The Boy and the Bookstore

The Concert

Pete woke up in his bedroom with the light shining in his face. Boxes and suitcases were all over the room of half packed things. He walked into his bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. He reached for a towel that he had on top of the toilet but while he did he heard a noise. It sounded like the back door being opened. Pete quietly went back into his bedroom and grabbed a gun he kept in his top drawer of his nightstand. Pete crept down the hallway towards the backdoor when he heard the fridge open, he quickly relaxed and clicked the safety button back on. He walked down the hallway and peered around the corner. Sam was looking in the fridge. He pulled out the milk and orange juice and placed them on the counter. He looked over at Pete holding a gun.

“Whoa! Why are you holding a gun?” Sam asked ecstatic. Pete noticed a small gym bag on the counter as well.

“Did you just pick the lock of our backdoor?” Pete asked.

“Maybe” Sam said calmly looking at Pete’s gun. “Can you put the gun down now? You know I don’t like having to use them.” Pete walked back to his room and put the gun away. Sam made himself a bowl of cereal and was making a mixed drink with vodka and orange juice when Pete came and sat down at the counter and looked through Sam’s bag.

“I don’t even know what to say right now. One I’m surprised you woke up before me, two how do you even want to start drinking at nine in the morning, and three why did you break into this house?”

“Actually I haven’t gone to sleep yet. I had quite the evening.”

“Was it one or two girls?”

“It wasn’t a bar and it wasn’t a sex date.”

“So you’re saying you didn’t lose your keys and need to use your lock pick set to break into this house?”

“I didn’t want to get rusty.”

“I thought you were going to figure something out and not get involved with your old lifestyle?”

“Which part? Being able to pick locks is a skill you should never give up.” Sam said with his mouth full of Raisin Bran cereal.

“I don’t even know why I bother” Pete said rolling his eyes.

“I do have some good news though.”

“Wait a second you didn’t go to the bar or to a chicks house yesterday? You disappeared around one yesterday and you’re saying you didn’t have any drinks or meet up with any girls?” Sam shook his head no. “Oh no, I don’t want to know. Please just keep me out of it. You’re obsessing about something and I don’t want to know about it. I’d rather remain ignorant to the facts. “

“I said it was good news.”

“I don’t care. I don’t want to know. And by the way we need to follow up with Cam. There was nothing to use during those auditions. I bugged his car while you were inside though. He’s going to Jamie’s club tonight to see her play. He might be trying to find his next affair. I need you there.”

“Awesome and no way.”

“What do you mean?”

“I planned on going anyways. That Jamie girl is kind of interesting.”

“You mean hot and you want to get in her pants.”

“I take offense to that. Just because she’s nice to look at doesn’t mean I don’t see her as a person.”

“Who do you think you are kidding here?”

“If we end up messing around so be it but I honestly got a kick out of her and hope she can play a decent guitar. I haven’t gone to a club or concert in years.”

“What about Cam?”

“Nope. I’m not doing it.”

“We are so close to taking this guy down.”

“You say that like he’s a mastermind criminal and you also said if I did that acting thing you wouldn’t ask for my help again.”

“That is true but then you actually got a call back for a follow up for that movie.” Pete said walking away towards the living room with a grin on his face.

“Shut up. You’re just messing with me right?” Sam yelled after him.

“I told you it was a perfect role for you to play.” Pete yelled back.

Charlie woke up on a futon mattress with a girl cuddled up next to him in a friend’s apartment off campus. The sound of the cupboards shutting was what woke him up. He gently put the girls arm on the mattress and slid out from her. He grabbed his underwear next to the couch and put it on. Charlie walked over to the small table with a guy with short black hair and a goatee. He handed him a box of cereal and a bowl and spoon. Charlie made himself a bowl and then grabbed some milk from the fridge. No words were spoken while they ate breakfast. They listened to the sound of a distant radio coming from the bathroom. When they finished their breakfast Charlie was the first to speak.

