Im A Vampire, He's Andy Sixx, And Im In Love With Him

Chapter 12

Megan’s P.O.V.

Andy had passed out again…he would be out for a while so the rest of his body could change.
He did pretty good…better than the other guy.

Let’s shed some light on that shall we?
Well years and years ago a hundred, I think…I forget now. But he was a poor little boy...and I was just a little kid at the time.

I was walking through the little village, going to the market like my mom had asked me too. I remember the little boy as if it were yesterday. He was around my age an inch taller than me, and had blonde hair.

He was sitting under a tree; he looked like he was starving. I kept on walking and went to the market. I bought some bread and meat…like my mom wanted me too. Though I bought an extra loaf of bread to give to the boy.
He was still sitting there, huddled up.
He looked at me for just a split second, and then at the bread. I smiled and gave it to him.

“Th-Th-thank you,” he had said stuttering his words as he ate the bread.
I said nothing more, but smiled and left

I returned to my mom with the bread and the meat. She thanked me and told me I could go out and play now. I went out back to the tree where I saw the little boy…he was still sitting there.

“Hi,” I said when I walked up to him.
He looked up at me and smiled.
“Hi, thank you for the bread.”
“You’re welcome,” I told him with a little smile, and I blushed a little too.

I remember sitting there with him all day.
He told me that his mother had passed away from a bad fever, and that he’d never even met his father. He was living on the streets…alone.
I felt bad for him. Then I remembered what my mom had told me. I could change him into a vampire…someone like me. My mother was telling me we could change people into one of us, but it was against the law. She also told me it would make someone stronger, and live forever. I wanted him to be safe…
End of Flashback

I was young.
I was stupid.
I had broken the Vampire Law.
The little boy had died during the change…I hadn’t done it right.
Mother and I had moved that night to another little village far away. The Vampire Law never caught us.

I’m glad Andy was different…he was going to make it.
I looked at him; I could notice the tiny changes on the outside: his complexion was getting paler. His skin was growing colder.
In a couple of days his fangs would get stronger, and he would be able to read minds…I’m sure of it.
I was watching over Andy that night when there was a knock at the door…