to study such arts."

"You know what? I'm bored," he finished his cigarette, "I think I'll force you to see it my way."

"Nicola! Don't!" Bianca pleaded.

Nicola phased right next to the three witches. Elfrida tried to cast a spell, but like a martial artist, he used his wrist to hit her hand, making her miss, then with unrelenting force, punched her stomach, making her fly onto a wall. Bianca started casting spell after spell trying to hit Nicola, but he took her arm, and twisted it around. She screamed in pain, but that didn't stop him from kicking her back and making her fall painfully on the pavement. Mikka was the only one who seemed to be on his level of martial arts. They traded block after block, with her trying to make direct contact with her wand. Nicola was just too fast. He grabbed her like one would hold a woman close to their face before dancing. He smirked. Mikka spat saliva in his face, causing him to throw her body over him, like an American wrestler, and land on her back, making her loose wind. To top it off, he was still relaxed. He scratched his hair, and turned to us.

"So, I've been following you all, trying to find a weak point for Bianca," he turned to me, "It seems you've become her new toy."

"I'm a person," I aggressively say. I damn near shit my pants.

"Is Bianca still a drama queen? Does she like to mess with you, and get with your girlfriends over there?" he giggled.

"HEY!" Riku stepped up, "If you think you can intimidate my friend, you've got another thing coming!"

"Oh, you...what's your name? Riku? Strange country if I may say so," he turned to Dai and Aki, "Akihiko, and Daisuke? Both of you are hopeless. You, Akihiko, are the clingy type, and you, Daisuke, you and me like women...very much...if you catch my drift...however, you don't know the first thing about impressing a lady. How comical."

"Says the guy who's gone completely out of reality!" Daisuke bellowed. Akihiko stepped back, trying not to be noticed.

Nicola turned to the girls, "Ahh, you three! You're a nice pick!" he laughed his maniacal laugh again, "Taichi, you and me are more alike than you think. The only thing you need to do is fucking DO these chicks! Haha!"

"Leave them out of this!" I yelled.

"Oh? Did I hit a soft spot?" He phased out.

"Taichi!" Kora yelped. Nicola had Kora in his clutches.

"'re a ripe fruit. You'll do very nicely..." he sniffed her hair.

"Taichi!" she squealed.

"NICOLA!!! YOU BASTARD!" I lost it. I ran right in for the punch. but he phased out along with Kora, "Kora?! Kora?!"

"Up heeeeere!" Nicola waved on a rooftop.

"No! Kora!" No! I can't let him hurt her!

"Ripe fruit indeed, I can smell the sweet virginity in this one..." Nicola licked her cheek.

"NICOLA!" Akihiko beckoned, "Stop this! You're just acting like a little kid!"

"What will it make you give in to me, my sweet fruit basket?" Nicola whispered to her.

"No! I...I won't!" she cried.

"How about I take Taichi out of the equation? Then you'll be free."

"No! Taichi!" Kora yelled. Nicola quickly fluttered his fingers, making fast light wiz towards my eyes. I didn't even have enough time to make out what was going on, I would've been dead before I knew it but...

"Hikaru!" I flinched back. She deflected...something...with her claws...

"Leave my Taichi alone!" she darkly spoke.

"Hikaru!" Manami yelled, "What are you doing?! Don't get hurt!"

"Hikaru!" Riku called, "Please! Don't get killed!" He sounded desperate.

"Oh, look!" Nicola called, "The humanoid cat comes to save the day! I never seen a hybrid in my life! Haha! Did Bianca do this to you?"

"The hell is he talking about Taichi?" Riku asked.

"Wow! Bianca is still reckless about her casting! She never learned self control! HAHA!" He was laughing hard, "Sorry, babe, I'll get to you next time, I need to take care of this first." He let go of Kora, leaving her on the roof to jump down and deal with Hikaru, "So, lets see what you can do, Hikaru."

"Take one more step and I'll make sure you'll be my catch of the day!" Hikaru threatened, with her claws at the ready.

"Lets dance!" Nicola maniacally stated with crazed eyes. He summoned his large weapon, and charged in quickly with it, trying to hit her. Hikaru moved quickly to dodge the attack, gracefully, and yet with so much energy. She started lunging her claws at him, one swipe after another. Nicola merely laughed dodging her attacks, "You're good! Fast, furious, I LOVE IT!" He tried to go for a low blow with his handle, but Hikaru jumped away, "BE MINE! BE MINE! SO...BEAUTIFUL! SO...MAJESTIC!" Nicola looked like he was about to burst. He started to glow! "I'll make you MY OWN! HEAHAHAHA!" With one swipe, he barely hit her, only smashing the ground and creating a small crater. Hikaru took the opening, and started scratching the hell out of him. "OW! OW! OOOWWW! YOU BITCH!" He tried to recover, but Hikaru took one swipe at his cheek, and made him fall down, "OWOWOWOW!!! YOU CUTS ME! CUTSSS MEEE! OOOWWW! MAKE THE PAIN STOP! STOP!" Two red sparks flung towards him with their loud jet engine sounds. He ceased to scream. I looked at the downed girls. Elfrida and Mikka had their wands pointed at him.

