Pieces Mended


I stood, leaning against the nurse's desk with two cups of coffee in my hand, one with lots of cream and sugar, and one with very little. I was waiting for my mom to come out of one of the patient's room. She was a nurse at a hospital, and I was just informed that she was working a double tonight so I brought her coffee after I got home from the party. My mom was a hard worker, but she was definitely not a night person.

While I was waiting, I picked at my chipped, black nail polish. There were very few nurses at the nursing station, so I assumed someone in critical condition had come in. I waited patiently, sipping on the coffee with mostly cream and sugar in it.

"Madi?" a familiar voice spoke from my right. I looked to see Quinn standing there with an arm full of snacks and a cup of coffee.

"Oh, hey Quinn. What are you doing here?"

"Uhm," he shifted from one foot to the other, looking uncomfortable. "Bert's girlfriend overdosed about an hour ago. They brought her here. As far as we know, they're still trying to save her right now. But it's not looking good."

"Oh," I frowned. That must have been the critical patient.

"Why are you here?" He asked, looking puzzled.

"My mom works here. I'm waiting for her so I can give her this coffee."

He nodded. "Hey, I didn't get your number earlier." I smiled, a blush creeping onto my cheeks. He grinned in return. "Can I have your number, please?"

"Sure." I stole a pen and piece of paper from the nurse's station and quickly scribbled my number on it before sticking it in his jean pocket.

"Madi," my mom said, walking over to me. "I didn't know you were here."

"I was just dropping off some coffee," I grinned, handing her cup.

She glanced at Quinn, looking him up and down. "And who might this be?"

"Uhm..." I looked over at Quinn, "A new friend."

He grinned. "I would shake your hand, but I think I'd drop everything."

"That's quite alright," she laughed lightly. "I have to get back soon, Madi. The doctor wants me to come with him to talk to a girl's visitors."

She kissed me on top of the head before walking off to meet the doctor at the other end of the desk.

"I think that's my que to leave, but I'll call you." He grinned, walking in the direction of the waiting room.

"Bye," I smiled, waving at him.

I quickly walked down to my father's car before driving back home. I, honestly, didn't think I would ever see him again. And I can't believe I gave him my number. I never did that. I kept to myself most days, but there was something about him that just drew me to him. Thoughts of him kept me up most of the night.
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