Im A Vampire, He's Andy Sixx, And Im In Love With Him

Chapter 13

My mom had answered the door. I walked over to my bedroom door, and put my ear up to it. I heard Andy’s mom’s voice.

“I know you have him here!” she yelled at my mom.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” my mom sad to her in a calm voice.
“Andrew, he’s here, I know it,” Andy’s mom said in a quieter voice.
“I’m sorry, but he’s not here,” Mom said in her calm voice again.
“I’d advise you not to raise your voice in my house,” my mom was still calm.

I didn’t hear anything after that. I quietly opened my door, and walked to the living room.
“Mom?” I asked when I got there.
“Yes?” she asked turning around.
“What’s going on?”
“Nothing dear,” she said and smiled at me.
I looked at her, but I didn’t see Andy’s mom anywhere.
“Mom, I heard her, where is she?”
“I put a spell on her, and she left.”

My mom’s power thing was casting spells; her specialty is making people forget things
“But mom, she’ll come back,” I said looking at the door.
“Not for a while she won’t,” she said smiling.
I looked at her and smiled back at her.

“How’s Andy doing?” my mom asked me
“He’s doing really well, the change is going great,” I said smiling at the floor.
My mom smiled too and asked me if I wanted to eat dinner. I agreed, and we went to the kitchen to get our ‘dinner.’

I walked back into my room to check on Andy. He was still doing well, which was great.
I brushed his hair out of his face and kissed his cheek.
He’ll be awake soon. I thought to myself and cuddled up to him to sleep.

When I woke up, it was five A.M. and I had to get ready for school.
Today’s the day that Andy’s transformation should be done.
I looked over at Andy and smiled as I kissed his nose.

My outfit was simple: a My Chemical Romance tee shirt, black skinny jeans, and my blue high-tops that match my hair.
My makeup was just black eyeliner and some lip-gloss.
I’m ready.

I left the house after I said goodbye to my mom. I was walking when I felt someone next to me.
“Hey Blue,” Tom said to me.
“Go away,” I said walking faster.
“I see you don’t have your little emo friend, did he ditch you?” he said in a fake sad voice and put his arm around me.
I shoved him off and said “No, he’s just sick is all.”
“Riiiiiight,” he said and laughed.
I wanted to punch him so badly right now, but I couldn’t.

Tom followed me the whole way to school, but I finally ditched him when I got to Mr. Adams class.

“Megan, have you seen Andrew?” Mr. Adams asked me.
“Oh yeah, he’s sick, caught the stomach bug,” I told him.
“Alright, give him his homework and tell him I said to get better.”
“Will do Mr. Adams.”

The day has gone by so slowly, but it’s finally lunch time.
I walked over to mine and Andy’s usual spot, and sat down against the tree, nodding off here and there.

“Hey, Blue!” I heard Tom’s annoying voice.
He walked over to me and sat down.
“Need some company?” he smirked.
“No,” I said closing my eyes again.
He laughed, and I could still tell he was there.
“Go away, I’m sleeping,” I said angrily.
“Fine, but I’ll be back,” he said and finally walked away.

I endured the rest of the day by either sleeping or listening to music.
It was finally time to go home.
I was so excited, because Andy should already be awake when I get there.

I hurriedly got out of my chair, and walked over to mine and Andy’s locker.
I got the books that I needed to do my homework, and slammed the door shut.
I heard foot steps.

“Tom, go away!” I shouted at him.
“But why?” he asked in a fake sad voice again.
“I don’t like you,” I said simply, and picked up my step.
Tom was quick to catch up though.

“Why so excited to go home?” he asked me.
“None of your business,” I said running away.
I looked behind me, there was no way he could catch me.

I reached my house, and opened the door.
When I walked in a pair of strong arms greeted me.
Andy’s awake, and well.
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this took me a few weeks to type up...been really not myself lately but i got it done for you guys c: