Desperation Devastation

Pranking Your Mind

Wrapping a towel around my damp body, I stepped out of the shower cubicle.
I shook my hair like a dog, propelling droplets of lukewarm water upon the walls, envisioning the look of disgust from Cassandra. Typical clean-freak.

I looked into the mirror, seeing the same gaunt features. Not too bad. It could all be worse.
I attempted a smile, yet my face transformed into a false image of happiness, yet that's all I wanted to be. And that's what I shall be, in no time.
I'm going to go see Lance, I need to sort things out for myself otherwise it's just never going to happen. I should have cleared up all this crap earlier. He is worth it. We've been together enough to know each other, trust each other and love each other. There's no need to blow it all away.
I've had enough time to think this through.

I padded out of the bathroom, leaving a mess behind. I know you should be gracious when you're boarding with friends, but they all love me and they'll understand. They'd better.
I walked down the hall to my room and opened the door, no-one was in, Tayler was somewhere, mosty likely working at the fitness centre. I glanced at the clock, 4:08PM. She's probably just finished work and waiting downtown for Alex, who'll be ending her shift at 4:30.

I pulled on my underwear and searched for something decent to wear, I've gotta impress Lance at least, show him I'm not completely lost without him.

Although it seems that he likes me when I'm weak.

I found a lace camisole and a blood red, floor-length skirt. I put them on and examined which boots to torture. I grabbed plain black boots and stole Cassandra's Winnie The Pooh socks. God knows how they got in here. Maybe I should wear a jacket.
Nope, it's fine.

Pulling the curtains open, I felt my eyes sting as my pupils adjusted to the sunlight. I craned my neck up to get a better look at the sky. Still overcast. On second thought, maybe I should wear a jacket. I grabbed my trusty black leather jacket and left the room.

"Holy fuck! It's Emile! Where've you been all this time?!" I heard a voice yell as I trodded down the stairs. Followed by a wolf whistle.

I looked up to see Jess sitting next to Frank on our lumpy couch, watching something on television that sounded utterly disgusting.

I laughed and plonked onto my favourite overly stripy 70's armchair. I took a proper look at the TV.

The O.C?!?!

I screamed.
"Why the fuck are your guys watching The O.C?!" I hollered, jumping out of my chair.
Frank and Jessica simoultaneously burst out laughing, making me feel like a fool, yet still wondering what the hell was going on.
They both regained their breath and composure, Frank had the hiccups and Jess had tears in her eyes.

"We... Hic... We wanted....Hic....To.." Frank couldn't contain himself and exploded with giggles and hiccups.
"He's trying to say that... Hahaha... That we wanted to... Teehee... Play a prank on you!" Jess squeezed out. They both erupted into laughter, clutching their ribs and rolling onto the floor.
I rolled my eyes and walked to the door before I was cut off by Frank's voice.

"Where are you off to all dolled up?" Frank asked, craning his head to look at me in curiousity.
"I'm going to fix my life." I said and walked out the door.