You'll Never Fit in Much, Kid

Chapter One

Gerard’s point of view:

Teardrops of rain soak through the scruffy, black fabric of my favourite Misfits hoodie, as I slouch along endless, dreary suburban streets, wending my way home in the fine drizzle of an October Friday afternoon.

The sky is a glum, glowering grey, and the cracks in the damp, chewing- gum speckled pavement seem to frown at me as I drag my feet across them, laces trailing.

I guess Friday afternoons aren’t really meant to be depressing; most people my age are out with their friends, celebrating not having to set foot in school for two whole days by going out shopping, to the movies, hanging out in the park and sneaking into gigs.

This is exactly why I hate Friday afternoons; I have no friends to shop with, no friends to go to the movies with, no friends to hang out at the park with and no friends to sneak into gigs with.

At least it means two days away from school- school has to be the worst thing ever invented.

Actually, that’s a lie.

Maths teachers are the worst things ever invented.

Either way though, school sucks. Everyone goes around in typical cliques; the popular, sporty guys with designer trainers who get all the girls and beat to death anyone who doesn’t worship football; the geeky guys, who all have mini hunchbacks, read never- ending novels like 'The Hobbit and spend unnatural amounts of time on their homework, the normal guys who all wear designer hoodies, and listen to the 'Right' type of music- whatever that is, anyway; and the rebels, who smoke in the toilets, skive, dye their hair purple and listen to hard rock and metal.

I don’t really fit in anywhere- I’m just the weird, shy, arty, Goth kid who skives PE, only ever hands in art- and occasionally English- homework, spends way too much time drawing undead creatures and reading horror stories, never talks to anyone- oh, and has a tendency to perform life threatening accidents with the Bunsen burners in biology.

I’m way too geeky and un-sporty for the popular guys, way too rebellious for the geeks, way too weird for the normal guys, and way too much of a chicken for the rebels.

Generally, I’m just ignored. It’s like I’m transparent, invisible, unimportant. The only attention I get is being beaten up by the popular guys for wearing too much black and listening to Misfits. Other than that, no one talks to me, no one cares about me, no one notices.

Apart from that memorable biology lesson where I accidentally set fire to my own eyebrows with the Bunsen burner.

But I do have an embarrassingly loud and girly scream, not to mention half my left eyebrow was on fire. People do tend to notice you in situations like that.

With a sigh that's smoky in the cold October air, I push open the rusty garden gate that leads to my house and slouch up the overgrown path, scuffing my shabby black doc martens on the paving.

The light drizzle has turned to a downpour, and I’m soaked, shivering and sullen as I unlock the front door and go in, kicking off my soggy school bag and doc martens in the hallway before ambling into the kitchen to make a much needed mug of coffee.

I sigh again heavily as I wait for the kettle to boil. My younger brother, Mikey is at his best friend Ray’s house (they're only two people in school who ever talk to me besides our deputy head, Mr. Arthur, when he’s telling me off for wearing black eyeliner), and Mom’s still at work, so I’ve got the place to myself.

Yippee. House Party.

Yeah right, I wish. No one would fucking turn up. Except maybe Mikey. My own little brother.

Oh my god, I’m the saddest fifteen year old in the history of sad fifteen year olds. Everyone else is out having fun, but all I ever do on a Friday night is talk online to my old best friend, Cat- who moved away last year- listen to weird music, read creepy vampire novels, drink unnatural amounts of coffee and argue about the plural of “moose” with Mikey.

I need a LIFE.


After pouring myself a mug of strong, black coffee to soothe the sores of a week at school, I grab a bag of my favourite white choco-chip berry cookies from the cupboard and stumble upstairs to my room. Setting the mug of sacred caffeine down on my cluttered bedside table, I switch on my CD player, grab my laptop and flop down onto my unmade bed, pushing my hair from my eyes.

Fingers slightly numb from walking home in the bitter autumnal rain, I log into my usual chatroom and am just taking a sip of scalding coffee when a familiar little –'PING' sounds.

CrazyCat228: hey vampire face :P how’s it going?

