Status: The first series has been completed. Thank you to those who stood by and watched this story grow! The fact that you guys stayed gave me the will to complete this. Thank you again!

Pet Me Please?

Chapter 4: All I want is to be on your lap!

That evening, Hikaru held me while we watched TV with the family. Manami eventually sat next to me and leaned on me, trying to get my attention. It was embarrassing to be like this in front of my parents, especially the fact that they smiled every time they were looking at us, but I told them what happened with Hikaru, so I had an excuse. I was about ready to let Hikaru sleep with me for the night...maybe she and I would...HELL NO! Get a hold of yourself Taichi! I can't do that to Hikaru, she's a cat for god's sake! Ugh...but I do feel bad she and Manami have to sleep in the living room. Maybe I can talk my parents into getting them a bedroom.

The alarm buzzes as I rouse myself up. Another day out of school. You gotta love the weekends, really. Is Hikaru next to me...? No? First time now. I guess that's a good thing.

I hear the door knob turn quickly...oh god...

"TAICHI!" Manami pounced on me. I was able to catch her and hold her instead of suffocating in her breasts again, "You're awake! Good morning my sweet, sweet, Taichi! Lets go lay down on the couch and watch TV!" As usual, she spoke in a hurried and excited way.

I was smiling. It was good to see Manami for some reason. I felt like crap the whole night thinking about Hikaru. I did need a nice hug, "Good Morning Manami," I say. I held her as tight as I could as she was trying to shake me around. I could feel her curved hips on my forearms, and her breasts pressing against my body. I was getting excited too, "I see you're up and about early."

She stopped shaking me, still holding me though, "Oh, Taichi! Yesterday was so fun! I want one of those cute birdies I had on my paw! Can you get me one please?"

I let out a slight laugh. She was acting so cute, just like I remember when she was a cat herself, "I don't know if my parents want a bird in the house."

"Aww!" she loosened her squeeze, and looked at me...very closely, "But I wanted one of those...cock-a...cock-a..."


"Yea! One of those guys!" She said with light in her personality. She was close to my face, but it seemed she had no idea just how much it means. I looked in her muddy green eyes, waiting for something. She looked at me too, smiling, but not even knowing whats going on.



"Umm..." I took my gaze off of hers, "''re..."

"What is it?" she said, still wearing that bright smile of hers. Her body was still against mine, and we were still holding each other in my bed. However, she was still oblivious to what was actually going on.

I looked at her eyes again. I see they're shaking...slightly...I went in...slowly...into her gaze. I put my right hand on her left cheek. She blinks, naturally. Does she even know what's going on? Should I go in for it? I just want badly. I start to breathe heavily. Her disposition stayed the same still. Almost there...

"When can I be pet?" Hikaru was standing on my right, some feet away. She was looking impatient.

"Wah-AHH!" I flinch and fall on the floor.

"Taichi! Are you okay?!" Manami peeked her head off of the edge of the bed.

"Yea, ow!" I rub my head. That was a painful fall. Hikaru walks up to me, and knees on the floor next to me, with her sitting on her legs.

Manami stretches, and yawns, "Ahh well, I'm gonna go see Mommy and Daddy! Ciao!" She swings off the bed and skips out of the room.

I'm still sitting on the floor, trying to let what ever pain was left from the fall leave. Hikaru speaks up, "You know, she doesn't even know what you were about to do her. All she thinks about is herself."

I look up at her, "Then how do you know what I was about to do?"

"Because I actually cared about you, still do, even as a cat. You remember. I know you do."

"You never left my presence. It was fine when you were a cat trying to stalk me, but-"

"What if I still want to be with you? Like now?" She was getting more and more human like by the day. Now she can come up with valid arguments? Maybe I can give her a chance...

"I...I just never thought I'd actually BE with my own human cat."

She jolts towards me, and hugs me, "I need you now more than ever, Taichi!" she started to sob, "My mother! She...she..."

I wrap myself around her, "I know, Hikaru, I know."

We held each other for what seemed like an eternity. I wanted to hold her like this so badly. Comfort her. I could just feel the sting in her heart. I thought I'd start crying.

"Taichi?" she spoke, looking up.


"Do what you were about to do to Manami." The sun rose just enough to make her jet black hair shine.

I was nervous, but I swallowed my butterflies, and slowly went in. She puckered, as did I. This was it. To hell with everything else.

"What are you guys doing here! There's food in the kitchen!" Manami was in the doorway. Looking at us with her usual smile.

Hikaru and I broke our moment, and looked at Manami. I say to her, "Okay, Okay, we're coming now."

