The Deadly Five Bodyguards

The Beginning

In a small “rich” suburb in Fredericksburg, Texas where Nemesis Savage, Matthew Blacks, Caroline Sanchez, Emma Bennett, and Adam Walters were your typical group of friends that likes to hang out in each other’s house over the weekends, holidays or any other day. Their group was your typical ‘cliché group’; as in the ‘scene’, ‘rockers’ or ‘emo’ group all because they dress all in black or in different colorful colors.

The group of five friends had all pointed out a leader; Nemesis Savage. “Hey,” Nemesis – fair skin, average figure, standing at 5' 8", choppy dark hair, dark eyes, having three lip piercings, two on each side and one in the middle of the lower lip, wearing her favorite Classic Rock bands, and Icons t-shirts, black or grey skinny jeans, hot pink converse, necklaces, and chains hanging loosely around her waist – called out to Matt. They were waiting for their other three friends to get at their meeting point – which was in front of the school’s statue of a hand. She stretched out her hand with a single black earphone, signally to Matt – fair skin, lean-built, standing at 5' 7", choppy black hair, dark eyes, wearing a black long-sleeve button down shirt, black jeans, converse, chains hanging loosely on his waist, and wrist bands – to place the earphone in his ear. Matt does what she mutely says; he soon starts to bob his head to the beat, “What song is this?” Matt asked getting ready to sing the bridge. “Saints of Los Angeles by Motley Crue,” Nemesis replied. “Hey guys!” Nemesis recognizes her friend’s voice.

“Hey, Usagi-chan,” she greeted. “Hey Caroline,” Matt also greeted. Caroline – fair skin, shoulder-length, wavy brown hair, brown eyes, slim figure, standing proudly at 5’ 4", wearing her favorite band short-sleeves tees, black skinny jeans, converse, and wrist bands – grin at her friends, “So, whose house are we going all this week?” Caroline asks. “Mine,” a masculine voice said. Caroline beamed, Nemesis looked bored, Matt grinned, “Hey Adam,” Caroline and Matt greeted. Adam – fair skin, lean-built, proudly stands at 6' 0", shoulder-length, wild dark brown hair, dark eyes, wearing a black t-shirt, black jeans, converse, and a beanie – looked towards Nemesis only to see her narrowing her eyes at someone, “Who are you glaring at now?” Adam sighs. He loved his cousin to death but any more fights this year she was going to get kicked out. “Fucking bitch,” Nemesis sneered. “Nemesis,” Adam called his cousin. “What?” Nemesis snapped as her dark eyes looked at Adam. Adam shook his head, “Who are you glaring at? And what did that ‘bitch’ did to you?” Adam asked crossing his arms over his chest.

Mostly every girl, tried to wonder why Adam was hanging out with them, when he can be popular just by his looks; “Sara Bates, she’s been fucking pissing me off and school barely started!” Nemesis said. Adam shook his head, “You know if you continue to cause a fight your parents are going to send you to an all-girls school,” Adam sighs. Matt and Caroline stared at the two, “Why so easy?” Matt asked. Adam shrugs, “Because my dearest parents don’t want to waste their time with me. Remember they bought me a house so I can live by my own,” Nemesis sighs. “Hey guys have you seen my cousin?” Matt asked out of the blue.

“LET GO OF ME YOU ASSHOLE!!” Nemesis raised an eye brow at the shriek, “Does that answer your question?” Nemesis asked him. Matt sighs heavily and nods, “Let’s go and see what’s happening,” Adam grumbled. Nemesis notice one thing about her cousin; he doesn’t like guys touching what’s his and that meant Caroline, Emma and Nemesis, herself. As they all rounded a corner they saw Emma – pale skin, bright shoulder length red hair, grey eyes, wearing a grey button down shirt, a black and pink striped tie, neon green skinny jeans, purple high tops, and always seen with a cup of Starbucks – on someone’s shoulder; she was hitting them on their back shrieking to be let go. A group of the person’s friends chuckled in amusement. Adam looked pissed, so did Matt but all they did was look at Nemesis. Nemesis – it’s safe to say she was beyond pissed – glared harshly at the man. “LET ME GO!” Emma shrieked.

