I Don't See What Anyone Can See In Anyone Else... But You

A Little Help From My Friend


“Just go knock on his door!’

“NO! I can’t do that, I just…”

“You what? You’re a wuss? Yes I know that, but get over it and get your man back!”

“Josie, it’s not that easy. We’re not the same. You’re much braver than I am.”

“So you’re just gonna spend Christmas alone?”

“I guess so.” She sighs pitifully.

“…You really should go talk to him Emma, I’m sure he feels just as bad as you do.”

“…yeah well, I should do a lot of things.”

“Listen, I gotta go sweetie. I’ll call you tomorrow. Merry Christmas.”

“Yeah, merry Christmas.” Her strained voice mumbles before I hear the dial tone.

Poor girl.

I feel so bad for her. I can tell she’s frustrated with herself but she’s just so insecure it’s hard for her to take a stand. She’s always been really timid and I wish there was some way I could take some of my forwardness and give it to her.

Then maybe she wouldn’t get into these situations.

I can tell she’s really upset too. I mean, I know she’s trying to hide it but I could tell she was nearly in tears on the phone.

I just wish she could see how much Frank admires her. Just the way he looks at her sometimes is so adorable… I wonder if Ray looks at me like that…


Since I know that nothing will be accomplished by Emma, I’m going to have to step in.

I really hope he answers his phone…

“-cough-hello?” Frank’s hoarse voice croaks from the other end.

“Hey Frank, its Josie.”


“Yep, how ya doin’ kiddo?”

“Uhm…I-I’m okay I guess…You?”

“Can’t complain.”

“…h-how’s Emma?”

“Horrible, she feels like the worst person in the world Frank.” I sigh.

“…I didn’t mean to scare her, it sorta just came out and then she just ran off and I-“

“It’s okay, calm down Frank. She was just surprised; I mean it has only been four months.”

“I don’t care about how long it’s been. All I know is that she’s made me happier than any other girl I’ve ever dated and when I’m with her time stops. God it sound so cliché but she’s so different, she’s just…perfect. And I wish she could see that.”

“Tell her.”

“…it’s not that ease-“

“Like hell it’s not! Look, I’m tired of you two moaning and groaning all the time. Saying ‘It’s too hard! I’m just not brave enough!’ Blah-blah-bitch-bitch-moan! Quit being a bitch and go over there! Love isn’t easy, its not supposed to be! But if you really love each other, which I know you do, you work through it and make things work!...Dammit!”


“But nothing! You get your ass over there and get you’re woman back!” Click, I hang up the phone before he has a chance to say anything else.

I think my work is done.