She smiled wider, and left. Hikaru spoke up again, "Like I said. Clueless."

"You said it," I stand up, and help Hikaru up. As I'm stepping out the door, Hikaru quickly grabs my shoulder, thrust me around, and went right for it. There we were. Making out. In my doorway. Her tongue was playing with mine. My heart felt so warm. I wanted to do this forever, but just like that, she quickly releases herself from me, panting, like I was. That one kiss lasted, I'd say three seconds. But I wanted to do it for a much longer time than that. I looked in her eyes, begging for more.

She smiles, "There, now we can put that behind us," she walked passed me, but I wanted so much more. I felt a sting in my own heart. Come back! I thought. I want more!

I walk in the dinning room to see Manami eating like a pig. She loved eating. Maybe Hikaru was right, all she cares about is herself. Hikaru was elegantly eating her breakfast with chop sticks. How did she learn to do that already? Trippy...

My plate was hot and ready. I dug right in. I was hungry. Mom makes the best meals. Dad was sleeping in again, and Mom was washing dishes in the kitchen, as per the usual schedule.

"So, Taichi," my mom spoke, "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes I did," my heart was still stinging.

"By the way, Kora called. She wanted to see you today," my mom said.

"What?!" I dropped my chop sticks.

"Kora wants to stop by. I told her she can come when ever she pleased."

"Mom! Why-"

"Who's Kora?" Manami asked. Hikaru looked at me, jealous.

"Umm...uhh..." I didn't know what else to say.

Hikaru glared at me, menacingly, "She's the girl you walk with everyday."

Hikaru strikes with lightning attack. Attack successful. "Well, yeah..." was all I could say.

Now what do I do?! Kora is coming, and she doesn't even know my secret yet! Oh, damn! Did she see me out with the girls yesterday?! Did the guys?! I'm such an IDIOT! Hikaru's mad at me now, and Kora's going to be too! No! What do I do?! DAMN!

I rush into my room, without even finishing my breakfast. Damn! Damn! Damn! This sucks! I can't think! Calm down! Now, What do I do?

The door opens, and Hikaru enters. She still looks angry. I speak to her, "What is it?"

"That girl. I've seen her once when she was over a long time ago," she spoke.

"You remember that?"

"I begged for your attention, and all you did was set me down on the ground every time I tried to jump on your lap."


"I don't like her. Keep her away from here," Hikaru looked serious.

"But..but Hikaru..."

"Taichi!" she puts her hands on her hips, and leans forward.

"Hikaru, she's been my friend since Kindergarten. Can't you just try to be friends with her?" Oh, wait. I'm supposed to hide Kora from Hikaru. Hikaru kept her angered stare on me, "Come on! We can still be friends too!"

"Taichi...!" Hikaru wasn't buying it.

I started to shed a tear, "Hikaru...please."

Hikaru, very, very, slowly, turned to a sad look. She spoke, trembling, "Is she that important to you?"

"I...I'm so confused..." It felt like a lightning storm was in my heart.

Hikaru looked away, trying to hide her face, "Fine, I'll let you decide when she gets here. I wont be in the way," she looked back at me, "I'll try to keep Manami quiet."

I felt like a weight was lifted off of me, "Th-thank you, Hikaru!" I finally have time now. Is Kora still important to me? I didn't want to find out.

An hour later, Kora rings the bell. I open the door to greet her flowing blue hair and chocolate eyes. Damn, she still has a place in my heart.

"Hi Taichi!" she was excited to see me.

"Oh! Kora! It's so nice to see you!" she went in for the quick friendly hug, and I let her.

"Oh, Taichi! I just had the most wonderful dream last night!"

I let her in, and shut the door, "What was it Kora?"

She giggled. She was so cute when she did that. She spoke, "Well...first I wanted to see if that rumor was true about you and those girls."


"Haha! I see they were wrong! I'm so happy!" she hugged me again. My god...I do care more for Kora than those girls...I'm so sorry Hikaru...

"So this dream of yours?" I said. She was still hugging me.

"Well," she let go, and squirmed a bit, still smiling, "We've been friends since Kindergarten, and I think we never said it to each other, but..." she looked away in happy embarrassment, "I think other?"

All of a sudden, that lightning storm in my heart disappeared. Kora mattered to me at this moment, "Haha. Yea...I was just nervous."

She looked at me again. Her smile got bigger, "I had a dream we were getting married. After that I wanted to tell you how I felt."

"Kora," I say, smiling also.

She giggled. She looked lighter than air now. I was genuinely happy now.