Tears were running down her pale cheeks; seeing this angered Nemesis even more. “Haha sorry babe, not gonna happen. You and me are going got have a little fun,” a masculine, calm voice said. “Jace, if you know what’s good for you; you will put my friend down,” Nemesis sneered. The man – Jace – and his group of friends froze in their spot. They all silently turned to look at a fuming Nemesis; her dark eyes glaring at them, “Put her down now, Jace,” Nemesis ordered. Jace gently and calmly placed Emma back down on her feet and Emma quickly run and hid behind Nemesis. “What gave you the idea that you can just touch Emma like that?” Nemesis asked coldly at Jace.

Nemesis shakes her head when she received no answer, “If I ever hear you that you have touched MY Emma, you will pay. So goes for anyone who touches her,” Nemesis says and calmly walks away her friends closely following behind her.

[Next day]

Nemesis was in her classroom watching her teacher explain once again a boring lecture, when, “Mrs. Fran, do you have Nemesis Savage?” a feminine voice broke through the Public Address (PA) system. Mrs. Fran stopped her lecture and look for Nemesis only to find her staring at her with her dull, dark eyes, sending chills down her spine. “Yes, I have her,” Mrs. Fran spoke. “Can you please send her to the office, Mr. Jets wants to speak to her,” the feminine voice said. Nemesis sighs heavily and stands up, “Hey lady, do I have to take my things?” Nemesis asks.

“It’s Miss. Hanna, and yes you won’t be returning to your class,” the voice said. Nemesis rolls her eyes and gathered her things and gradually walked out of her class room only to see her friends waiting for her across the hallway. “I knew you will be called as well,” Adam sighs. Nemesis only stares at her cousin, “Let’s just go and see what my good ol’ friend Jets have to say,” Nemesis says and pushed past her cousin. When they have reached the office there stood three men – tall, lean figures, all have brown hair, wearing a white button down shirt under a black jacket, black tie, black slacks, black shoes, and have black sunglasses on; everything black! – standing inside the office.

“Ah, Nemesis and her group,” a man – short, stubby, black hair, brown eyes, wearing a blue button down shirt, with a grey tie, khaki slacks, and brown shoes – smiled at them. “What do you want from us, Jets?” Nemesis got to the point. One of the mean raised his eye brow at her and another one had a small smirk plastered on his face. “As you can see, these three men-,” Jets mentioned his arm towards the men behind them, “Are here to recruit a group of five students from Lavender High, and train them to be top body guards,” Jets explained. “What does that has to do anything with us?” Emma asked nervously. Emma was the shy, nice-hearted from the group along with Caroline.

“Since you guys are already five and know each other, other than to get five strangers, you guys have been chosen to train as bodyguards,” Jets smiled. Nemesis stays silent and glances behind her; she notices one of them tried to touch Emma’s shoulder. “I wouldn’t touch her if I were you,” her voice was cold and void of emotions; her dark eyes stared in front of her while the three men gasps in surprise. “Nemesis,” Emma called. “Stand beside me Emma where I know you are safe,” Nemesis spoke. Emma nodded her head and stood between her and her cousin, Matt and Nemesis. “As you were saying,” Nemesis says. “Congrats, you five have been chosen to be trained as body guards,” one of the three men says.

“Especially you,” he pointed at Nemesis. “What are your names?” the same man asked. “I’m Caroline Sanchez, what are yours?” Caroline asked with a bright smile on her face. The one who was about to touch Emma’s shoulder stepped forward, “I am Leonardo Malusky,” he said. The one on his right stepped forward, “I am Logan Wes,” he said. Nemesis stares at the one who pointed at her, “And you?” Matt asked. “Hunter Macarthur,” he said. “I am Matthew Blacks, this is Adam Walters,” Matt said with a point to Adam. Adam stepped up and pointed towards Nemesis, “And that’s my beloved cousin, Nemesis Savage,” Adam replied.

