Status: The first series has been completed. Thank you to those who stood by and watched this story grow! The fact that you guys stayed gave me the will to complete this. Thank you again!

Pet Me Please?

Chapter 8: Let me purr in your company!

I wake up with the sun in my face, feeling very rested. I sit up in my bed, stretch a bit, and head downstairs. The smell of mom's breakfast is welcoming me as I come closer. I see my dad at the table with a suit on, reading his paper. Hikaru is sitting nicely at the table eating her breakfast, while Manami is hunched over and munching away. I sit in my chair and eat my breakfast. I look at Hikaru and Manami, and something hit me.

"Hey, mom," I say, "Do the girls still sleep down here?"

"Yeah, they do. I've been meaning to talk to you about that," she sounded quite serious.

"I'm concerned too," I reply.

"What about us sleeping down here?" Hikaru asks.

My dad looks over his paper, "We think it may be time you girls had a room to yourselves. However," he sets his paper down, and looks at me, "We've already had to cut a lot of vacation time to help support the girls, Taichi."

"Gosh! I never thought of that!" I started to feel pretty bad.

"Caring for two cats is one thing, but now we have to support two more human beings. Are you seeing how this works, Taichi?" my father was being very humble.

"I'm sorry..." my parents are spending their own money trying to take care of two more people in the feel like such a prick now. Manami is still eating, and Hikaru is trying to understand what's going on. "So," I continue, "I guess I have to give up something now, right? What plans do I have that I can cut for the girls?"

My mom looks over, "Didn't you want to go to that convention in Tokyo with your friends? I said you could go if your grades were top notch."

Oh, damn. I've always wanted to go to that convention. My parents said I'd be allowed to go when I turn fourteen. I am fourteen now, can I give up such a thing? I look over at the girls. Hikaru is looking at me in confusion, and Manami is still eating.

"Taichi?" my mom called, "What are you thinking?"

"Do I have any other plans?" I ask.

"Son," my dad interrupts, "You know you gave up a big chunk of your allowance this year to be able to go, remember? You gave up on going to a lot of places this year just so we could help pay for your hotel room."

I look down at my breakfast plate in deep thought. I look up at Hikaru again, who's still looking at me in curiosity. I begin to stare at her beauty. Her emerald eyes are reflecting the light in the room. Her long jet black hair is glowing from the sun's rays. Her sitting position makes her look like a woman ready for a fancy dinner. I look at Manami, who finished her breakfast and wiped her face with a napkin. She looks at me, and smiles. Her muddy green eyes look cheerful, and her long blonde/brunette hair was puffy and bouncing as she excitingly danced in her chair. Her large breasts were rubbing against the table as she swung side to side.

I start to remember when they were once cats. I've always gave them the best. They were never out of any toys, and they had plenty of scratching and climbing posts about the house. Whenever we were bored, we'd bring out the cat teasers and have the cats play with us, making the small bells ring and the feathers wave in each slight movement of the teaser. The cats were spoiled with catnip and treats each day. Do I want those times back? Can I get the same amount of love just the way they are now, as humans? Of course, I can't force them to turn back into cats. Then again, why would I want to? I can actually understand them now. I now really know what their favorite things are, and they seem to know mine since we bonded months before. Manami may not have loved me as much as she does now, but she was still great company...despite she still needs to learn a few things before she is "human." Hikaru has always been my lap cat though, following me about the house, and always wanting my attention. She still loves me as much as she did, but now it's personified. Hikaru seems to be just as human as anyone else now, and it's making me so confused if I should just let Hikaru love me, or me to her, like she and I always did, or if I should draw the line.

"Taichi?" my dad tries to get my attention. I'm still staring at Hikaru's elegance, in deep thought. "Taichi? Can you tell me what your thinking?"

I look back at my father. I guess I should still give the girls the best I can. I may try to fight my lust for them, but deep down, I really do care for them at least, like my family. Like my friends. Like Kora. Yeah. They deserve better, "Dad? I think we should use the money for my trip to give them a room instead."

"Now your thinking like a man, Taichi," he says, "You really are growing up fast, my son. I'm very proud of you," he smiles, and pats my shoulder.

"A room? For us?" Manami asks, "We're just going to have a room to ourselves? Are you going to lock us in there?!"

"Haha!" I say, "Of course not! We're going to give you a room to sleep in and get dressed in. Doesn't that sound good?"

Hikaru leans over, "You mean, like your room, Taichi?"

"Yup. A bed, a closet, drawers, what ever you want!" I stop for a minute, "Wait, where will we put a room for them?"

"I can clean out my study upstairs," my father said, "Also, we can clean that filthy guest room we haven't cleaned in, what? Five years? Your going to have to help out, Taichi."

"That's great!" I say, "I'll definitely help! I guess Mom can take them shopping for furniture, right?"

"Yes, I can do that," my mom says behind her shoulder.

"Taichi," Hikaru says, "You're going to give us rooms, to ourselves? I've always wanted to stay with you, like I always did. I wanna sleep next you, like before."

"Hikaru," I say, "I know you want the old times in your human form, but it's just not going to happen. I am sorry, really. It'd be way to awkward."

"Oh..." Hikaru pouts.

I stand up, and walk over to the girls, "But this is still a good thing!" I wrap my arms around both of them, and hold them dearly, "You girls are going to be right here with the family! You'll never have to be alone downstairs again!"

"Taichi!" Manami holds me, "You're so sweet! I just wanna love you right back!" she rubs her cheeks against mine.

