Pieces Mended


I dumped my whole purse on my living room floor, frustrated that I couldn't find my cell phone. The contents spilled all over the hardwood floor. There were five different shades of lip gloss, receipts, my wallet, hair ties, keys, and a nutrigrain bar, but I still didn't see my cell phone anywhere. It was on the third ring, and I was pretty sure Quinn was on the other line. It was the first time he called me since I gave him my number, and I really didn't want to miss the call. Finally, I spotted the blue object on the other side of the room. As I grabbed it, the phone call ended. I groaned in frustration, looking at the number I did not recognize.

I stared at the screen, chewing on the side of my lip, as I debated on calling the number back or not. There was a really good chance that it was Quinn. Would I look desperate if I just called him back right now, or should I wait an hour or so to call him back to look nonchallant? Why am I being so dumb over this? He's just a boy, who probably wouldn't like me anyway. To be honest, I wasn't so sure that I would fit in with him and his friends. They liked to drink and party, and they play in a band. I just like to take pictures.

"Just call him back," I heard my dad speak up from behind me, interrupting my thoughts.

"What?" I gave him a confused look. How did he even know I was thinking about a boy?

"Normally when girls are staring at phones like that, they're either deciding to call a boy or waiting for a call from the boy. It seems like you missed that call, so just call him back," My dad explained, sitting on the couch and propping his feet up on the coffee table.

"Oh, okay." I didn't even question my dad's logic before walking into my parent's bedroom and shutting the door behind me. I redialed the number, hoping that it was, in fact, Quinn who had called me in the first place.

"Hello?" It was his voice.

"Hey, uhm you called?" I smacked myself on the forehead for how dumb I sounded.

"Yeah, I wanted to know if you wanted to go bowling with me and my friends tonight," He stated more than asked. I could hear his friends, giggling and shouting in the background.

"Sure," I couldn't help my grin from forming on my face.

"Good, I will pick you up in a couple hours."

"Okay." I gave him the directions to my house before we both hung up. Another thing I couldn't help was doing a nerdy happy dance in the middle of my parents' bedroom.
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I'm sorry it's so short! Please send us some love! :) Alll feedback is appreciated.