Im A Vampire, He's Andy Sixx, And Im In Love With Him

Chapter 5

When I woke up the next morning, I quickley changed my clothes, and brushed my teeth. I went downstairs and was greeted by my mom and Andy.

"Morning," my mom said and then drank from her mug

"Morning," I said and sat next to Andy at the tabel.

"Morning Andy," I said and he looked up at me with a smile.

"Good morning."

My mom sat down a coffee mug in front of me, and I drank the warm liquid. with a touch of blood, just how I liked it.

After I was done, Andy and I headed out the door to start our walk to school.

"Did you sleep good?" Andy asked after a few minutes.

"Yeah, thanks, did you?" I replied with a smile.

He hesitated a minute or so before he replied. "Yeah, fine," he was looking down at the sidewalk now. Something was wrong, I could tell.

Why did I just lie to her? Andy thought. Yes I was reading his mind.

Well I can't just tell her about what happened last night, could I?

I mean, we just met yesterday, I don't wanna scare her off.

I wonder what he meant by that, but I left it at that, and we walked the rest of the way in silence.

In English class, Mr. Adams was talking about starting some novel when the door opened, and revealed the person that kissed me yesterday.

"Mr. Evans, please take a seat.

He didn't reply, just walked to the back, and sat next to me.

He looked at me, and winked.

"Tom Evans, nice to meet you," he whispered. I easily ignored him, and tried to pay attention to Mr. Adams.

I noticed from the corner of my eye that Tom kept looking over at me through out the rest of the class.

When class was over, I walked over to Andy's desk, and shook his arm to wake him up.

"Wahh.." he said sleepily. I laughed at him, and told him that class was over. He got and stretched, and we started walking.

When lunch time came around, I noticed that Andy didn't look too good.

"Are you ohk, Andy?" I had asked, and he said he was fine, but I could easily tell that he wasn't.

"Hey, Blue!" I heard an annoying voice coming towards us. Tom.

"Hey, what are you doing with the emo kid?" he asked me.

"Emo, what?" I asked looking at him, and then to Andy. Of course, he meant him.

"Nevermind, why don't you have lunch with me Blue," he said with a smirk.

"One, my names not 'Blue' and two, I'm having lunch with Andy," I said, putting my arm around his shoulders. He looked up at me and smiled just a little.

"Why would you want to hang with him anyways?" Tom asked me.

"Because, I like him, and he's not a perv like you," I said with a smile, and my head cocked to the right.

"Fine. But if you change your mind, let me know," he smirked, and then he was gone. Asshole.

"Thanks," Andy said after he left.

"No problem," I said smiling, and then hugged him. He hesitated a second, but hugged me back.

I had to figure out what was wrong with him, he looked so down.

"Are you sure you're ok, Andy?" I asked again.

"Yeah, I'm fine," he said with a fake looking smile and looked back down at the ground.

I asked him if he wanted to come over to do homework, but he said he had to get home.

The rest of the day went by kinda slow. At least Tom didn't bother me the rest of the day.

When the final bell rang, Andy and I walked to our locker, and put our books away, and started walking.

Andy walked with me to my house. We were both quiet for a while until Andy's phone rang.

"Hello?" he answered

"Where are you?" I heard an angry voice on the other end.

"I'm on my way home now mom," Andy said looking away from me.

I didn't pay attention to the rest of the conversation, I didn't wanna be rude.

"I-I've gotta go," Andy said, seeming even more down.

"Oh," I said looking down.

He didn't say anything, but he started walking in the other direction.

"Hey!" I called after him.

He turned around, and started walking back towards me.

He was still holding his phone, so I took it from him, and put my number in there.

"If you, uhm, need anything, you can call me, I mean, if you want."

Andy walked up to me, and hugged me tightly, and kissed my cheek.

"Thanks, but I've really got to go, I'm sorry," he said looking down again.

"It's fine," I said with a little smile tugging at my lips.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" he asked.

Tomorrow was saturday.

"Yeah, of course," I said smiling now. Andy smiled too.

Without anymore words, Andy was gone.

I realy hope he's ok. I thought as I walked the rest of the way to my house alone.

Andy's POV

Man I was in so much trouble.

I was late getting home lastnight, and my mom yelled at me, and almost hit me, luckily I ducked though.

I couldn't tell Megan, I wanted to though.

As I walked through the door, my mom was already yelling at me

"Where were you!" she yelled

"I-I-I was walking a friend home," I said quietly.

"That girl?! I thought I told you to stay away from her."

I cringed from her loudness.

She noticed. She laughed, and then smacked me hard right near my eye.

I didn't cry...yet. My mother just looked at me, and I ran to my room and locked the door.

I could call Megan, I thought.

or I could...