“Thanks for letting me crash here and bring a girl back. I owe you for that one.”

“No problem. You’d do the same for me.”

“This was huge though. You know that girl you told me had a boyfriend?” He nodded his head. “Well she was trying to go back to my place and was going to meet me there at 12:30. She kept texting me. It was a good thing we left when we did and brought the girls back here. Where’s the chick you brought back?” Charlie asked.

“You mean my girlfriend?”

“She’s your girlfriend?” Charlie asked surprised.

“I told you that last night like seven times.” Charlie laughed.

“I honestly don’t remember everything about last night. Do you remember her name?” Charlie asked looking over towards the girl on the futon mattress still sleeping.

“Rebecca?” He said unsurely.

“But you’re not really positive though right?” Charlie asked. The man shrugged his shoulders. “Shit. I need to get out of here before she wakes up then. Can I borrow a shirt and pants so I don’t wake her up?”

“Yeah that’s fine. I’ll tell her you had some school stuff you had to do or something.” Charlie put his bowl in the sink and walked back to his friends room and grabbed a pair of clothes. His girlfriend was still in there sleeping. Charlie grabbed his wallet and keys he had on the counter and was heading for the door.

“Hey did you still want to go check out that club tonight?” The friend asked.

“I don’t know man. I got a headache right now and feel like I need to fall off the face of the earth for a few days before I get all caught up.”

“Well the girl that’s playing is pretty hot. You might not want to miss this.” He said handing Charlie the flyer with her picture on it.

“Maybe it’s true that both males and females have a thing for rock stars. How are we going to get in? I’m not 21 yet.”

“I’ve been to this place before. It’s not hardcore about ID’s. You can get in with just your fake ID. Once you get in the bartender won’t ask for any ID.”

“Alright. Count me in.” Charlie said opening the front door and leaving the apartment.

Sam and Pete were in Pete’s bedroom trying on dress shirts and pants. Sam was having trouble finding things that fit because Pete was a bigger size.

“I hope you have a belt I can use. None of your big boy clothes fit me.”

“I can’t help it you’re tiny. Maybe you should try eating more than one real meal a day.”

“One meal helps me get drunk faster.”

“Do we need to have a serious conversation about your drinking?”

“Nope. Nothing to talk about.”

“So yes we do need to talk about it then.” Pete said stopping and looking at Sam.

“Shut up. I just had my life taken away from me. You should be happy I didn’t start doing hardcore drugs because that definitely would have cost you a lot of money.” Sam said sarcastically.

“You sure you’re okay then?”

“No.” Sam paused “But I’m working on it.” Sam and Pete looked themselves in the mirror. Pete had on a blue dress shirt buttoned completely with a black tie and black dress pants. Sam had on light blue jeans and a yellow dress shirt unbuttoned with a plain white tee shirt underneath.

“You look like a business man with that on.” Sam said. “Get rid of the tie at least.”

“This is supposed to be an upscale club. I don’t want to go under dressed and not be able to get in.”
“We are on the guest list and she said she’s like an alternative rock and covers some Paramore songs. If you over dress I think you’ll be the one standing out.”

“Maybe I’ll lose the tie then.” Pete said. Sam just looked at Pete in a disgusting look and walked away.

Pete drove his car to the parking garage that Jamie told Sam about.

“Alright before we head in there we need to go over some things.” Pete said.

“What are you my dad now? Are you going to give me a condom?” Pete ignored his joke.

“Cam will be in there. I’m going to let you hold onto my phone but I also have my business phone. I’ll be texting you on it in case I need you or if you decide to leave you need to let me know. Remember that you’re not Sam or Marcus anymore. You’re Jacob. Cam and Jamie know you as Jacob so remember that. If Cam comes and finds you play it out. He’s a tricky guy to get information out of.”

“Why is it I get the feeling there is something about Cam you’re not telling me about?”

“Because there is.”

“Any why are you just telling me this now?”

“If I told you would that be interesting? Or would it be more interesting if you deduced it yourself?”

