Pieces Mended


-Jade's pov-
I hung out with Jeph over the week. We hung out at the park some days, and other days he kept me company at work. He tired to sneak me into his house every night that week. Sometimes I agreed, but it still kept me up at nights. I wasn't use to a bed, and sleep every night so I would wait until he fell asleep and kiss his forehead before hoping out of his window. I still wandered the streets and watched people. It's just in my nature.

Last night I actually did sleep in the comfort of Jeph's arms. It was great and I felt safe the entire time. I woke the next morning, relax and refreshed. I groaned as I rolled over to face the sleeping beauty, to find him awake and looking at me happily. "Good morning." I horsed out. Wow, way to sound attractive. He smiled and kissed my nose, as if he could sense my insecurities.

"I'm actually surprised you stayed all night." He smiled. "It was great though." He said pulling me closer. My head rested comfortably under his chin. I wasn't self conscious about how I smelt anymore. This whole week, Jeph has let me showered every time I came over. He even did my laundry a couple of times. My hair was starting to undred itself and started smelling pretty. I even caught him smelling it a couple of times. Of course I'd never embarrass him like that, but still, it was a nice gesture. "What time do you have work?"

"What time is it?"

"8 in the morning," He groaned after checking the time. I giggled and pulled away from him. "No, no no." He groaned trying to pull me back.

"Jeph, I've got work in half in hour. Come on." I said not really trying to pull my body away as he pulled me to him.

"Mmm. Plenty of time." He mumbled against my back. I closed my eyes for a split second before I felt him roll my over so I was under him. I looked up at him and smiled at his smirking face. I rolled my eyes before leaning up and kissing him fully. He kissed back pushing my back into the bed, with his hands on my hips and mine on his face. His hands traveled up my body, pushing my tank top with his hands. We broke the kiss long enough for him to push my shirt over my bra cladded chest and over my head. This was as far as we've gotten, so there was a blush heating up my cheeks. He looked over my chest before smiling. "You're beautiful."

"I'm too skinny, and I have sca-" He cut me off with a kiss.

"Hush." He muttered against my lips before traveling down to my neck and whispering, "I say you're beautiful." I blushed at his words before groaning as he bit my neck.

I was feeling his lips on my body completely forgetting of where I was. That was dumb, as a second later the door slammed opened making me squeal loudly. Jeph jumped off me, sitting next to me as close as possible, kind of shielding me from the intruder. "What the fuck? Get out, dad!" Jeph yelled.

"This is my house, and I'll go where ever I want. Who is that?" Mr. Howard asked. I couldn't see him, but I knew his voice and Jeph did call him dad.

"None of your fucking business." Jeph said rebellious. I reached for my shirt to slip it on quickly.

"It is my business, Jepharee Michael. This is my house, and until you move out you will do as I say. You there, girl. Show yourself. "

I almost slipped my shirt on before I remembered this was my arch enemy, asking to see me. I felt like Venom sleeping with Spiderman's Mary Jane here. I smirked and sat up shirtless, touching Jeph's arm to slightly calm him, slightly telling him I had this. "Hello, sir."

The look on Mr. Howard's face was priceless. It was a mix between shock, anger, and disgust. It made me want to laugh, in a mocking manner. I stood up and slipped on my shirt. "Get out of my house, you...disease." Okay that stung a bit.

"Well, looks like I'm not welcome, I have work anyways." I said leaning down and kissing Jeph on the cheek. I guess his dad was slightly shocked, because Jeph pulled my head closer and kissed me fully on the lips. I kissed back just as hard as he did before pulling away.

"I'll give you a ride." Jeph said as I grabbed my bag. I nodded before walking towards his bedroom door. Mr. Howard was too shocked to do anything, or say anything to stop us, so he just moved away from the door, allowing me to walk through. I quickly walked to the door and opened Jeph's car door. I didn't want to be there. I was so deep in thought, thinking about how I was a disease, and everyone in that church thought so, that I didn't even hear Jeph get in and start the car. "Jade?" Jeph asked softly, pulling me from my thoughts. I looked over at him and forced a smile. "Are you okay?"

Another forced smile and lie to hold him over, as I was back to thinking this town might be getting old. "I'll see you at band practice, yeah?" I asked getting out. He nodded and I nodded back before shutting the door and walking into the job I didn't need nor wanted but I had. It kept me busy, I guess. My day went pretty uneventful, but I did see Madi. The girl had stars in her eyes, and all because of Quinn, I knew they were perfect for each other. It was written all over there love sick faces. It was cute and I wondered if Jeph and I looked like that at times. I doubt it, we had a weirder relationship. They had a simple relationship so far. The could do what they want, sleep in beds at the end of the night and reminisce of the night before. I figured it must be nice, to have a supporting family and a house or home. I had neither, and while most teenagers found me lucky, I found it hell. I wish I had someone to hold me when times were tough, to tell me little white lies to make me feel better, and to help me through boy troubles. I was lucky if Bert even listened to me about anything. He use to be so high and now he's busy with trying to stay clean and play in a band, that it's slightly difficult to even get a word out. I don't blame him though, he doesn't need my problems when he has his own.

As I was leaving the store, I spotted Murphy, luckily his back was turned to me, and I could get away unnoticed. At least I hoped. I turned to go the opposite direction of him, but saw Mr. Howard coming down Main Street in the other direction. Well, get the cops called on me, or get beat the whole hell out of me? Well, I did tell Bert, Jeph, and Madi I'd be on my way to band practice after work, and I wasn't going to be locked in a jail cell while they wondered. Wounds heal, a record never leaves.

I turned away from Mr. Howard and walked towards Murphy. Maybe I could slip by without him seeing me, but of course Mr. Howard had different plans. "HEY! YOU!" He screamed down to me. I froze in the spot as Murphy turned around. He smirked down at me, and mouth, "Don't worry," to me before pulling me to him and turning around before running with me. I was confused to the point of stumbling over my feet. He pulled us into a side alley and pushed me flush between him and the wall in the dark. Mr. Howard ran right past the alley and never turned back.

"Thanks." I muttered, trying to push him off. He wasn't having any of it.

"Bert still hasn't paid me." He said pushing me back.

"Murphy, what's fifty dollars to the thousand, you get every day." I said trying again. He pushed me hard and growled before smiling.

"It's principle." He smirked. "Maybe beating his girlfriend up wasn't enough. But I know what will be." He looked wicked as he said it. It scared me.

I was about to open my mouth to argue that I wasn't his girlfriend, when I felt him rip down my pants and underwear in one shot. As he ruined me, I kept thinking of how much this day sucked. And how it was my fault for staying with Jeph. I didn't blame Jeph, but if I had just slipped out like every night, it wouldn't have happened. None of it. I would have token the back roads to the band practice in the abandon house's garage, and I would still be smiling and happy.

Instead, I walked slowly to the abandon house, with blood soaked pants and a broken spirit. I knew I would hide it well, especially since my pants were dark, and you could barely tell. When I got there, Bert and Brandon were setting up the drums just right and placing the guitars and mic stands. I sat down on the dirty couch we pulled in from the abandoned house. I sighed lightly and put on a smile just as Jeph walked in. He looked at me and smiled before walking over to the stage and tuning his bass. Next to come in was Madi and Quinn, both with stars in there eyes. I was jealous of what they had earlier, but now it was even worse. It wasn't jealousy it was envy, and it was eating me alive.

Madi smiled at me and I smiled back before we turned to the stage to watch the boys. The started with Blue and yellow and ended with poetic tragedy. All the while, I wanted this pain in my thighs to end.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah. Sorry about the wait.
I have many excuses but that don't matter much.
Hope I made up with length.