Ramblings of a Psychotic American.

Welcome to my life.

Well, where to start. My name is.. well let us just say my name is Nyx and get on with it. I'm an antisocial shut in, my only contact with the outside world happens to be my job. Unless you count my computer. Even then I guess I don't really talk to many people. I have eight different personalities, which I assume you'll all be quite acquainted with later on in life. I have a severe case of Clinical Lycanthropy, meaning if my rage isn't over Nine-Thousand, it usually breaks. Some times I have no clue where my life is going and I'm not sure if I'm perfectly okay with this, or if I've just deluded myself enough into believing I am okay with this.

My only three true friends are so far away from me the only thing I can use to contact them is this damned computer. One friend lives in England, one in Michigan, and the other one is the person I'm currently in love with, who happens to live the farthest from me. Who would of figured that'd be just my luck, oh I know, I would have. Sometimes I think I'm unfit for society, other times I think society is just unfit. I am a "Garbage Disposal", I'll eat anything that won't eat me first. Unless it's something like dog shit, cause lets face it, I'm not that fucking goofy.

People tend to hate me for no reason, I guess it's just the way I look. Then again nine times out of ten I have a constant scowl on my face and I don't even realise it. I'm twenty years old and just about to move out of my mothers house, even if it is only to go live with another relative for a short period of time. No, I'm not being sent off because I'm crazy. There will be no jumping to conclusions here, because fuck you don't judge me.