“You know me too well.” Sam said a little glim.

“So why am I really looking into this Cam guy?” Pete asked. Sam paused to reflect on the interactions he had with Cam. He remember Cam wasn’t wearing a wedding ring but he also now remembered that he had some bruises and small cut marks on his right hand.

“He really doesn’t have a wife. He’s beating up women isn’t he?”

“A girl came to me. Said she met him at one of these costume swinger parties. He’s really into rough sex I guess but then takes it too far and he beats the women up after they’ve had sex.”

“Why don’t they just go to the cops then? I’m sure they could find some evidence on him. Sperm, blood, or something of that nature.”

“He picks his victims well. Girls with drug problems, prostitutes, or some girls with money problems he’ll pay them. That way it’s either a girl that won’t go to the cops or else it’s considered conceptual.”

“How is this scumbag in the film movie business?”

“Uncle was a successful director. One of those guys who was given everything so had that chip on his shoulder that he can get away with anything.”

“We have to get this guy. What’s the plan?”

“You’re not going to like this next part.”


“Jamie was the one who actually got the call back and not you.”

“And Jamie has money problems. She can barely pay her phone bill. She’s the next target.” Sam said sounding disappointed.

“Yeah I’m afraid so. I managed to get a look at his phone records. He’s called her at least five times. I’d say that’s more than just a callback notification.”

“He’s probably going to pretend he’s here to scout the band. That way she’ll have to go somewhere quiet to talk.”

“We need to help her but now you see where we are stuck. She’s not going to just ignore him if he’s trying to help her get an acting gig and help get her singing gigs. I’ve been following this guy for months. He doesn’t rush into anything.”

“I’m going to kick his ass.”

“You do that you mine as well say goodbye to Jacob Bennett. He will press charges against you and you’ll be sent to jail and who knows what else they will charge you with or uncover. It’s only a matter of time before they finger print you.”

“So what are we going to do?”

“All we can do right now is run interference and play it as we see it. This is one time I suggest becoming Jamie’s friend and not just trying to sleep with her.”

“I can do that. At least she’s interesting.”

“Let’s go.” Pete said getting out of the car. Sam got out as well. “Make sure you stay on your phone and keep me posted. I don’t want to be seen together in case he recognizes me. After we get in we split up.”

The two of them walked out of the parking garage and down the road towards the club that Jamie and her band were playing at. By the time they had gotten there Jamie was already on stage playing. Jamie gave Jacob Bennett a plus two on the list that allowed Pete to get in. Pete found Cam right away and he was watching the band play in a private section with what was assumed as other directors and movie talents. Sam went inside and ordered a drink. He watched Jamie from a distance until his drink was gone. He then decided to head outside for a smoke. He was still trying to calm down about what Pete had told him about Cam. It completely disgusted him how bad a person Cam was but it also disgusted Sam even more that he didn’t read through his nice demeanor. He was wondering to himself that maybe he was losing his mind and not being able to read people as well as he used to. Sam was reassessing his interactions with Cam outside the club when he heard someone he thought was yelling at him.

“Marcus! Marcus! Over here! Marcus! It’s Charlie! I’m in line for the club. Marcus!” Charlie was yelling with his dark haired friend from the other night and his girlfriend as they were waiting in the back of the line. It wasn’t until the last Marcus that Sam finally realized he was yelling at him and recognized who it was. Sam walked over to Charlie on the outside of the line.

“Holy shit.” Sam said.

“I could say the same thing. How long has it been since the last time I saw you?”

“Five months I think.”

“What are you doing here?” Charlie asked.

“It’s kind of a complicated story.”

“All of your stories seem to be. Did you already get in?”

“Yeah. I’m on the list. I met the singer the other day.”

“You have to be fucking kidding me. Where did you meet her?”

“It was in the L.A. area.”

“Do you think you can get us in?” Charlie asked pointing to his two other friends.

“I only have a plus two and I already got a friend in.” Sam said. Charlie looked at his friends. They told him to go ahead and go in. Charlie got out of the line and walked up to the front with Sam.

