Pieces Mended


-Jade's Pov-

It was a week later when I finally met up with Bert again. He didn’t look high, which was strange for me to see. He was panhandling in front of a tattoo shop, but didn’t look like he actually cared if he was getting money or not. He was just kind of sitting there, lost in his own world. I walked up to him and threw a dollar down into his cup. He mumbled a ‘thanks’ without looking up. “You know, you told me pity was a good way to get money but you had to act happier then that when you got any sort of money.” He smirked, while he was still looking down.

“I also told you not to go near someone else panhandling, because they might cut you.” I plopped down next to him and put my head on his shoulder.

“I’ll take my chances.” I smiled. “Where have you been? No one has seen you around. I was worried. “

He sighed and looked at me. He looked sick, pale, and clammy with sweat. “Was working on getting clean. For me.” I nodded.

“You look like shit.” I said with a smile. “You know what you need?”

“Meth.” He said darkly.

I shook my head and smiled. “Time with friends. Let’s go see what Quinn is doing.” I said standing up. He sighed and I pulled him up without letting him argue.

The walk to Quinn’s wasn’t far from Main Street but it was quiet. We didn’t speak a word to each other, both unable to speak about the things that needed to be said, about Kate, the meth, the baby. I knocked on Quinn’s door with Bert standing awkwardly behind me. The awkward silence got worse when Quinn opened the door. Bert wasn’t himself and we could all tell. Jeph was there but I decided to sit next to Bert and Branden.

I got bored all too quickly, with everyone just sitting there. “Let’s do something, damn!”

Quinn nodded. “Yeah but what?”

I reached into my pocket and showed them my check from work. “How does bowling sound?”

Bert smiled widely. “I haven’t gone bowling in so long!” Everyone looked at him before nodding. “Let’s get more people going.”

“Like who?” Branden asked.

“Well, Quinn can invite that one girl.” Bert said with a smile.

“Madi?” Quinn asked causing Jeph, Bert, and Branden to raise an eyebrow. “What?”

“You liiiike her.” Jeph said messing with his hair.

“Do not!” Quinn said with a little blush.

“Aww guys.” I said as the other three boys were poking fun at Quinn. “Leave Quinn alone. It’s not like he’s a horn dog like all the rest of you.”

Quinn excused himself and walked into the kitchen trying to get a little privacy while he called Madi. Jeph was staring at me with a weird expression, so I turned to Bert. “Anyone you want to invite?”

He rolled his eyes. “Like I know anyone else.” He laughed.

I heard a voice clear in front of me and I looked up into Jeph’s beautiful brown eyes. They were filled with that weird emotion that I couldn’t place. He motioned me to come with him. As I did, Bert and Branden started cat calling like we were going to fuck or something. I followed him out back to the small patio. I sat down on a lawn chair and looked up at him. “What’s up?” I asked.

“You really think I’m a horn dog like that?” I bit my lip and stared at him. I didn’t want to answer that. But he’s eyes were burning into mine.

I sighed and looked away. “All guys are. They want nothing from woman but a little piece of ass.” I felt the front of the chair dip down as he sat in front of me.

“Jade. Not all guys are like that.” I snorted and looked at him. “I mean it. I don’t know what kind of fucks you’ve been seeing or whatever but not everyone is like that.”

“It’s not people I see. I don’t date Jeph. I’ve been trying to fight for my own life for so long no one stops to take a second glance. It’s just something I’ve noticed on the streets. Who’s dating, who’s looking for ass, which people are cheating; it’s all right there on the streets, and no one stops to look at it.”

He nodded sadly but then smiled at me. “But you know what?” I shook my head. “Those are people who don’t give a shit about romance, or love. They just care about getting off but like I said not all guys are like that.”

“Yeah.” I said looking down. “Some guys just like to stalk and creep on girls who live on the street.” I said with a smirk.

“Oh. I see how it is. You’re going to pay for that.”

“Oh yeah?” I smirked up at him. He tackled me back into the chair and sat on my legs, as he tickled my sides. I squirmed and yelled out in laughter. “I give. I give.” He stopped but still sat on my legs. I took a bit to catch my breath and looked up at his smirking face. “Why are you smirking at me like that?” I asked with a raised eyebrow. He bit his lip and leaned down. I took a breath in quickly and closed my eyes slowly. Nerves were pumping through my body and I felt bats flying in my stomach. As soon as his lips hit mine, my body froze up. I had never been kissed by a man. I kissed my best friend back in Arizona when we were six, but that was just because we didn’t know why mommy’s and daddy’s did. I slowly kissed back as Jeph cupped my cheeks with his hands. It was an amazing kiss and we probably would have gotten more into it had Quinn not come out to ask us when we wanted to leave.

I didn’t want to stop kissing Jeph, and I realized he was right. Maybe all guys aren’t as bad as I had preceded them. I figured maybe I could give guys a chance or well one guy. One very special guy.
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