[Next day]

“NEMESIS, GET YOUR LAZY ASS UP!!” Adam shouted. Nemesis was sound asleep in her bed, trying to ignore her cousin’s yells. Adam glares harshly at Nemesis’s closed and locked door, “Damn it, Nemesis, you better get your fucking lazy ass off of that bed,” Adam growled. Nemesis sighs heavily and sits up, “Alright,” she grumbled and stepped out of bed and made her way towards her adjoining bathroom. After a quick shower and getting dressed, Adam burst into her room, “DAMN IT NEME-,” he stopped his shouting when he saw the bed empty and made.

Nemesis stood leaning against her door with toast in her mouth; she pulled it out, “Looking for me?” she asked her cousin.
[2 weeks later; Las Vegas: Black Veil Bride Concert]

“Having a great time tonight?!” the lead singer asked into the microphone. Their fans shouted in pure excitement. “Glad to hear you scream!! Now help us sing along to our last song of our concert!” he shouted again. “CC let’s get it on!” he said to his drummer. As they started the song and their fans went wild; “ANDY WE LOVE YOU!!” some females shouted. The lead singer – Andy – laughed and held the microphone closer to his mouth, “And I love you,” he says.

“Scream, shout, scream, shout, we are the fallen angels,” he started to sing causing his fans to go crazy. “We are the in between, cast down as sons of war; Struck to the earth like lightning, on this world we’re torn,” Andy sang to his fans. As they reached to the first bridge, something unexpected happen; guns shots were heard and Andy Sixx goes down to the ground with a bloodied shoulder. “SOMEONE CALL 911!!” Someone shouted over the yelling fans that hurried to run towards the exits. CC and three others rushed to their lead singer, “Andy, hang on man!” CC shouted as he helped the bodyguards get Andy off the ground.

Andy was rushed to a nearby hospital; CC and the other three band members waited in the waiting room when their manager walked in, “Guys, I have had it,” he spoke. CC glanced up at him, “What do you mean?” He asked. “It’s time to get better bodyguards. That’s the third time Andy got shot in concert, plus I know an organization that has those types of people,” their manager said. CC couldn’t agree more, “Alright, I will discuss it with them,” CC pointed at his band members. “So, Jinx, Jake, Ash, what do you think? Should we get newer bodyguards?” CC asked. “I say let’s take a break of this music business and let Andy rest, and then we talk about getting newer bodyguards,” Jinx suggested.

CC nodded, “There you have it,” CC said turning back to their manager. He nodded, “I understand, but let me know when you are ready to get newer bodyguards. The organization had been training five people since a week ago,” their manager said. The band mates nodded their heads and slump their shoulders again waiting for their friend’s news. “Friends of Andy,” a professional voice called. Everyone stood up, “That’s us,” Jake spoke. “Andy is alright, the bullet didn’t leave anything major but I still suggest for Andy to take it easy,” the doctor spoke. CC nodded his head, “Alright, thanks doc,” he said. “I suggest to get newer bodyguards, I know Nemesis can be the greatest,” the doctor spoke.

CC was confused, ‘Why use ‘nemesis’?’ he thought. Their manager nodded his head, “Yes, I heard Nemesis is the top greatest,” he spoke. The doctor nodded his head, “Also the other three, who knew they have the power to protect,” the doctor spoke. “Who are guys talking about?” CC asked confused but their manager and the doctor ignored his question when five sets of footsteps were heard. “Damn it Nemesis you went too far on this!” a masculine voice sneered. “Sorry, I thought it wouldn’t hurt that much if I tried,” a feminine voice spoke boredly and void of emotions.

