Desperation Devastation

Donuts Taste The Same As Being Alone.

Oh the sweet solice of the candy-coloured walls of Dunkin' Donuts.

Shit, no seats left.

Alex and I scanned the room for empty seats, in a would-seem scary social situation like this, I'd normally walk out of the store and find another food craving. But nothing, and I mean Nothing stops Alex when she wants donuts, not even having to sit with a screaming baby and his over-worked mother.

Yet we found a seat in surprisingly no time. It was next to a girl with short brownish purple hair, light brown eyes, 2 ear piercings with a nose piercing. She was eating a cinnamon donut and listening to an iPod.

"Do you mind if we sit here?" I asked.

She answered in a small voice. "No, not at all,"

I smiled and took a seat. Alex followed suit. "Thanks, are you waiting for someone?"


"Whats your name?" Alex queried.

"Susy, yours?"

"Alex, and this is Emile,"

I waved retardedly and stuck out my chin. Susy laughed flicked her short hair away from her face.
"I'm quite competent at making my own introduction Alexandra,"

"Well, I'm gonna go get a milkshake," Said Susy.

When she stood up, she was surprisingly short. Or fun-sized as you could call it.
"Wait, I'm coming with you to get a donut, which donut is you wanting Emz?"Asked Alex.

"Oh great, leave me by myself why don't you?! And I'll have one with sprinkles,"

Alex grinned and left me all alone. Alone. Hmph, at least she'll come back with food.

Out of the corner of my eye I see The guy in the black trenchcoat again. But this time he was with another, a tall-ish guy wearing an Anthrax tee, with light brown hair and had thick-rimmed glasses with small frames.

The black-haired guy looked at me, so I looked back. There's no point in acting like an embarassed schoolgirl is there?