Im A Vampire, He's Andy Sixx, And Im In Love With Him

chapter 14

This is Andy’s P.O.V. of the last chapter c:

Even though I was passed out—sort of—I could still hear everything perfectly.
There was a knock on the door, and Megan had moved away from me to listen to her mom and whoever was at the door.

The voice belonged to my mother…she was pissed I knew it.
“Where’s the boy?” she asked Megan’s mom.
She lied for me, saying that she didn’t know.
Then I heard Megan go down there after a while.
She was scared to death.

I could read her mind along with her mom’s.
She was worried about me, I can’t believe that she even cares about me, I’m nothing.
I’m worthless, everyone thought that, but not her, she’s different.

After Megan and her mom talked and had dinner, she came back up to check on me.
She pushed some hair out of my face, and kissed my cheek.
She said—well thought—that’d I’d be awake soon
Good, then I can see her beautiful face again.
Megan got into bed with me, and cuddled close, and then she was out like a light.
If I could move my body, I’d pull her closer and wrap my arms around her.
She slept peacefully; her dreams were about us together. She was happy, and so was I.

I heard Megan’s alarm clock in the morning. She got out of bed. It took her a while to get ready, but when she was done, she kissed my nose and thought that the transformation would be over today—I hoped so—and then she left.

After she left, I couldn’t hear her thoughts anymore…I’d just have to wait until she got home.

I spent the day laying here—that’s all I could do—and thinking.
I thought of how it’s going to be being a vampire. Would people notice the difference in my complexion?
Probably not, I’ve always been pale.

What about my teeth? How would I hide them? Megan has to teach me so much about all of this. I wouldn’t want to get them in trouble because I don’t know how to hide my fangs properly.

After a few hours of lying here, Megan’s mother came up to check on me.
She sat next to me on the bed and moved some hair out of my eyes like Megan did.
You’ll be awake soon, she thought.
Good, I thought back.
I knew she could hear it, because she patted my arm.

She continued to sit there.
I felt myself being able to move.
I opened my eyes, and tried to sit up.
“No stay down for right now,” Megan’s mom told me and I listened.

She got up, and went downstairs and came back a few minutes later with a bag full of thick red liquid.
“Here,” she said handing me the bag, “drink this.”
I hesitated at first, because it was blood, I’ve never liked blood.

Nonetheless I drank it.
Surprisingly it was good, and it was gone in two seconds.
“Thank you,” I said my voice hoarse.
She smiled and told me I could sit up now.
I sat up and looked around.
My vision was better than it’s ever been.

“How do you feel?” she asked.
“Good,” I said stretching out.
“Good,” she said with another smile.
I smiled back at her, and she told me that Megan would be back from school any minute now.
I smiled more and got up from the bed.

“We’ll wait for her downstairs,” Megan’s mom said and we both went downstairs.
I stood by the door, anxiously waiting for Megan to walk through the door.

I was standing there for about five minutes, when the door opened.
There she was.
She walked right into my arms, and I hugged her for about five minutes, and then she looked up at me.
♠ ♠ ♠
2 updates in one day whooo:3