Im A Vampire, He's Andy Sixx, And Im In Love With Him

Chapter 2

As we walked down the hall, people stared at us weirdly .We ignored them, and kept on walking. "So, are we hanging out for lunch?" Andy asked me. "Yeah," I said with a smile on my face, and kept on walking. We got to the classroom, and we took our seats. I hated science class; it was one of my most hated classes. I was staring off into space, Andy tapped my shoulder. "What?" I asked him. "Nothing, are you ok?" he asked me. "Yeah, I'm fine, why?" I asked. "I don't know," was all he said, and turned his attention back to Mrs. Nichols. After class was over, we walked outside for lunch. I wasn't eating. “Aren’t you hungry?” Andy asked me. “No,” was my short reply, as I took a sip of water.

“Oh, ok then,” Andy said continuing to eat his lunch.

I sipped my water, trying to read his mind. Yeah, I can read minds.

“Wow this girl is weird, but cool, I like her”

Andy smiled at his thought.

I smiled to, because I liked the thought of him saying I was cool.

“What are you smiling about?” Andy asked me.

“Oh nothing,” I said looking at him.

After a moment of silence, I asked him if he wanted to come over. He agreed.

“Now to call my mom, and tell her to hide some things before we get there.” I thought to myself.

I got my phone out, and sent my mom a message telling her to do so right away.

“My mom said it was ok,” I said with a tiny smile on my face.

“Ok, cool,” he said smiling just a little as well.

The bell rang, so we left for our locker, we even linked arms, and kind of skipped down the hall.

The thought of Andy’s blood still was tempting, but I’m resisting it, it’s hard, but I’m doing my best.


So after school, me and Andy walked to my house.

We were going to do some home work together.

Well before he could come over, my mom had to put some stuff away, like boxes of the blood we had, just in case we couldn’t go out and hunt nowhere.

Our arms were still linked, we were still skipping.

People stared, but we didn’t care.

We walked into my house

“Mom, I’m home,” I said.

“In the kitchen,” she yelled back.

“Common,” I said pulling Andy along with me to the kitchen.