Pieces Mended


-Jade's Pov-

Typically, my day consisted of wander around Orem, Utah. Trying to find an undiscovered place in this town was hard to do, but it why I wandered. I was determined to find one Bert hadn’t. I had thought I found one before but he just moved a piece of paper on the wall, laughing at his mark behind it. It became a game we played. Over the first two years of me being in Orem, we would wander around most of the day together. It was his way of showing me the ropes. I had been homeless for three years prior to meeting Bert. And even though I had pasted through countless towns and cities, no one taught me how to panhandle, where the best spots were, or even helped me out in a time of need. I felt in debt to Bert for helping me out so much.

Nights were spent at Utahco. When did I sleep? Whenever I could. Sleep came but once in a while. It was hard to sleep when I’m so used to staying up, worried, scared, and on the lookout. I didn’t want my backpack stolen. It held the few things I did have in this world. A few shirts, extra pair of pants, a picture of my late mother and sister, and a teddy bear. It once belonged to my older sister and then was hammed down to me a couple years before she died.

But back to finding a spot, I was still determined even after a year of barely hanging out with Bert. At first he just hung out with me four out of the seven days of the week, instead of every day like I was used to. Now it’s once a week, twice if I’m lucky. I’ve checked everywhere I didn’t think he would have found, even new houses being built, but his name was even on all of them. He really sucked sometimes.

I laughed at the thought of Bert ‘sucking.’ He’s told me very graphic stories of being addicted and having to find meth. I wandered down the busiest street of Orem. The Mormon Church that almost everyone attended was at the end of it. Mr. Howard stood outside greeting everyone walking in. I rolled my eyes as he glared at me. He’s hated me ever since I stepped into Orem. So I tried to get money from his dumb church. It’s not like he needed it anyways. But thank god Bert was in passing and distracted him long enough to let me escape. That was the first thing Bert ever did for me.

Mr. Howard couldn’t get the cops there fast enough though. He didn’t know me well enough to pinpoint me but he never forgot my face. He was still watching me when I looked over my shoulder, so I sent him a wink and made a kissy face at him before making my journey onward. I passed an alley that most of the drug dealers hung out at. Trying to sell kids right off the street there shit. Someone grabbed my backpack as I passed and pulled me into the alley. My back was slammed into the brick wall of the building to the right. I squeaked in surprise. “Where’s McCracken?” A rough voice growled.

I looked up to see Murphy, Bert’s drug dealer glaring down at me. I looked away from his gaze. “I don’t know.” I said glaring.

“No? Why do I doubt that?”
I looked back at him. “I don’t.” He kept his glare intact and it caused me to sigh. “What does he owe you?”

“Fifty.” This only caused me to sigh again and reach into my pocket only to find a five. I handed it to him.

“I get paid tomorrow. I’ll bring you the rest then, okay?”

He looked at the five dollar bill I handed to him and laughed. “No I need it now.” He shoved the bill into his pocket. “And I want fifty from McCracken. So you’re going to tell me where he is, or I’m gonna break your legs.” He said grabbing a pipe from the kid next to him.

I rolled my eyes. “I don’t know where Bert is. And therefore I can’t tell you.” He spun the pipe around in his hand, trying to intimidate me. “I’ll get you the other 45 tomorrow Murphy.”

He tsked at me and swung the pipe at my leg. I didn’t have time to move before it connected with my left leg. I fell over from the blow. He raised the pip to attack my legs again but I kicked up with my right leg, hitting him hard in the stomach. He grabbed his stomach, dropping the pipe. I started crawling away but the kid that was with him, grabbed my ankle and pulled me back. I screamed as he twisted my ankle forcefully to the left.
I knew screaming for help was useless, seeing as most people were either in church or somewhere else. Most places weren’t open on Sundays due to the Mormon Church. But I tired anyways As soon as they both started kicking me in the stomach I curled into a ball, crying out for someone to help. It’s all I could do.

After a few blows to the stomach, legs, and chest I heard someone yell, “Hey stop that!” I felt one pair of feet stop kicking me but the other one kept on going.

“Yeah, are you going to stop us?” Murphy asked.

“Yeah.” The man said. Murphy just laughed. It was cut off quickly as he muttered oh shit and ran away from me. I heard his and two other pairs of feet rush into the alley away from me. “You okay, sweetheart?” I looked up slowly to see a kid not much older than me knelled down next to me. His brown eyes glued me to the spot before I nodded my head. I hardly ever go enchanted by brown eyes but I found his to be different.