We heard a bump upstairs, "What was that?" Kora asked.

Manami rushed down the stairs, chasing a very small bouncy ball. She rushed after it in the living room. Hikaru walked down, with a devil smile. Hikaru spoke, "I'm sorry, but I was keeping her busy, and the ball just rolled under the door."

"Taichi," Kora spoke, "Who is this?"

"UMM..." I froze.

"I'm Taichi's friend," Hikaru said, walking closer to me, until she laid her hands on my shoulders. I was still frozen, "We've known each other for ten months."

"Taichi! You never told me-!" Kora was getting upset.

"No! It's not what you think!" I was scared now. Manami was making a racket in the other room.

The doorbell rang, which made me jump hardcore. I lightly shove Hikaru off to answer. I open the door...

"TAICHI!" Oh, no...It was Bianca...

"Bianca?!" I felt like I was going to die.

"How many of these girls do I not know about?!" Kora was getting upset now.

"No! No! This isn't right!" I shrieked.

"How are my kitties doing, Tai-Tai?" Bianca says.

"TAI-TAI?!" Kora was on the verge of crying.

"Bianca! This is the worst possible time!" I say. Manami was still playing in the living room.

"I just wanted to check on my spell to see if it's holding out okay!" Bianca said sincerely.

"Spell? Taichi what is she talking about?" Kora was confused now.

Good. I have her attention now. "Kora...we need to talk."

We sat on the couch. I told Kora everything. Bianca was inspecting the girls as we spoke. Bianca had them transform to see if the morphing process was fine, so Kora got to see my cats in both of their forms. It was freaky to look at, but Kora knew she wasn't going crazy. As I explained everything, her expression calmed. I was feeling much better now. Kora knows the truth. I don't have to lie to her anymore. The only thing I left out was the moments of sensuality between the two. I felt slightly bad, but it was for the greater good.

"And...I'm sorry I lied to you. I felt so bad doing that, really," I held her hands, "So please, I know this is weird, but please don't think I'm a bad person. I don't want to change anything between us."

"If I may," Bianca said, "I wouldn't mind if you joined in on the fun one day the three of them and I will have!" Kora almost threw up. I motioned Bianca to knock it off. She just blew me off. Bianca stood up and spoke, "Well, everything seems fine! I hope you enjoy your new life Taichi!" I huffed at that comment, "Oh, and one more thing," I looked at her, "There's something else very important I should mention: while I was able to give them the free will to transform, they're still cats in spirit, which could be potentially fatal."

"Fatal?" I asked.

"Usually, the spirit of any animal can't cope with the complexity of a human body, and they will sometimes end up dying if not properly checked," she dashed towards me with a serious look, and started wagging her finger at me, "Let me know right away if something seems off with their health, you hear me? ANYTHING. A simple cold could kill them, if they're in human form that is."

"Their lives can be extended if they stay as cats then? So what's the point?"

"To torture you of course! Hehe! Or you could go to prison for neglecting them, your choice!" she put on a smile. evil!

"Sometimes, Taichi, their spirit may wear out or just give out if it can't handle it. It's almost like a heart failure if you think about it, but ONLY contact me if something happens to them, okay? Only me! No doctors! Me!"

"Okay...okay...I get it..."

"And, NO CATNIP! That herb will only kill them now! Stuff like that and marijuana can sink in your soul, you know! Take it from a witch who works with potions!" Kora giggled at that, "Well, I'm off! I'll be seeing you on the flip side!" She winked and posed in her dramatic puff of purple disappearing clouds.

Manami looked at me, "So when can we eat!"

Hikaru shoved her head, "You always talk about food! Can't you give it a break!"

"But I'm hungry!" Manami whined. Hikaru stormed upstairs, annoyed, "Hey! Hikaru! I'm bored! Play with me!" Manami chased after her.

As they both fought upstairs, Kora and I finally had some alone time. Kora spoke first, "Taichi?"

"Yes, Kora?"

She looked saddened, but spoke still, "I-if you make a decision in the future..." she paused, "I hope you chose me," she went in and kiss me on the lips, lightly. I embraced it for a couple seconds until she backed off. She strokes her hair, "I'll see you at school tomorrow?"

"As long as you decide to come in," I say. I wanted to give her as much space as possible, so I wouldn't be hoarding over her and freaking her out. I was giving her the decision to not come in tomorrow, just in case she needed the time. I did need a break from girls for a couple days. Kora nods, and walks out the door. It's near sunset now. It's time to get ready for dinner, and go to bed. Tomorrow will be a brand new day. I better make the best of it.