Desperation Devastation

B, D and R-G.

Lance and I didn't really talk to each other on the way to Bob and Mikey's. I guess its just because I'm not used to having him around, not that I don't like him around, its just so different.

Mikey answered the door.


"Hey Mikey, Bob there?" I asked.


I grinned, "Sweet."

Lance was being all shy and moody, sometimes it irritates me when he does that.

Once again I could hear music from upstairs. Memories from that day flooded into my mind, pricking my eyes with tears and weakening my knees.

I heard Bob playing drums. someone was strumming a rhythm guitar and someone else was playing a bass. I felt a huge sinking feeling wash over me, we hadn't been practicing in a couple of weeks.

I sighed. Not only did I realise that we might be getting rusty, I realised that with Naomi being gone, there was a gap in the band.

I know that no-one's ever gonna be able to play bass the same as Naomi, but it was her dream to be famous, she wanted to be world-renowned for her music. I'm never gonna let her down.

Mikey opened the door and the music stopped.

Bob, Alex, and I think her name was Jess, were looking at us.

"Hi!" Alex said. Her eyebrows shot up.

"Hi Lance!" squealed Alex.

"How y'all doin'?" I asked, putting on a southern accent.

"Good," Jess replied.

"Likewise," Alex said.

Bob just looked at his shoes.

Bob had a big room, but with Lance, Mikey, Alex, Jess, Bob and I crammed in there, along with several instruments, it started to feel a bit crowded.

"Um, this is Lance, he just came back from England this morning."

There was a mixture of greeting, ranging from a yell "Hi!" to a nod in recognition.
Lance nodded back, being all moody again.

They resumed their playing, Bob on drums, Mikey juggling his bass with Jess, Alex playing a couple of chord on her amethyst, purple rhythm guitar.

Bob stopped playing.

"Erm, I'm just gonna go outside, I'm feeling a bit claustrophobic." He announced, standing up.

"You've got a point," Jess said, following him out the door.

"OK," Lance said, taking Jess's seat.

Alex and Mikey were playing again, it sounded awesome.
"What's that?" I asked, after they'd finished.

"Just something we've been working on together." Mikey said, setting down his mocha-coloured bass.

"It sounds great," I said.

Alex blushed and gathered some sheets of paper off the floor.

"Naomi would've had some real competition," Lance said.

Alex smirked and carried on picking up notes.