Desperation Devastation

Sleep Deprivation + Skittles = Fun

Later that day...

I was sitting on the couch, next to Gerard who was drinking yet another cup of coffee, Bob had gone to bed, Frank was mind-bogglingly hyper, Ray was just damned happy and Jess was curled up in a corner, absorbing the darkness.
"What have you been doing lately Emile?" Ray asked.

My body filled with ice. Memories seeped into my mind.

"I love you Naomi,
'Til death do us part,
And reserved for you,
Is a space in my heart."


My mind snapped back into focus.
"Nothing," I gulped.

"Nothing since..."

"Oh... Right," Ray said. It was awkward for a moment.

Suddenly, Gerard leaped up and tackled Frank to the floor.
Thousands of Skittles poured out of Frank's pocket, forming a colourful explosion on the carpet.
"Aha! Just as I suspected!" Gerard yelled.

"No! You burst the packet!" Frank screamed.

Gerard cracked up laughing, rolling around on the floor, clutching his sides. Frank was frantically picking up his Skittles, with a wild look in his eyes.
Ray was kneeled over, silently cracking up. Jess was hunched over, in her corner, chortling.
I laughed and crawled onto the floor to help Frank. I picked up a purple Skittle and threw it at Frank.
"Hey! Don't help him!" Gerard yelled, swiping my hands away.

"What?! I'm not helping him!" I lied.

"Yes you are!"

"No I'm not, I threw one at him!"

"You were going to help him! You don't aid an addict! Especially one in Frank's situation!" Gerard declared. Frank looked up at him with a hungry expression.

I growled and tackled Gerard. He held his ground too, it was like hitting a wall.
He pushed me and I landed on a couple of Skittles, those Skittles felt like a bed of nails.
Gerard pinned me down and Ray tickled me until I couldn't breathe and my legs had stopped kicking.
Bob stumbled down the stairs wearing only boxer shorts.
"What the fuck is goin' on 'ere?" He mumbled, rubbing his eyes.

Jess awakened, her eyes widened as she saw what little clothing Bob was wearing.
Gerard and Ray looked up with could-be innocent expressions, "Nothing." They said, simultaneously.

"Leave the poor girl alone would you? You've known her less than a day and you're already on top of her, Gerard."

Gerard immediately backed away from me, returning to his nest on the couch. His pale face was flushed with red, the only contrast apart from his honey-coloured eyes. Ray had already escaped to the bathroom, fearing an angry, groggy Bob.
I sat up and crawled back over to the couch.

Bob waddled to the kitchen and Jess followed him happily, giving me the thumbs up as she checked out his ass. I snickered. I ran my hand through my matted hair and found a yellow Skittle. I nudged Gerard and he looked at me.

I tiptoed to the snoring Frank, he had blobbed out on the arm-chair after the Skittle fiasco. Gerard understood and tiptoed after me. He retrieved a green Skittle from the floor too. I gently shoved the yellow Skittle up Frank's nose. He carried on snoring. Gerard nearly busted a rib, holding his laughter in.

He leaned over and slowly but surely, placed the green Skittle up Frank's other nostril. We giggled and ran over to the couch again.

Ray plodded back from the bathroom loudly, until we gave him the "Shh" signal. He nodded and tiptoed towards us. Gerard pointed to Frank with candy up his nose. Ray snickered and sat down.

Bob came out of the kitchen with Jess still trailing him, grinning, obviously happy to trial him around.
We motioned for them to watch. They sat down eagerly.
A few minutes passed.
Frank's snoring suddenly stopped and we sat forward with madness written on all our faces.


Two Skittles zoomed out of Frank's nose and he jumped up and started spazzing out.
We all cracked up laughing as Frank started going crazy. He was screaming obscenities at Gerard, Ray and I ,but we were too amused to take in what he was saying.