"I'll admit," Hikaru says, "I do want so much more, but..." Hikaru places her hand against my left cheek, and pulls herself in to peck my right cheek, "You really are sweet. I agree. You've always given us the best."

I grin, and blush, with a warm feeling in my heart. My dad stand up, "Well, we can spend the week after schools done cleaning out the rooms, while your mother takes them shopping. Sound good?"

"Sounds good, Dad!" I say.

The phone rings, and my mom answers, "Hello, Tadashi residence?" she looks at me, "Taichi, phone for you!"

I walk in the kitchen, and grab the phone, "Hello?"

"Taichi!" It was Daisuke, "Aki and I are coming on Yuuki, if you wanna join us. We haven't seen you on in a long time!"

"Oh, Okay! I'll be right there!" I hang up, "I'm going to be on the computer everyone!" I dash to the back of the house, by the doors to the back yard, and turn on the computer. I manage to double click the Yuuki icon as soon as the computer booted to the desktop. I put on my headset, and adjust my microphone. I skip the intro cutscenes and type in my username and password. I checked my friends list before entering a server. I click on Daisuke's party and join in to see him and Akihiko already in a server. I click the join friend server option and it logged me in right where I was the last time I played, just before the dungeon after that snow demon fight from last week.

I tap my microphone, "Dai! Aki! Can you hear me?"

"Tai! Where the hell have you been! Haha! Welcome back princess!" Akihiko said over the game.

"You know, my cousins and all. Meet me by the town closest to where we fought that snow demon."

We traded our goods for about ten minutes, and made some sufficient funds to buy items for a grinding fest. Daisuke had to spend about five minutes trying to buy magic potions off of people, while Aki randomly swung his swords trying to wait for him, and I was deciding what arrows to put in my quiver. After Dai was finished, we went to a secluded grinding spot in the wilderness, fighting goblins, and giant spiders. We spent about an hour grinding and telling jokes like any normal boy.

"Hey, Taichi?" Hikaru came up from behind me, "Watcha doin'?" she's wearing a pajama shirt and warm fuzzy pajama pants that are tight around her waist. I could see in the corner of my eye that she wasn't wearing a bra, since her breasts were moving about.

"Oh...uhh...just playing my game. N-nothing special," Calm down, Taichi!

She leaned on the side of my chair, looking at the computer screen, "I used to sit on your lap while you played this. You'd scratch my ears every time you stopped for a moment."

"Y-Yeah...I remember that."

"You know," she turned to me, "I feel touched that you went and decided to give Manami and I rooms to ourselves."

"Y-your welcome!"

"Taichi?" Aki called over the mic, "Who are you talking to?"

"Oh! I'm...I'm just talking to Hikaru! I'm still here!"

"Yeah, you stopped shooting arrows for a moment," Daisuke said.

"S-sorry! I'm still here!" I have my character pull the bow back, over drawing it, and almost firing on one of my friends.

"Hey!" Daisuke called, "Watch how you shoot that thing!"

"Okay! Okay! I'm sorry!" I looked over at Hikaru, who is still leaned on the side of my chair. She's standing, but her legs are crossed, making her crotch stand out. Her face is pretty close too, "Umm...Hi-Hikaru...?"

"Lets relax, like we did before," she said. She took her hands, sliding them up my chest, and onto my shoulders. She set her knee next to the outside of my leg, trying to climb on the chair.

"Wait! Hikaru! Hold on!"

"Taichi? What's going on over there?" Akihiko asks.

"N-nothing! Don't worry about it!" I reply.

"Come on, Taichi. Love me like you did before," Hikaru says, placing her other knee in the same position, oppositely. She put herself in a sex position over me, rubbing my shoulders. I try to pry her fingers from my shoulders.

"Hikaru! Wait! What are you doing!"

"Taichi! You're low in health! Take a healing potion!" Daisuke yells over the mic.

"Taichi, pet me," Hikaru says, as she comes closer for a kiss. I could feel my boner rising from inside my pants, almost making contact with her own woman parts.

I continue to try to pry her fingers from my shoulders, "W-wait! Hikaru! Please!"

"Taichi! Come on, dude! You know you're dead now, right? I just barely got to your stuff in time, dude!" Daisuke said over the mic.

Taichi," Hikaru whispered, "Kiss me."

I froze. I was almost petrified, but twitchy. I heard my microphone click as I was logged out from being idle. I squeak, "H-Hikaru!"

"No, love me, Taichi," she nibbles on my lips, pulling on them.

I felt my boner make direct contact with her woman parts, and Hikaru moaned. In that moment, I shoved her off, "That's it! Hikaru! You're making me too nervous!"

I stood up off my chair, and Hikaru was standing in front of me, lightly feeling her crotch area with her finger. She swung from side to side a bit, "Wh-what was that I felt? Taichi? It...It felt good."

"Hikaru, I think we need to go to bed tonight...We...we have school tomorrow, remember? It's your first day." I was trying hard not to let my boner touch her again as we stood.

"Oh...yea...Okay, I'll...I'll get Manami to sleep too."

"I think you should, Hikaru. I'm going night," I turn around quickly and walk towards the stairs.

Hikaru comes up behind me just as quick and holds me from behind, "Good night, Taichi."

"Okay, okay, I get it," I try to shake her off, "Hikaru...?"

"Tomorrow, right?" she said.

"Tomorrow, Hikaru, tomorrow."