Status: Exhale. (Revising)

The Electricity in My Veins

Scene II, dirt

Most of my time seemed to be devoted to staring at Luka. It didn’t matter if we were in completely different rooms. If he so much as walked into the area I was in my eyes like starving dogs followed every move of his constricting muscles captivated. I had thought about it but I couldn’t find a cure to my creepy habit. Staring at him, watching him, observing him seemed to be a survival instinct written into the very core of my soul. I felt like if he was out of my sight for more than a second doom would befall me and I’d be eaten whole by my need to keep track on the dangerous beast. His sitting in front of me shirtless eating toaster strudels didn’t help these feelings one bit.

“Alice! Alice! Aliceee! I know you’re mad but it’s beyond mean to ignore your own mom!”

“Huh?” I followed the sound of her voice to the entrance of the kitchen my eyes catching the line of suitcases next to her feet.

“I’m leaving.”

“So it seems.”

“Come hug me!”

“But I’m mad?” She stared at me dumbfounded as if to confirm the fact that her daughter just denied her of a goodbye, my surprise at my own stupidity wasn’t far behind.

“Let’s try that again.” Deep breath.

“I’m off! Come give me a hug Alice we won’t be seeing each other for a week!” I got up this time. The sound of an impatience car horn seemed to set two things into motion. As if on cue mom released me and Luka got up from the table grabbing her bags, she linked their arms and Luka escorted her to the awaiting car outside. I watched them leave and got this weird feeling in my chest. It felt like something was crushing my heart, it was uncomfortable. Luka came back alone and the sad look on his face worsened the weird ache.

“And so it begins Luka.”

“It does indeed seem to be the start of day one, my dear Alice.”