Im A Vampire, He's Andy Sixx, And Im In Love With Him

Chapter 1

I was walking down the hallway of my new school, and into the class I was supposed to be in. The teacher, Mr. Burns introduced me to the entire class. My names Megan, I have neon-blue hair, snake bites, blue hightops, black skinny jeans, and a band tee. "Class," Mr. Burns said. "This is Megan," he pointed to me, as the class laughed. Mr. Burns gaave them a look, and they got quiet. "Now, I want you to treat her nicely," Mr. burns said. They just sat there, and some nodded their heads. Just then, there was a tugging on my sleave, and I was out the door. It was osme boy who pulled me. He didn't say anything, all he did was kiss my lips. I walked back into the class room, as the kids stared at me. "Perv," I whispered under my breath. "Megan, why don't you take this seat," Mr. Burns said, pointing to a seat in the back of the room. "Sure," I said, walking back to the seat, and sitting down. Just then a boy with black hair, lip peircings, skinny jeans, and a black V-neck shirt came through the door. "Sorry I'm late," he said to the teacher. "Do you have a pass, Mr. Biersack?" Mr. Burns asked him. "Yeah, here," the boy said, handing him the pass. "Thank you, now go sit down," Mr. Burns said. The boy waled to the back of the room, looked at me for a second, and said, "She's sitting in my seat." "Well why don't you find somewhere else to sit?" Mr. Burns said. The boy waled off. But before he did, he looked at me, and smiled. I can't be friends with him, I thought to myself. His blood, I can smell it, it's to hard to resist. No, I'm not some Vampire wanna-be, I am a Vampire. The seat he found was right infront of me. Great. I was having a hard time consentrating throughout the whole class, because of him. His blood mostly. When the bell ringed, I got up, and headed for my locker. When I started to turn the lock, I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Hi, Im Andrew, but you can call me Andy," he said with a smile. "Hello, I'm Megan," I said trying not to look at him. "So, what are you doing at my locker?" Andy asked me. "This is my locker," I said simply. "Hmm...I guess we're sharing a locker then," he said with another smile. Great. I mannaged to get the locker open, got my stuff out for my next class, and started walking to my next class. "Hey, wait up," I heard Andy yell to me. I stopped. "Wanna hang out for lunch?" he asked me. "Why?" I asked. He looked confused, but then said, "Because, I think your cool." "Well you better un-think that, because we can't be friends." I said. "Why?" he asked me in a sad voice. "Because, I'm different than you, and it would be best if we didn't see each other. "I don't understand," he said confused. "Good," I said with a smile. "But," "But nothing, I only said it was best that we didn't see each other, I didn't say I didn't want to," I said with a smile. He smiled also, and asked me where I was headed to. I told him to English with Mrs. Nichols, he had her next to. As we walked down the hall, he looked at my schedual(sp?) we had all the same classes. Great.