"Dude..." Riku spoke, " Hikaru even...human? What happened?"

Hikaru stood upright, and fainted. "Hikaru!" I went to grab her, and caught her. She looked asleep, and she was panting.

"I lent her my power, Taichi," Bianca said. She approached my ear, and whispered, "Cats make good magic storehouses. That's why witches use them as familiars often." I was super surprised to hear that.

"Is Hikaru going to be okay?" I said, in a normal tone.

"Yes, she's still conscious. All that surge of power can drain you," she looked at the unconscious Nicola, "It can even make you go insane."

"Nicola, you mean? He had too much power?"

"Yes," Elfrida sat up, "If you just allow magic to surge within you like that, it can skew your thought processes. Many mages have literally burnt out their minds, and bodies, for such a gift of seemingly unlimited power." She really was cute, and kind. I felt like I was falling for her.

"That's what we strive to achieve though," Mikka sat up, "A way to make magic flow as fast as you can without burning yourself out."

"I have to ask," I said, "It seems he's tried to take advantage of you before. Not to be nosy, but..."

"He was part of our group," Bianca said, "We studied magic together. Eventually...well...we just sort of acted stupid."

"It was your idea, Bianca," Mikka said with a rude tone. She flung her hair back, "You wanted to play around with poor old Nicola and me and Elfrida. You made him eat you out good."

"The fuck?!" I exclaimed.

"Ooh! I don't want to remember that!" Elfrida said, shaking her head, "I really really regret doing those nasty things!"

Mikka giggled, "Like swallowing his-"

"EW! EW! EW! EW! Mikka! Don't bring it up!!! I really regret that!" Elfrida was embarrassed beyond relief. Wow...I really don't wanna ask...

"Taichi!" Kora called.

"Kora!" I yelled, "Are you okay?"

She sat next to me holding Hikaru, "She saved us."

"I know. I...I can't believe she stood up for us..."

"For you," Riku corrected me, "Listen...I...I feel I should mention this...but...I wouldn't feel right taking her to the dance..."

I laughed, "Out of all times to worry about the dance, it has to be now? Haha!"

Hikaru opened her eyes, "What's a dance?"

Everyone looked at her, laughing, but Manami was looking confused too, "What's so funny?" She asked in her young girly voice.

"Tai," Riku put his hand on my shoulder, "Umm...wh...why don't you take Hikaru? I...uhh...I know it's the wrong time...but..."

I looked at Kora, who nodded at me, "I agree. She saved us."

I looked at Aki and Dai, "Go for it man!" "Yeah! Do it!"

"Taichi?" Hikary whispered, "What's everyone talking about?" I just smiled at her.

"A dance? I could probably come along! No...I will be!" Bianca said.

"There she goes again," Mikka said, "Knows what she wants and intends to get it."

"I'm...I'm worried about Nicola though," Elfrida said, "We need to keep him in a coma if he wakes back up. He's too dangerous."

"Isn't Teacher coming to collect him?" Mikka said, in a rude tone.

"Ahh, screw this!" Bianca stood up, "I got a dance to prepare for!"

"W-wait! Bianca!" I said, "Don't you need a date first!"

Tonight's the night...I'm ready! I try to tie my bow tie, but it refuses to cooperate with me.

My mother comes in, "Oh, Taichi! Let me do that!" She barged in front of me, and did it for me.

"Eheh...thanks Mom," I said, trying to put on a smile.

"You better hurry up!" My mom said, "Hikaru is waiting downstairs!"

"I'll be down in a minute, I just want to think about some things."

"Don't take too long!" My mom said. She exited my room.

I looked at my suit in the mirror. It was an ocean blue suit. I was quite transfixed by the look. I thought about later tonight at Riku's house, for the after party. I'm sort of hoping it won't turn to a complete Roman orgy in his living room. I take a deep breath. Okay...I"m ready...

I head downstairs. I look in the living room to see what Hikaru looks like, "Hikaru? Are you ready?"

She turned around, smiling, "Yes, I'm ready," She was in an beautiful puffy ocean blue dress with a big bow tied on her waist. She wore red lipstick and her long jet black hair was in a bun. She also had long ocean blue gloves. I couldn't stop staring.

