Status: updated on Sundays

Live While We're Young

That Girl

Zack’s POV

So I am up on stage just doing my thing and I look up and see her. Oh my god she is even prettier than in pictures. How is that even possible? Okay I have to look away from this girl before she notices me staring and so I cannot suck as bad as Jack.

When we began “Lullabies” I decided to look over at her again. It kind of surprised me that she sang every single word to the song. I did not think she would like our older music too.

After the set was over I looked to see if her and her friend made it to the dressing area yet and then decided to go mingle for like 5 minutes with the rest of the fans…

Finlee’s POV

I feel like we have been waiting in this room forever. It really has only been probably 5 minutes. I just want to meet the guys already, the suspense is KILLING me! I thought I was nervous as we were walking back here but now I think I may puke from nerves. There are about 10 of us in here waiting to meet the guys.

“Oh my god Rayne, we are about to meet our idols,” Char said as she began to hyperventilate.

I began to laugh and say “please act normal and don’t go all fangirl on me.”

So here we are just sitting here wondering what will happen next. And then I hear what sounded like elephants running towards the room. As soon as the door bursts open I see the tall lanky boy that Charlotte has a forever crush on followed by the other 3 boys. Of course Zack is the last one to walk into the room.

Zack’s POV

As soon as we walk into the room it felt like we were swarmed by 15 people. It was quite annoying. I mean I love our fans but I know this Finlee Rayne girl is here somewhere so I am not in the mood to take a billion pictures and answer a trillion questions from a bunch of girls.

When the room cleared out I see Jack sitting with these two beautiful girls. Of course she is one of them. I feel so relieved that she actually showed up; now to get to know her. First I have to think a witty way to get to talk to her.

“Jack, why are you fan hogging these lovely ladies? There are 3 other members of this band,” Alex said. Almost as if he read my mind.

This comment made the girls laugh. Oh my god this girl’s laugh is so cute. I really need to find something wrong with her, I have no chance with a girl like her after all. Crap, she saw me looking at her… And that is when she smiles at me. I guess it’s now or never to talk to her.

She beat me to it of course, “Hi, I am Finlee. It’s really nice to meet you.”

“It’s nice to meet you too. How are you doing tonight?”

Finlee’s POV

It was nice to have a small conversation with all of the guys before they had to head to the showers. Zack is even sweeter in person than in the interviews I saw. And Jack got both Char and my number so that he can have “some pretty friends to talk to” when he is bored. I think he just wanted an excuse to talk to Char again. Deep down I hope he either brags so much that Zack can’t stand not having my number or gives him my number.

October 14, 2011 (11:30 pm)

Hey guys,

So I wasn’t able to sneak any alcohol into Charlotte’s drink but it didn’t turn out as bad as I thought it would.

So just a short update for y’ll tonight since I probably should go and try to calm myself ASAP. First of
all, I GOT TO MEET ALL TIME LOW!!!!!! And before y’ll ask they are just as cute and sweet in person as they are in interviews.

I gave one of them my number so I guess that means I made a few new friends. Maybe they can help me find my family (once I tell them of course).

Okay, I will update y’ll on my life as soon as I can. Time to hit the hay.

The newest wannabe girlfriend of ATL
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Sorry guys this was just a filler... I am having such a writers block. Constructive comments accepted and if anyone has any ideas of what should come next let me know.