I start one of the cookies and type a reply, wishing, for the billionth time since Cat moved that we could actually talk face to face like we used to, without travelling two hundred miles.

CoffeeAddict13: shit. You?

CrazyCat228: good thanks. What’s up?

CoffeeAddict13: I have no fucking LIFE! I’m the saddest fifteen year old in existence- the only people I hang out with these days are my little brother, the horror books in the school library and my computer. The only time people pay attention to me is when my eyebrows are on fire!! D:<

CrazyCat228:okay, firstly, you are NOT sad, just… mentally challenged :P

CoffeeAddict13: oh ha ha.

CrazyCat228: secondly, you are gunna have to actually TALK to people if you want to hang out with people other than your CD player, who BTW is NOT a person.

CoffeeAddict13: how dare you!! You’ve upset Charlie O: and I can’t talk to people at school- I don’t fit in anywhere and they all think I’m weird.

CrazyCat228: you are weird. But in a good way hahaha :P and who the hell is Charlie?!

CoffeeAddict13: my CD player!!

CrazyCat228: whatever. My point is, just talk to people- not everyone is how they appear. You might be surprised.

CoffeeAddict13: I dunno…and apologise to Charlie. He’s hurt.

CrazyCat228: stop being so negative, Gee! Sometimes people are actually really different to how they appear or who they go around with- just try and give them a chance? Maybe not the ones who like to beat you up though :/ fine. Say “Sorry” to Charlie for me. And tell him his owner’s an idiot!

CoffeeAddict13: I’m his owner.

CrazyCat228: I know.

CoffeeAddict13: O:

CrazyCat228: look Gee, I know you’re shy, and not everyone at your school is nice to you, but you’ll never get friends or a girlfriend if you don’t at least try.

CoffeeeAddict13: I am trying!! And I don’t want a girlfriend. Girls suck.

CrazyCat228: ooops, sorry, I meant BOYFRIEND. I forgot you’re gay…

CoffeeAddict13: what? No I’m not!! Why would you think that??

CrazyCat228: you aren’t kidding either of us, Gee. You’ve never had or wanted a girlfriend as far as I know, and last time you came to stay and we watched the Kerrang! Awards on TV you enjoyed seeing Billie Joe a little TOO much, remember?

Shit. I thought she’d forgotten about that…

CoffeeAddict13: shut up! And that was the woman presenting the awards!

CrazyCat228: Ummm…Gee?

CoffeeAddict13: yep?

CrazyCat228: that was a guy.

Oh dear.

CoffeeAddict13: oh shut up! I’m not gay- I’ve never actually had a crush on a guy.

CrazyCat228: yet…

CoffeeAddict13: hate you.

CrazyCat228: love you too :P anyways, I g2g now- I’m meeting Charlotte and Rebecca.

CoffeeAddict13: D:<

CrazyCat228: TALK to people, you gothic moron! Crawl out of your coffin and start LIVING!

CoffeeAddict13: it won’t make a difference.

CrazyCat228: it will! Bye x

CoffeeAddict13: it won’t! See ya x

CrazyCat228: it fucking WILL! I’m always right, okay? :P

CoffeeAddict13: WON’T!

CrazyCat228 has signed out.

I sigh dejectedly and flop down on the faded black sheets of my unmade bed, now on my third cookie. No one else I talk to is online, which is hardly a surprise, seeing as I, um, don't really talk to anyone. In fact, barely anyone is online, probably 'cause they're all out with their friends. I only recognise a couple of geeky kids from my French class, and a guy who hangs out with the group of guys who take great pride in embarrassing me and taunting me.

Concluding there's no one I want to speak to, I loll on my bed morosely like the tragic teenager I am, staring at the rain sluicing greyly down my window, while pondering over my conversation with cat as the sound of Black Flag and rain drumming against the window fills my dark, cluttered bedroom. Then suddenly-


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Hi there, lovelies! This is my second frerard story, and it really does improve, I promise. If you'd like me to continue posting chapters, comment and let me know what you think. Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed :D

Lucy X_O