There was a knock on my door, "I'll get it," I said. I opened the door, "Aki! You made it!"

"Lookin' good, Taichi!" Aki complimented me.

"You too!" I said. He was in a rose red suit that complimented his hair color.

"So, where's my date?" he asked.

"Manami!" I called, "Aki's here!"

"Aki? Okay!" Manami yelled from upstairs. She trotted down the steps happily. She was in a shorter fairy-like dress than Hikaru's, making her legs show off. Her large bust was well covered too. Her dress was rose red like Aki's. She donned red lipstick as well, and her blonde/brunette hair was curled. "Hi, Taichi! Ooh! I love the way you look!"

"Hehe, thanks Manami, you too," I nervously reply. I look at Aki on the matter, but he doesn't seem to notice.

"Hikaru! I LOVE your dress! you look so pretty!"

Hikaru bowed her head, "Thank you, you look pretty too."

"So," I said, "shall we take our, 'promenade' to Kora's place?"

"Yeah! Lets go!" Manami said.

"Your arm, miss?" Aki gentlemanly offered.

"Ooh! So fancy!" Manami locked arm in arm with Aki, and walked with him.

I offer my arm, "Hikaru? Shall we?"

She smiled, and took my offer, holding my arm with two of hers. We began our walk to Kora's place. My mom called, "Have fun! Stay safe!" then she shut the door behind us. The sun was setting, making the sky darker, and giving us a more sensual feeling.

We quietly, but excitingly walked to Kora's complex. Aki and Manami seemed to be gossiping and giggling ahead of us, while Hikaru and I simply enjoyed each other's company.

We made it to Kora's place to be greeted by her and Riku. Riku waved, "Yo! Guys! Haha!" Riku was in a sky blue suit.

I looked at Kora, who took a more traditional Japanese approach to her look. A sky blue dress at that, but a skinny one with a slit showing off her legs, and black outlines with a flower pattern on her waist. Her blue hair was in a bun too, but held together with two fancy black chopsticks. She also wore red lipstick. "Good evening," I say, bowing my head.

Kora bowed too, "Good evening. Are we ready to head to the dance?" she had a subtle smile.

"I believe we are," I replied. I look at Hikaru, who looks back at me, lovingly.

Riku offers his arm to Kora, who accepts it, and walks with him ahead of us. We quietly, but excitingly, made our walk to the school, where the dance was held. We met up with Daisuke and Bianca at the entrance.

"Hey Dai! Lookin' good!" Riku says.

"You too mate! Oh, boy...look at these women..." Daisuke was in a traditional black suit. He was transfixed by our dates.

"Oh, stop it Dai! I'm your date tonight! Haha!" Bianca was with him, holding his arm. She was in a black dress similar to Manami's. Her dark brunette hair was curled at the ends of her hair, and she had blue lipstick. How lipstick.

"We've waited for over twenty minutes, guys! What took you so long!" Dai laughed.

"Who cares? We're here, so lets go in and have fun!" Riku said. Everyone agreed as one.

The dance was fun, definitely. I got to sit with Hikaru most of the time, and have soft drinks with my friends. We joked and laughed and reminisced, I couldn't ask for more.

When it came time to dance as couples, I took no hesitation offering my hand to Hikaru. She took it, and I took her to the middle of the dance floor.

"Hold my shoulders," I say.

"Like this?"

"Yes, like that," I say. I put my hands on her waist, and stare into her eyes. She stares into mine. The slow song finally starts playing, and we sway to the rhythm. I look at my friends, who are doing the same. Manami is smiling brightly, making Aki a bit nervous. Bianca and Dai were whispering to each other with dark seductive stares. Kora and Riku were happily talking as they danced. Just...talking. They didn't seem like dates really. I did overhear them just a bit during the song.

"Are you jealous of Tai, Riku? For dancing with her?" She said.

"Pfft. Yeah, but I can't say anything about it," he smiled, "I'll just keep as quiet as possible."

"I know," she said back, "I want to claw her eyes out myself, but I'll get my good chance with, him, later." A pact? I smiled at their conversation. It was amusing.

"Taichi?" Hikaru said to me.

"Yes? Hikaru?" I said.

"Kiss me," she had the same happy expression throughout the song.

I glanced around, everyone seemed to be turning away, even my friends, "Okay," So I did. I kissed her. It was a nice long lip to lip. The romantic type. Yeah. Hikaru. Maybe this isn't all bad.

After the dance, we got back to Riku's place, and played Aki's Wii. Manami was transfixed by this technology, but everyone else kept beating her. We ate chips and drank more soda there. At the end, we all fell asleep mix-matched around the living room.

But, the only couple out of all of us, that was resting with one another, was me and Hikaru.