Status: updated on Sundays

Live While We're Young

Break Your Little Heart

December 1, 2011

I know that it’s been awhile since I have talked to y’ll. I am so sorry about that. My life has been hectic, sad and exciting all wrapped into one. I had to let all the events in my life sink in before I could get back on here. Let me explain it a little further for y’ll.

First, let me get this off my chest, I am nor will I ever be a perfect person so please don’t judge me for what has transpired recently. I was able to travel to Tacoma, WA to meet my brother. At first I was there by myself but Zack surprised me the day of the meeting at my hotel. I know what you’re thinking, he’s such a sweetheart. Fisher was over a half hour late so my nerves were on edge basically the whole time he was there with us. He was able to tell me all about our family; I found out that my mother is addicted to prescription drugs, my father is an alcoholic, and Fisher is in law school. What a great family, right ;)? I felt great about the meeting after he left and I thought he did too. But I was wrong I guess. He later sent me an email saying he liked the family the way it is and if he continued to talk to me our parents would cut him off so he cut ties with me. I balled my eyes out that night partially because of this email and partially because of what conspired after that meeting.
Now onto the next event that has kept me off of this blog, Zack. After the meeting he and I decided to just walk around the city enjoying one another’s company. That would be awesome if he wasn’t just taking me out that day just to butter me up to tell me he was leaving TWO WEEKS early for a 2 month Asian/European Tour. He had known since the day we got back from the last tour which was on November 19th. That is a long period of time to not tell your significant other about important details. Let’s just say, I flipped out when he told me, which I am not exactly proud of. But he also didn’t come after me, so what I am about to tell you is a little bit his fault also. I left WA that night and came back home without saying a word to Zack. When I got home, turned on my phone, and checked my messages/emails I noticed he still hadn’t tried to contact me. This infuriated me even more and I broke up with him via voicemail, which is not the greatest moment of my life. He never contacted me to at least try and convince me to still be with him so my guess is he was about to do the same.

That brings me to the current day. I am currently sitting at the library giving Jack and Charlotte “alone time” per their request. I haven’t been able to be home much lately because they are so coupley all the time. I don’t think they have even realized anything is up with me or Zack; you’d think with them being our best friends they would at least ask up what is up. So I have been using Romantic Comedy movies to be my cry buddy best friend.
I would like to end this post with this. Thank you all for your encouragement and sorry if it seems like I am super down during the next few post.
I love you all.
Finlee Rayne

Finlee's POV

If this is what it is like to have a broken heart I am pretty sure I am suffering from said condition. I’ve had this feeling for the past week and I just want it to go away. It has even been hard for me to concentrate on studying for my finals that are this week. So I am expecting horrible grades; which means me being disappointed in myself even more than I already am currently. I try to get through these notes for the next hour until I get an urgent phone call from Jack.

“Yes Jack-Jack?”

“Finlee, we’re looking for Zack, have you talked to him? He hasn’t answered our phone calls.” Right when he says Zack’s name my stomach immediately goes into my throat.

“No I have not.”

“Damn it Finlee... you’re his girlfriend, can you call him to see if he’s okay? We’re leaving for the airport soon and need to know if he is coming with us or driving alone.”

“No I cannot Jack. He and I broke up last week. I haven’t heard from him since Saturday.”

“Shit. I guess none of us have heard from him since Saturday... wait you guys broke up?”

“Yeah we broke up. What do you mean no one has heard from him since Saturday?”

“I mean exactly what I said Finlee. We have got to find him. What hotel were you guys at?”

“The Days Inn in the downtown area of Tacoma.”

“Okay, Charlotte and I are booking a flight out there right now. I will keep you in the loop and after you take your finals if we haven’t figured it out I will give you a call.”

“Okay bye Jack-Jack. Be safe.”


I still haven’t heard from anyone about Zack and that worries me a lot. I may have broken things off with him but I still care about him. That will probably never change. It is kind of sad that it took this to make me realize that I love Zack and regret breaking his heart for no reason other than me being selfish. I guess I was just not ready for this relationship in my life; I am barely able to take care of myself at this point. We are probably the right people for each other but went out at the wrong time in our lives, which sucks.

Jack's POV

We just got to Tacoma to search for Zack. All of us are pretty worried at this point; it’s not like him to just disappear without a trace. He is a little more responsible than that. Alex and I are currently on our way to the hotel him and Fin were at to talk to the staff. Hopefully we find some answers soon.
As we walk into the hotel you can tell both of us are extremely nervous. Alex is the first one to the desk so he speaks first.

“Welcome to The Days Inn. How can I help you boys?”

“Um, hi; We are looking for our friend and this is the last place we know he was at. Can you let us know if he’s still checked in here?”

“Yeah sure; what’s the name on the reservation?”

“Well he was with his girlfriend so it is either under her name, Finlee Rayne, or his Zachary Merrick.”

“Oh yes I see they are still in the room they checked into last week. It’s room 1567.”

“Okay, thank you so much,” we say at the same time as we head for the room.

We knock on the door and do not hear an answer so while I called the desk to see if I could get them to open the door Alex kept trying to get Zack to answer. When the front desk staff made it to the room they open the door and we walk in to see Zack face down on the bed not moving...
♠ ♠ ♠
here you guys go...