“I thought you disappeared for good man. Where have you been?”

“That’s kind of an even longer complicated story.”

“Well I took care of your bro for you. He’s got a place by my sister and a pretty good job.”

“Thanks for that. Why are you here anyways?”

“Oh I want to hook up with the singer.” Sam laughed at Charlie.

“Every guy here wants to hook up with her. She might be out of your league man. She’s 24.”

“I’m not the same shy guy you used to know. I’ve gotten quite comfortable with the ladies now.” Sam laughed again. “I’m serious man. I had sex with three girls over the summer and I’ve been messing around with all these freshman girls during their orientation stuff.”

“Are you being serious?”

“Yes I’m serious.”

“Wow. I’m impressed. You’ve learned what college is really for in such a short time, taking advantage of stupid horny girls.”

“Thanks. I think” Charlie said confused. The two approached the bouncer at the front of the door. Sam got Charlie in.

“Listen before it gets too crazy I need you to text this number for me. If you need to get a hold of me call this number. It’s not my phone but it’ll still get to me.” Charlie gave Sam his phone and he entered a number. “Have fun tonight but I’m not here entirely for fun so try and stay away from me alright?”

“Alright” Charlie said skeptical. He went and bought a beer at the bar and then lost himself in the crowd listening to the music.

Sam didn’t really enjoy his night as he had expected. He hung by the wall and listened to the music while texting Pete back and forth. They were waiting for any opportunity they could get but they both knew nothing was going to happen while Jamie was on stage. It was just a waiting game. Sam wasn’t sure how long he had been there or how long Jamie and her band had played before they were replaced by another band. The next band was finishing their second song when Jamie texted Sam asking if he was still there. The two exchanged a few text messages before meeting outside to talk. Jamie was already waiting outside in an alleyway when Sam approached her.

“Jacob?” Jamie questioned as he walked down the alley.


“Sorry. I didn’t realize how creepy meeting in an alley was.”

“Yeah I wouldn’t recommend you doing that again.”

“Good idea. So what did you think of our show?”

“You guys were really good. I missed some of the beginning stuff I think. I got caught in traffic.”

“Yeah I was looking for you up there.”

“Oh really? Why was I the lucky fan tonight?” Sam asked a little flirtatiously.

“It’s kind of a calming thing. I usually look for a fan that looks really nice and sweet and focus on them. It helps get rid of the nervous jitters.”

“And I have a nice and sweet face?” Sam said jokingly.

“Yeah kind of” Jamie said embarrassed. “It’s your eyes. They just… they just are calming I guess. You wore sun glasses the other day until we went inside and I thought to myself ‘they’re so pretty I don’t know why you’d want to cover them up’.” Sam was kind of taken off guard and didn’t know what to say to that.

“Thanks.” He said shyly.

“Well we have a two hour break before we go back on stage again for round two. Do you maybe want to go get some ice cream?”

“Sure that’d be nice.” Jamie went inside and grabbed a sweatshirt and they walked down the alleyway. “How are you a rock star? You seem more like the nerdy girl next door than the angry punk rocker.” Sam asked. Jamie laughed as they walked down the alley.

“I have many layers, but I guess we all do. That’s why you can’t take things at face value. I still am that shy girl next door that you think but I guess I relate more to this type of music. I think because people think I’m pretty that I should be a bubbly pop singer but I know life isn’t like a movie and sometimes things are tough.”

“Interesting” Sam said.

“What is?” She asked.

“Usually girls that look like you are just given things, nice things, and just assume that’s how it is for everyone. But you’re good looking and yet you’re still out here struggling with the rest of us trying to make your life work. It’s interesting.”

“What are you struggling with?” Jamie asked. In Sam’s head he initially thought about Amie, the cops that were probably looking for him, and about what he was going to do next with his life. Sam still had not decided whether his drinking was a concern or not.

“I was speaking more metaphorically. I’m doing alright.” He said lying to Jamie as well as trying to convince himself.