“Doc, we need your-,” CC turned to the trailing voice to see five teenagers. All wearing black, “What’s wrong Adam?” the doctor asked. CC noticed one of them was injured and bleeding badly, “My dearest cousin here thought it be a bright idea to try something different from her training but ended up getting injured,” Adam spoke calmly. Jinx stood up with a shock expression, “SHE’S LOOSING A LOT OF BLOOD!!” he shouted. Adam rolled his dark eyes, “Thank you Captain Obvious, we know she’s bleeding badly that’s why we are here. Can you patch her up Doc?” Adam asked the doctor after insulting Jinx. The doctor nodded his head, “Sure, come with me, Nem, and you four wait here,” the doctor spoke.

Jinx huffed at Adam but didn’t say a word to him. “Holy shit,” Emma gasp she had her earphones on, “Adam! Matt! Listen!” she shrieks in happiness when her favorite song came up; “Alone at last, we can sit and fight; and I’ve lost all faith in this blurring light, but stay right here we can change our plight. We’re storming through this despite what’s right,” She sang along. The band members snapped their heads towards Emma with pure awe and shock looks. Adam saw this and narrowed his eyes at them, “Look away,” he said. CC smirked at him and continued to look at Emma, “I said-,” “Don’t worry about them,” A cold voice spoke causing everyone to jump.

Caroline jumped from her seat wide awake, “What, huh? Who?” she asked confused while looking around. Adam’s face lit up and rushed to the voice. “Let’s go, I’m feeling better. Plus I’m hungry,” Nemesis grumbles. Matt laughed, “Now that’s the Nemesis I know,” he said and swung his arm over her. “Let’s go,” he said, “Are we going to Taco Bell?” Nemesis asks to eagerly causing her friends to laugh at her. “Yeah we are going to Taco Bell,” Adam nodded his head. Nemesis cheered and rushed to the exit, “HERE I COME MY BABIES!!” she shouted. Adam laughed along with everyone else, “Only she can be that happy with food,” Caroline said.

Matt, Caroline, Adam and Emma silently followed their food loving friend towards the school’s entrance heading towards the parking lot. Quickly, they got into Nemesis black Audi R8, “Took you guys long enough,” Nemesis grumbles as she notices a black Mercedes-Benz waiting for her car to pull away. “Sorry we aren’t food crazies not like you,” Adam grumbled to his cousin. Nemesis pulls out of the school’s parking lot and headed towards Taco Bell. As they drive towards Taco Bell jamming out to Nemesis made Oldies Rock CD, Nemesis has notice the same Mercedes-Benz was following them with their headlights off. Nemesis sighs heavily, “Sorry,” She mumbles. The other four were about to question her but Nemesis quickly took a sharp left turn. “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!” both Matt and Adam shouted at her as the other two shouted in fear.

Nemesis didn’t answer them and tried to avoid the black car that’s been following them; she takes another sharp turn making her turn into a dark alley way. “WHAT-,” “SHUT UP!” she shouted and pressed a button on her self-made radio. Adam knew instantly that she wasn’t joking; he knew she made that radio for a reason; “Nemesis,” Adam called worriedly. Nemesis black Audi R8 turned into a dark blue Toyota Corolla, “Someone were following us,” Nemesis spoke and carefully and slowly she drove out the alley way. In time she saw the same Mercedes-Benz pass by with the three men in it. “That car, those men, was following us since I left the school’s parking lot,” Nemesis says and grabs the steering wheel in a tight grip.

Nemesis continued towards Taco Bell but with a foul mood, “Nemesis,” Adam called her. Nemesis parked in the parking lot at Taco Bell ignoring her cousin; “Leave me alone, give me 5 minutes,” She sighs. Emma, Caroline, Adam and Matt all step out of the now transformed car and into Taco Bell. Nyx still held the steering wheel with a killer grip and sighed heavily after releasing it. ‘Why in the hell are they following us!? Didn’t we already accepted this damned job!?’ Nemesis thought a tight grip on her steering wheel. She sighed heavily and stepped out of her car, ‘Might as well accept the mission on protecting Black Veil Brides,’ Nemesis said.