Perfectly Perfect Logan

The Right Thing to the Wrong Girl

Chapter 10:

Marina’s P.O.V (Mia’s best friend)

I was sitting in Auntie Carolina’s living room; we were about to head out. “Nina,” she stroked my hair, “such a sweet girl.” And kissed me on my head.

Auntie Carolina, my great aunt, was a little on the old side. I take her to her weekly doctor’s check-up thing and we go for pretzels afterwards. I always seem to drift off when I was at hospitals. I really just look forward to the warm pretzels and meaningful conversations we shared.

Her appointments are on Tuesdays, so I left school an hour earlier every Tuesday to stop by her house first then take her. The hospital wasn’t a long walk from her place. She liked walking, says it brings back a little life into her old rusty limbs. Which, I think, is another way of saying she doesn’t get any action. I know its gross but that lady’s got some sense of humor!

I walk into the doctor’s office and sat down just like every Tuesday before, when hunger strikes, and it strikes hard! I missed lunch today; I was working on my English paper in the library. My empty stomach was begging for food, the hunger was unbearable. I told myself I’d hold it for just a bit longer but it reached the point where the grumbles became audible and it was starting to get embarrassing.

“Umm, Auntie,” I pressed my lips, “I’m just gonna get somethin’ to eat.” She nodded and I bolted. As I walked across the hall towards the vending machine someone bumped straight into, not looking where they were going, and rushed off. “Hey!”

I look in his direction and saw him stop in his tracks then turn back to apologize, I assume, when his eyes widen in awe. Oh was he nervous to see me!

“Logan?” now I wouldn’t have been so suspicious if he hadn’t reacted so oddly. I walked straight up to him and stared him down expecting him to say something.

He sighed then nodded. “I need to get somewhere.” I could see him trying to get away from this and I was not letting him go so quick, “I don’t have time for this.” I walked close enough behind him to notice my presence. “What are you doing?” he was obviously irritated.

“What!” I replied innocently, placing a hand on my chest, “can’t old friends have a walk?”

“We’re not old friends,” he tried to look angry but I could see a smirk at the corner of his mouth so I continued to walk closely behind him.

“You hiding somethin’?” I shook my head. “From Mia perhaps?”

“Look, Marina,” he turned now and looked me straight in the eyes which I have to admit was kind of scary because of the serious face he was wearing, “I just need to get something done.”

“Something liiiiiiike…” I squinted. It’s not my place to pry but I am definitely sensing something wrong going on here and as long as Mia’s going out with this guy, it involves her, and if it involves her, it involves me. He’s obviously hiding something and I’m not letting it go.

“Alright.” He licked his bottom lip; “I’ll tell you but wait for me on the benches over there, he nodded towards the seats by the vending machine in the middle of the hall.

“I can’t wait for you!” I shot. “I have to walk my aunt home in about,” I looked down at my watch, “oh ten minutes.”

“Where do you want to meet?” he sighed.

“Starbucks.” I bit the inside of my mouth thinking, “at five.”

He rolled his eyes, gave a half hearted salute and walk off.

Logan’s P.O.V

She looked at me with a gloom in her eyes. I haven’t even told it to the person I dreaded telling the most and it already feels terrible. “Can it be a secret though?” I concluded; repeating the same line I’d asked her before I started.

She rubbed her temples and looked down at the ground but still no reply. “That’s… intense.” She finally whispered under her breath.

“Mia can’t know.” I gave her a hard look. I didn’t want her to know. If she knew she’d look at me in a whole different light. Besides, this isn’t the Logan she knows and I need it that way. This weak, pathetic Logan doesn’t need to be a part of her life.

“Why?” she looked up at me again.

“I just wanted to start anew,” I explained, “no one should know.”

“I don’t know what to say,” she got up, “it’s not my secret to tell, it’s yours but if you don’t tell her at some point it’s gonna bite you in the butt.”

Slowly she walked away then turned back, “by the way, I’m sorry about everything.” And she was gone.
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments and feedback are much appreciated! Also, if you've read this far I love you :*