Status: I love you. stay who you are


Chapter 1

“Welcome to Windrush High School where all of your dreams come true”. Those words keep playing over and over again in my head. They said that this is the place where my life would change, where I wouldn’t be bullied, or picked on, I could be me. Well guess what. I am me, I act the way I was born and I am Samantha George, the most unpopular girl in school. I am picked on every day by the BG Crew. Yea the BG stands for blonde girl crew, or some say the beautiful girls crew, but I think it stands for the bitchy or bully girl crew.

I am 15 years old and my name is Samantha. I could understand how people were mean to me last year, but I am a sophomore this year, things should be different. I had boring black hair last year which I dyed brown, I have green eyes, and my white skin should make me beautiful and wanted. I guess that I am everything but beautiful and wanted. I have been crushing on the same guy all of my life, Jared Williams. His natural brown hair that catches my eye and makes me melt just like a popsicle on a hot day.

Well I have 2 years until I get out of this school and I can’t wait. The best part is I will be away from Skyler. Speaking of the wicked whore of the school here she comes now. “Omg look who it is, Samantha George. Hey nerdbag.” She then laughs laughs. “I think that you haven’t properly been entered into our school.” “ Actually I think that I have and I don’t need to go through it again.” “ O really. I think you do.” She pushes me up against my locker and punches me in the face. ”O now you have been properly welcomed for the second time. Bye now and wipe that blood from your face, you look so sad.” They all walk away laughing.

I look around to see a bunch of people staring at me. All I know right now is that I have running down my lip and my eye. I run to the bathroom as fast as I can go. My eye is turning black, my lip is spit right down the middle and my nose is bleeding. I can’t deal with another broken nose. I feel a little dizzy from losing so much blood, or maybe it’s from getting punched in the face. I start to cry and the salty tears fall into my wounds and it stings. I hear the 2nd bell of the day ring and I wash the blood from my hands and face and walk to class. Skyler punching me in the face made me remember how much I went through last year. I pray that things will turn around, and fast.
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