Im A Vampire, He's Andy Sixx, And Im In Love With Him

Chapter 4

After we finally finished our homework, we went to the movies. Andy bought our tickets, even though I told him not to. He bought me a bottle of water, and himself a soda. He also bought popcorn, and candy.

"You didn't have to," I said with a smile.

"I wanted to," he said smiling back at me.

We were going to see 'Scott Pilgrim VS. The World.'

I was sipping my water when Andy put his arm around me. I put my head on his shoulder. He looked at me and smiled, I smiled back at him. Then he just turned back to the screen, and so did I.

After the movie, Andy walked me home.

We were linking arms as we walked.

"I had fun," I said to him.

"So did I," he said smiling.

It was silent for the rest of the walk, but a comfortable one.

When we reached my house, Andy unlinked our arms, and took my hands in his.

He kissed my cheek, and whispered a goodnight, and then he was gone.

I was smiling when I walked through the door.

"Have fun?" my mom asked me as she handed me a glass with a red liquid, blood. That was our dinner.

"Yes," I said smiling even bigger. My mom was smiling at me thoughts, and said 'good' with an even bigger smile.

That night I was thinking of telling Andy about us. But also debating it, I mean we did just meet today.

Maybe I'll tell him, but when the times right.

I finally decided on that and closed my eyes, and drifted off into a peaceful sleep(yes we sleep, even though were dead.)