Letters to Those Boys

To Ian (the second one)

You deserve a page too.

But what do I put on it?


"GO BLUE!"? ....shaking off the

awwwwkward silence,

your voice annoyed me. For a long time.

But you know what blew my mind?

It's deep now.

and your smile. is just. adorable.

Don't hide it! Please!


Robin, did I make you laugh?

When you said, "We kill you."

and I said

"Well, I die laughing."

Don't hate. It was the best I could come up with.

I guess I should apologize

for using my angel smile on you so much.

But honestly,

all your smiles are angel smiles.

So I'll say sorry when you do.

(pretty pretty please, tell him about me?)

Or not. Yknow. Whatever.