He offered me his hand and smiled warmly at me. I took it gently and he pulled me to my feet. As my left foot hit the pavement, I whimpered in pain and lifted it from the ground. “Ow fucking assholes.” I muttered.

“She okay?” Someone asked walking up behind me. I looked over my shoulder to see a taller kid walking up from behind us with a skateboard in hand.

I looked from each of the guys keeping silent. “I think her ankle is broken or something.”

“Let’s take her to the hospital to find out.” The one with the skateboard stated. I rolled my eyes and started hobbling off. I was going to find Bert and punch him in the face.

“Hey wait!” The brown eyed dude called. “Let us at least walk you home.” I chewed on my lip. I felt like laughing at the thought of me having a home.

I shrugged. “I’ll be fine.” I said starting back to the road. I heard one of them run up to me anyways.

I looked to see the brown eyed boy walking next to me. I raised my eyebrow at him in question. He smiled at me. “Couldn’t let you get attacked again.” I don’t know why but this made me smile. “I’m Jeph.” He said offering me his hand.

I stopped, took his hand in mine and shook it. “Jade.” He nodded and released my hand. We continued to walk. I didn’t know how to tell him I had no home and so he’d be walking with me forever. I wasn’t embarrassed that I didn’t have a home. I just kind of didn’t want him to leave yet. Something about him captivated me to keep his presence around. I figured since we were already heading toward the apartment Kate and Bert shared, I might as well visit him and have Jeph think I made it home safely. We walked in slight silence. All that could be heard were our feet hitting the sidewalk. “So why aren’t you at church? I thought everyone went to church in this town.” I said wanting to start a conversation.

“Not everyone goes.” He chuckled. “You’re not there, are you?”

I shook my head, “I’m not from around here.” I smiled. “Plus that Mr. Howard guy would probably throw gas on me, light me on fire and cast me to hell.” Jeph raised an eyebrow. “I tried to steal from his church when I got here.”

He laughed slightly. “Yeah, my dad doesn’t like thieves. Or anyone who doesn’t believe everything he does.” He rolled his eyes. “He’s well liked in this town. I’m surprised you didn’t go to jail.”

“Who said I didn’t?” I countered with a smile.

“Well as far as I can see you’re ink free and there was another reason. “ He acted like he was thinking as we stopped in front of the apartment complex. “Oh yeah. He ranted and raved about you for three weeks every time he saw you around. Something about not being able to get you behind bars or something.” I rolled my eyes but laughed/

“Grudges die hard, I guess.” He nodded and looked at the apartment complex. I followed his gaze and sighed. “Uh well, I guess I’ll see you around. Thanks for… you know.”

He nodded.” See ya.” I nodded and turned, walking toward the direction of Bert’s apartment. On the short distance to the apartment I remembered I was still mad at Bert. When I got to the door, I banged on it as loud as I could.

“Who the fuck is there?!” Bert screamed.

“Get up and answer the door, you asshole. It’s Jade.”

The door unlocked and opened a crack. He peered out at me then around me, making sure I was alone. As if I would bring someone to get him. Paranoid fuck. Finding out it was clear. He opened the door wider. I limped in and he shut the door quickly, locking it and chaining it. He looked me up and down before looking confused. “What happened to you?”

“Murphy says hi.” I said sarcastically. “And that you owe him 50 bucks. Oh and before he beat the crap out of me, he took my last five dollars.”

He sighed and helped me to the old worn out couch. I sat down slowly and looked at him. “I’m sorry. I should have warned you.” He said with a sigh.

“Why didn’t you just come to me for money, Bert?”

“Because, I figured I could pay him back soon. Remember Quinn?”

“That tall skinny kid we sometimes crash at?”

He nodded. “Well he asked me if I wanted to join his band. I’mma be the singer. Isn’t that awesome?”

I smiled. “No way Bert. That’s awesome!” I smiled wider. “I’ve heard you sing a couple of times and you do have a kick ass voice.”

“Really?” I nodded. “Thanks. Quinn plays guitar. He’s really good at it. And then two other people he knows.” I nodded and listened to him rant on and on about how cool it was going to be. His eyes lit up when he was talking about it. He was truly excited and I was happy for him. At least one of us would be getting out of here.