“Hey did you get a call back from that movie?” Jamie asked. Sam was happy in the change of subject.

“No, but it’s alright.”

“Oh really? I thought you did really good.”

“I have another project lined up so I’m not real worried about it.”

“Oh, well that’s good. I got a call back for it.”

“Yeah? That’s great. Now you have to find that line between what you can ask for money wise without scarring them off.”

“I’ll probably just let my agent friend worry about that stuff.”

“That’s probably for the best. You just worry about the acting.” The two of them had walked to the restaurant where they were going for ice cream down the road. Sam opened the door and Jamie walked in. The two of them sat in a booth across from each other. The place was empty and a person came over right away with menus. The two of them ordered their ice cream flavors of choice. Sam went with a sherbet combination and Jamie ordered cookie dough. The two of them were quiet for a few moments both trying to figure out what to say after the small talk had gotten out of the way. Sam hadn’t talked to anyone in months other than Pete and that was normally only when forced. He had lot of questions he felt like asking but he didn’t want to appear as if he was flirting or hitting on her. He couldn’t even remember the last time he had a friend that was a female and wasn’t sure what to do. Jamie was finally the first one to speak up.

“So what brought you to California? Or did you grow up here?” Jamie asked.

“I’m from California actually. The northern parts where there is actually some weather.”

“Oh. What was it like growing up around here?”

“I can’t say it’s any different than anywhere else. No snow I suppose?” Sam tried to joke but he knew Jamie was looking for more specific information.

“Yeah I’m from the Midwest so I guess I have a little country girl in me and some of the bright city lights intimidates me.” Jamie said. Sam thought this was perfect for what Cam was trying to do. He could manipulate her because she wouldn’t know any better.

“What did your family think about you moving out here for music?” Jamie smiled.

“Well they were obviously worried. But I just told them I wanted to chase my dream and see where it would lead me and I didn’t want to look back on my life one day and wonder what if?”

“And what about the band mates full of guys?” The waitress had come with their ice cream and placed it on the table.

“Yeah my dad didn’t like that idea but they’re all just like a bunch of brothers to me. What about you? What’s your family life like? Any brothers or sisters?”

“Yeah I have one brother. He’s younger than me. He has a little girl. He’s busy and I get busy so we don’t really keep in touch very well.”

“And your parents?” She asked. Sam cracked a sarcastic half smile.

“I guess you could say I was raised like birds. You know how they kick them out of the nest and they either learn to fly or they go splat on the ground? That’s my relationship with my parents.”

“Oh I’m sorry. I’m sorry I brought it up. So what about a girlfriend? Anyone serious in your life?” Jamie asked. The light went on in Sam’s head. All he could think was ‘oh crap.’ She had suckered him in. This was no longer a friendly conversation but a form of a tryout. ‘Just play it off’ Sam thought to himself.

“Nobody serious” Sam thought this might be a good time to hint about Cam. “You meet a lot of characters out here. At first it all seems interesting and fun, and that’s great if that’s what you’re looking for but sooner or later it just becomes too much.”

“So what are you really looking for then?” Normally Sam would crack a sexual joke or say something charming in attempt to get the girl to take him back to her place. But it’s easy saying stuff when you don’t care what the outcome is. Now Sam had to actually think about it and figure out the right thing to say in the right situation. He stopped eating his ice cream and looked at Jamie.

“Honestly I’m just looking for a friend. A friend that doesn’t need to go clubbing every night or you only see when you go out. No, just a friend that’s content watching TV or not saying a word for an hour while I read a book or play video games. It’d be nice to just have something simple, something honest.”

“That would be nice to have. But not everybody is simple. Something like that works not because the two people are simple or ignorant. No that works because two people are both complex but the other person understands their complexity and just allows it to be. They know what to say at the right time. That’s why it works.”

“You sure you’re a singer?” Sam questioned trying to lighten the mood. “I think you’re too smart to be a bubbly pop singer.” Sam said with a smile.

“Hey!” Jamie said playfully offended. “I told you I’m not just a pretty face.”

“I know. You’re right too.” Sam said. The two of them looked at each other and were having a moment when the door opened and of all people it was Cam who walked in. He instantly recognized Jamie and walked over to our table.

“Hey Jamie” He said excited. “You guys were really good up there. Your voice is beautiful.”

“Aw thank you.” Jamie said with a smile.

“I think you guys have a good sound. If you want I can pass around some of your demos or try and find a studio for you guys to do some recording.”

“Yeah. That would be awesome. I don’t have any on me right now but I can get you some later.” Jamie said a little shocked. While the two of them were talking Sam grabbed his phone out of his pocket and was texting Pete blindly under the table.

“At food place down the street. Cam is here. Track his car. Mercedes I think.” Sam sent to Pete. He hoped that he received it and could get outside before Cam did. Cam looked over and recognized Sam’s face.

“Hey it’s the guy I met the other day. I owe you a cigarette.” Cam said reaching out his hand. Sam reached up and shook it.

“Nah don’t even think about it. I only smoke when I try to get into character.”

“Yeah I’m sorry that gig didn’t work. The writer had his mind set on a certain guy he wanted for the part.”

“No big deal. I was thinking about getting away from the acting and commercial stuff for a while anyways. I was thinking about getting back into music as a hobby.”

“You played music?” Jamie asked surprised.

“Yeah I played some drums. I used to be in this band after high school. I wasn’t really into the music we performed. It was some real dark stuff.” Sam said looking at Cam who had sat down next to Jamie. He was hoping that subconsciously Cam was getting the message not to mess with him. In reality Sam couldn’t play any instrument but the Harmonica. “I guess I just lost focus because I wasn’t that into it but I might have found it again.”

“Well that’s great. I wish you the best of luck.” Cam said. He obviously wasn’t that interested in what Sam had to say. He started talking to Jamie about her band and her band mates and of course any musician wants to talk about her music and her band. Sam was starting to feel uncomfortable now. He finished his ice cream and grabbed Jamie empty containers and walked them over to the garbage. He looked back and it appeared the two didn’t even realize he had walked away. Sam didn’t want to sit through any fake conversation Cam was going to have so he walked through the doors and left. He instantly called Pete.

“Hey Pete. Did you get my message?” Sam asked urgently.

“Yeah I see you right now. I put a tracking device on his car and I put a bug inside of it for audio.”

“Awesome. This guy is such a creep. Where are you?”

“I’m standing down by the light. You see me?” Pete asked.

“Yeah. I’ll be there in a second.” Sam said and hung up the phone. He walked over to Pete. They were waiting for the walk sign to turn on.

“Did you get anywhere with Jamie?” Pete asked.

“Yeah I think so. We were bonding until Cam showed up.”

“Yeah I think he saw you texting her in the club and when you left he went outside.”

“Well we talked a little bit. I think she was scouting me out as a possible boyfriend but I let her know that I’m just looking for a friend.” The light changed and the two of them walked on the street.

“Did she seem upset by it?”

“No I don’t think so. I think she is kind of on the same page with me.”

“You mean she’s hiding from the cops and secretly trying to manipulate you?” Pete said trying to sound funny but Sam wasn’t laughing.

“I’m not manipulating her. I told her I wish I had a friend I could just be honest and simple with. I want those things. I just know I can’t have them. It’s too much of a burden.”

“What about me? We are friends.” Pete asked sounding a little hurt.

“It’s different. You met me when we were doing bad stuff together. You saw what I was capable of before you really got to know who I was. It’s just different. She’s seen the good sides of me but wants to know what I’m hiding. She wants to be able to share the darkness but she doesn’t really know what she’s asking for.”

“So you’re not manipulating her yet. You’re just hiding it.”

“That’s what I do Pete. I’m a con man. I hide from everybody the truth.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I might have to keep Jamie around for awhile. What do you guys think?